Wanda and her husband Bill ages 35 & 40 had been trying for two years to have another c***d when a winter storm hit their home town they both felt aroused and really was ready for some sexual enjoyment but they had a 9 year old son in the house they tried everything to get him to stay in his room for a few hours but he would not do so !!! And all know that it was 1 ;00 pm little Bill, Jr.`s father told his wife to fix the little guy a bowel of Ice cream and placed two mild sleep aids there in it would not hurt him just relax him calm him down and put him into a restful sleep for around 8 hours . So she did as her husband said both went in and kissed little Bill, the c***d of their youth which they loved more then life it self. they watched him eat the ice cream within 15-minutes he was sleepy and bright enough to ask his parents why are you doing this to me ? They replied just relax sugar we wanted to do some grown up stuff and make you a big brother !! He was to tried to say anything he went into sleep mote his dad removed his shoes as he enter u*********sness. His dad picked him and carried him to his room, as his sad laid him on the bed he kissed his son`s forehead and his mother kissed her son`s left foot.however he talked very little in the two weeks that followed and nine months later when William Joshua Wells his baby brother was born he stayed as fair away as possible but then a break through happened one Friday night the family was asleep the baby starting crying and woke Bill, Jr. who just turned 10, the parents did not wake up so little Bill goes into the baby`s room and chanced him and warm the milk just a little and gave it to the baby he then kissed the baby on the forehead in the meantime the parents woke up and saw this on a security camera which they had set up in the baby`s room a few days passed the parents was busy with house work and asked Bill to go check on his brother he did not obey them at first !! The mother said stop being so bullheaded we know that you have feelings and care about your brother Bill age 10, breaks down and starts to cry !! And ran into his mama`s arms and says, oh yes I do indeed love William Joshua !! From that time on young Bill started to be a big brother. And then when Bill was 14 and William 4 William was in an all day, day care class at School it was an all in one building school system and Bill who was in Jr. High walked into the boy`s restroom and found his baby brother getting to know his body in front of his young classmate Bill ran over as fast as he could and pulled his brother`s pants up, and told him you can`t be doing that in public about that time a male teacher walked in and some of other 4-5 years old still had their pants down the teacher asked what`s going on here Bill, Jr. replied they were just being k**s sir please don`t get my brother in trouble and for saying that Bill, Jr. was sent to the office along with the other four younger students. All five students including Bill, Jr. was put out of school for a week. After they got home the boys went to their room which they shared together for only two days, and William Joshua asked his big brother why did everyone get so mad over what I`d ? Bill, Jr. says, what you did is to be done in private with no one around, but it`s feels good when I do it. Says, little William His brother smiles and says I know it feels good but you just can`t be doing it in public !! William asks what is my bird bird for? Bill, Jr. says, it`s called a penis. and it`s to pee out of and when you get older and start to like girls and want to be closed to them if that special girls gives you the okay you`ll stick your penis in her pussy and move your hips back and forward for about 20 minutes and you`ll release some white milky stuff called sperm but remember always use a rubber on your dick which is another name for penis you place the rubber on your dick before you do it to a girl,`because that`s how babies are made during the time you`re doing this you`ll kiss her and stuff!! The 4 years old says no way I hate girls !! Bill, Jr. says you just wait. William Joshua says, what ever !! Then he asked why `d you get in trouble today ? His big brother says `cause I ask the teacher to not get you in trouble I was trying to protect you but why ? Asked William, Bill, Jr. replies because I love you William Joshua says, I love you too their mother was standing outside the closed door and heard everything that was said. It put a smile on her face. {The End.}
6 years ago