Tom & Rick.

Tom Dean Fields age 8, was walking down the street about five blocks from his home, when he saw another little boy about 5 years of age in a wheelchair being bully. He ran over to stop the bullies. And they ran away. Tom went up to the door of his house and got his parents who was watching television and knew nothing about what was taking place out on their lawn. After Rick`s parents were told what has happened, and calmed their son down they thanked the young man and he says, you`re welcome Sir. The father asked who might you be ? He says, Tom Dean Fields Sir, the father says, glad to meet you son, this here is Rick Buells Jr. he`s 6 years old today !! We`re having a birthday for him in about three hours would you like to stay Tom replies, I`d love to but I have no gift to give Rick says, Da-d-dy I w-ant hi-m to s-ta-y. His dad, said tell him. Rick has has a speech problem but says T-o-m plea-se s-tay. Tom asked Sir, why does he talk so funny ? His father says, Well, Tom can`t help that he has cerebral palsy which means that his brain does not work like your`s and mine does but he`s very bight and smart as a tact. Tom helped Mr. Buells, get Rick back in the house and calls his mama, and told her where he was and asked her to come and meet these nice people and bring his $ 5.00 that he had in his bed side table, so his mama honored his request she always kept an eye on her son`s play mates and their families to get some ideal of who they were !! When she got to the address given. Her son and Rick Jr was playing video games !! Tom`s mother fell in love little right away he so cute and sweet. It not take long for to began to the rest of the family !! The boys because very close friends, doing almost every thing together Tom looked after young Rick at school even taken care of his personal needs if needed. Three year later Tom`s mother was killed in a car accident Tom was badly hurt in accident the Buells, stood by him and had no grandparents, uncles or ants to care for when social workers came to hospital the Buell family are about adopted Tom ? It turns out that Tom`s mother wrote in her will that her manor son by taken care by the Buell family. After Tom`s mother was buried everything went great until Rick, Jr. was 11, Rick, Jr has a power chair because of his cerebral palsy so he went into a local gas station and shoplift, and left and found Tom at a nearby friend`s house and stopped and showed Tom what he had taken. Tom said Rick you know better then that !! About that time a city police car pulled up, an officer got and went over to Rick and said son were you just at the gas station down the street Tom spoke up and I made him do go there and the stuff !! He`s handicapped he has c.p. cerebral palsy Sir, the officer says, you`re under arrest you both are actually !! And then Rick, Jr started to cry. Tom tries his best to reassure Rick, Jr that everything would be alright as he was being placed in handcuffs and as the officers was placing Rick, Jr. age 11 in handcuffs Tom asked is the really needed he handicapped? The officer told Tom to shut up and Rick started to again Mrs. Buell who was called by the boy`s friend`s mother pulled up just as the officer was getting ready to placed a mouth stopper on little 11 year old Rick, JR the family`s legal counselor along with Rick, Sr. pulled right behind her and mother of the boys friend came out and said the state police will be in a minute about that the state trooper with his light on calling for the road came from another direction the family`s legal counselor called stop in the name of the law !! The city officer did not pay any mind to the man. and placed the mouth stopper over little Rick`s mouth Tom was crying saying help little Rick somebody when the state trooper saw what was being done to the c***d he radioed in to the city police department and asked that the city officer`s boss. come and he went over and removed the mouth stopper !! And interviewed all parties there. The boys was taken by the state trooper to the hospital to be be checked out, and to the local hall of justice to be booked and changed with shoplifting and aiding in the crime thereof and released to their parents. While the boys was being booked their parents was paying their bail as well as filing a law suit against the arrested officer and the city`s police department. When the parents got the boys home they belted Tom was first in the the bathroom on his naked ass with pants and shorts down while Tom was being corrected his little brother Rick, Jr. was crying, and Rick, Jr. was next his dad putted him on the bed on his stomach butt naked and took the belt to him Tom was begging his step in dad to not belt Rick, Jr while crying !! After they were belted and fed dinner they went to bed Tom got in to bed with Rick, Jr after every thing was settle. Tom age 13 went over and got into with Rick, Jr. age 11, little Rick asked Tom wh-y di-d you t-ell that c-op that yo-u putt-ed me up to shop=lift ? Tom answered him saying I was trying to keep you out of trouble it not work Sorry !! It`s o-kay I l -ove you bu-t hate da-d an-d mo-m for belting m-e !! Tom says, little brother I love you but you`d do wrong and dad was only doing his job as your father . Now I`m going to go to sleep I`m tired !! Well, the next day Rick, Jr. did not talk to anyone this went on for one week even at school he spoke only a few words, after a week he was taken to the doctor they putted him the hospital Tom was always there with the Buells out in waiting room or with little Rick in his room. Three days later the doctor asked to the parents out in hall Tom followed them the doctor said I have no other choice but give you mind uttering medicines that keep him in a daze a dreaming like state that will enable him to talk when spoken Tom spoke up and oh no not my little brother !!! Then he got on his cell phone and asked to talk to John Knott who was his mother`s legal counselor before she was killed and says, I`m at Macy`s Hospital and in trouble so Mr. Knott went to the hospital as fast as he cold get there the doctor and Rick, Jr`s parents was still talking Mr. Buells says, Mr. Knott what are you doing here ? Mr. Knott replies Tom called me they all four looked at Tom who this statement if you allow them to make rag doll out of Rick, Jr. I wont be going home with you I`d rather be putted in forester care you heard me now Tom I am 13 and this is my life I will run away if you don`t help me. Mr. Knott said Tom give me time to find out what`s going then I`ll see to it that you are taken care of and if you don`t want to live with Bulls any longer I`ll find you a place to live I promised your mother that I would take care of you !! Rick, Jr. called to Tom and don`t go I`ll good this way all an act on my part. Tom says, it worked !! Tom started to cry and I was hoping something would happen to bring you out of it !! Mr. Knott please stay this is not over yet I might still leave. I want little Rick sent to a better hospital and treated as a human being, And in two weeks when I go to court on a fake shoplifting chance I want you there by my side to help Rick and me both out. And I want to adopted by the Buells to shut Rick, Jr. up !! The shocked doctor could not that Rick, Jr. had fooled everyone while Tom and Mr. Knott talk the others went to see Rick, Jr. his parents tried to love on and Rick, Jr. age 11, says, hey To-m g-et in her-e now !! Tom went and says, hey buddy what`s up ? Rick, Jr. says I am a li-ttle sle-epy b-ut wan-t to go h-ome today !! Tom told the doctor standing there release him he was acting the doctor asked are you sure Tom reply sure I`m !! Cont....Part # 2.
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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