Thomas and his mother both went into the living room to comfort Annie Rose age 7, Thomas age 9, says I want you !! I was just trying to keep you out of trouble !! And her mama says, your dad and I both want you both and we love you both whatever you are !! When their dad came home from work he belted both Thomas and Annie, Thomas did not resist but Annie said daddy I`m your baby girl you would not belt your baby girl now would you? He says, I love you ....After what happened on the baseball field {see Brotherly Love.} Annie Rose, who turned 8, two days earlier began to go her own way. Her body Read more
Thomas And Anna Rose....After The Surgery.
After Thomas told his parents where he got Annie Rose`s new name from, they went down to get some coffee. In the mean time Anna Rose, age 7, woke up her 9 year old brother Thomas was by her bed side. And says, how`re you feeling? Anna Rose replied weird. Thomas says, well you`re a weird a k**. When her brother said that tears began to roll down her face, and then she turned her back to him and push the call light and told the nurse crying get my brother out of here !! He left !! As he was leaving he saw a nurse coming toward his sister, and I`m leaving !! As he was walking the hall he met his Read more
Brotherly Love.......'
When little Elbert was born he was male. But at the age of 7, he started having deep pains in his private area. His parents took him to the doctor who sent them to a nearby c***dren`s hospital after running a cat scan & and an M.R.I. There doctors find out what the problem was and called the parents aside. And said you know you have a very sick c***d. That`s because Elbert`s a female not a male. 9 year old Thomas was listen to every word being said. He stopped playing video games with Elbert, when their parents left the room to go out in the hall to talk to the doctors and stood right insi Read more
Special Child
Ruth was 62 and Bill was 71 when they created little Adrain who was an accident really Ruth and Bill had grown c***dren and grandc***dren. Enjoying life to the fullest, and then Mrs. Cart`s doctors started her on homo treatments for medical reasons. Mr. Cart was not as sexual active as he once was but still enjoyed sex from time to time. About a week later Ruth and her husband Bill because a little silly for their ages. Nine days later Mrs. Cart went to her doctor for a check up and found out that she was going to have an other c***d, nine months later Adrain Daniel was born shorty there after Read more
Clay and his big brother.
Keith was 9, when his brother Clay 3, became ill, his right k**ney stopped working and left one was only working five percent doctors had to do something fast or Clay would perish !! Clay`s family did not want him to ware a pouch or bag on his side to make water. Upon learning this the doctors told the family that little Clay would died in a very short time !! Keith only 9 years of age hears this setting in Clay`s hospital room and runs out into the hall way where his parents were talking with the doctors and with tears in his eyes, and asked can I give Clay one of my k**neys the parents had a Read more
John Wells and Kevin Carter had known each other since age 4, at first it was a normal friendship. Running and playing the way k**s do and as they got older and started going to school together and was in the same class on top of that they became even closer and started staying at each other homes, they was together 95 percent of the time even know their peers did not understand their friendship whereas Kevin Carter was white and John Wells was black.But race was not an issue for either family. The boys was always there for each other when needed. Just before his tenth birthday John Wells star Read more
Gary was 8, and Gage was 11, at the time of the accident that their parents they was out for a family joy ride when their father lost control of the car. It hit a mountain side crossed the country road and went down a hill 150 feet landed on it`s top and came to back on it`s wheel, when 11 year old Gage come to he saw that his parents were deceased and he saw his younger brother Gary about 25 feet away from the car face down on the ground. All know jury with two broken arms and legs, He bend over the front seat between his two dead parents and his mother`s cell phone and called for help !! And Read more
Wanda and her husband Bill ages 35 & 40 had been trying for two years to have another c***d when a winter storm hit their home town they both felt aroused and really was ready for some sexual enjoyment but they had a 9 year old son in the house they tried everything to get him to stay in his room for a few hours but he would not do so !!! And all know that it was 1 ;00 pm little Bill, Jr.`s father told his wife to fix the little guy a bowel of Ice cream and placed two mild sleep aids there in it would not hurt him just relax him calm him down and put him into a restful sleep for around 8 h Read more
Samuel Paul & His Little Brother
After all of the courts got their issues settle with my family three years later my younger brother Paul, Jr. who was almost 7 at the time I myself was almost 9, we went to a special needs camp for boys giving the fact that my little brother was born at 5 month and was some what slower then other k**s it was a camp for normal brothers and their special needs brothers to be together without the fear of being bullying by others. It seemed to be a great place at first and then I began to hear stories about camp medical personal taking the special needs c***dren and giving us normal brothers of th Read more
When 4 year old Paul, Jr, found this out he went to Samuel Paul and cries saying I`m so glad that you are my big brother !! Paul, Jr. reaction was a shocker to everyone in the room !! Paul, Jr. started staying with his grandfather more then never before just to be with his new found brother !! Samuel Paul who`s only 5 years old at this point is more like an adult a loner on top of that. But always found time to play and cut up with his little half brother Paul, Jr. This got him thinking HEY we are family have always been family and will always be a family !! So two weeks later he told the judg Read more
Our story starts in.... The court room as Jim White tried to adopt his two step c***dren !! Paul, got a lawyer in order to stop the adoptions and also to take his brother Samuel Paul White age 5, away from his adopted father.When asked by his father`s lawyer why he was doing this his reply was he`s mine I have that right !! His dad`s lawyer says is it not true that you ran away with the U.S ARMY i*****lly by placing your parents names on Permission forms when you had sex with the c***d`s real mother who was disabled and gone when her parents tried to abort him ? At point the 5 year old Samuel Read more
This is a story about three closed brothers!!......No one knew what Paul While age 17, was up to or why he`d what he did!! You see what happened he knotted a 18 year old woman up that was handicapped that he was staying with while the parents worked. They paid $ 100.00 per day !! For her care !! One day he became aroused sexual and she saw it and asked him to have sex with her so he`d. And Paul after wards was afraid that her family would have him arrested so he went to a local U.S. Army Center and i*****lly put his parents names on the forms giving him permission to join the Army. And in a we Read more
Adam And His Brothers Part # 3.
Paul says, little brother we were in same situation as you !! Paul stated surely even at your age you can understand that !! At this point Paul picks up little Samuel in his Adam helped with I.V poll. Samuel says, I`m a baby at least that`s what you guys say and I`m always used to having you around to protect me !! And we`ll be if at possibly, but there`s times in life we our will be there but we`ll not always be able to be with but our love will !! Paul says, he goes to say listen k** oh !! When I allowed Dr. Ho, to put you to sleep without a fight it was for your own good !! Adam says, shut- Read more
Adam And His brothers, Part #2
Five minutes later both Adam and Paul was asleep, 15 hours later Paul wake up in the recover room, but his was no where to be found. He asked the nurse where are my brothers ? The nurse not knowing the situation says, sweetheart no one`s allowed in here but doctors and nurses. Paul says, mad`ad you don`t understand we all went into surgery together I gave my 9 year old brother part of my liver and my younger brother gave him a lung. The nurse went and got her boss, in the mean time Adam and Samuel was wheeled into recover room with the doctor right behind them !!! The doctor went over to Paul, Read more
Adam And His Brothers
Adam took sick all at once at age 9, his liver and lungs was hit hard by this unknown illness. Doctors did not understand what was happening but it did as if Adam would a new liver and lung. When Adam`s parents were told this they were tested but did not match and their health would not allow them to help their son Adam Adam had two brothers Samuel age 5, and Paul age 11, So they placed in c***dren`s hospital in an ward together all three of them. Later that night the parents were asked to leave the room while the respiaratiory test was performed on the five year old Samuel where they give med Read more
Jay And April
These two were the age born three hours apart their families lived next door to one another and were close friends from the start the age of 10 these two played together as normal little boys and girls do !! Around his little friends Jay, acting as if he hated April one day she went home crying and asked her mother why Jay Sky hated so much ? When her father came home from work and told about what had taken place Mr. Greenwise went out to see Mr. Sky. Who talked to Jay, who was 8, at time he said dad if I act as if I like a girl. The guys will give me the business !! But he really did like Apr Read more
Richard And Little Tom....Part # 2.
And was on his I-phone when security came and the asked to talk to the security officer was and told them that the state police would be there in 20 minutes with a court order blocking any actions that they may take and this family could suit them personal for any actions taken !!! So they left about 15 minutes later the court order was delivered to the hospital at the same time as the boys medical counselor got there, she was shown the court order and says, I resign and walks out !! Rick, Sr and his legal counselor alone with Tom, Sr. took Richard age 11, to the local police station to be boo Read more
Richard And Little Tom .
Richard was three years older then little Tom they grew up together one day when everyone else was over 101-A Sweet Drive they were at the guest house over at 101-B Sweet Dive messing around. when two boys got into a fight over a video game, Richard age 11, said okay you win little Tom age 8, Richard then went and got a baby bottle put green tea in it then full it with medicine that kept women from created babies and some sleeping medicine and made his oldest brother`s son age 8 take the medicine by holding him down on the floor and putting the baby bottle into his month and making him suck th Read more
Tom And Rick Part #2
The doctor looked at the parents that stated that Tom knew Rick, Jr. even better then they did in some ways !! So Rick, Jr. even know in a daze from the medicines given was released from Macy`s hospital. And went home. when home he asked his best friend and soon to be adopted brother Tom to come over to his power chair and hugged him and became very emotional and you`re my only true friend in whole world thank you for sticking your neck out for me !! Three days later Tom was adopted by Rick, Sr. and Carol Buell. Everyone was great for the remaining of the next two weeks until the court date ca Read more
Tom & Rick.
Tom Dean Fields age 8, was walking down the street about five blocks from his home, when he saw another little boy about 5 years of age in a wheelchair being bully. He ran over to stop the bullies. And they ran away. Tom went up to the door of his house and got his parents who was watching television and knew nothing about what was taking place out on their lawn. After Rick`s parents were told what has happened, and calmed their son down they thanked the young man and he says, you`re welcome Sir. The father asked who might you be ? He says, Tom Dean Fields Sir, the father says, glad to meet yo Read more