Tom And Rick Part #2

The doctor looked at the parents that stated that Tom knew Rick, Jr. even better then they did in some ways !! So Rick, Jr. even know in a daze from the medicines given was released from Macy`s hospital. And went home. when home he asked his best friend and soon to be adopted brother Tom to come over to his power chair and hugged him and became very emotional and you`re my only true friend in whole world thank you for sticking your neck out for me !! Three days later Tom was adopted by Rick, Sr. and Carol Buell. Everyone was great for the remaining of the next two weeks until the court date came around they changed Tom with trying to cover up the crime which his brother done and changed Rick, Jr. with the actual crime of shoplifting both boys received 60-days in the state youth center for troubled boys the parents had to pay a $ 10.000 find and agree not to have any contact with their two sons for 60 days !! Tom age 13 did the best that he possibly could do to look after Rick, Jr. when they went in as inmates they were given an injection to lower their homos and make it impossible for them to become aroused when Tom asked why ? He was told that it was so the boys there would not be having sex with each other. one time two weeks after they got there Tom got into a fight with two boys that was making fun of Rick, Jr. after Tom was far enough away Rick. Jr. broke one of boys legs with his power chair both boys were locked up for four days alone without each other !! At the end of those four Tom found his brother all wet and setting in human wast. So he cleaned him up and told Rick, Jr. to keep out of his fights, little Rick, Jr. says no w-ay w-e`re in t-his to-gether Tom did not say any thing to his beloved brother but talked the social worker into sending him to a state School for the rest of the 60 days the brothers talked each day by phone and five letters were sent during that 40 days. When their parents came to get Tom age 13 they were told that Rick, Jr. was at The Westfield State School in Green River, They asked why ? Tom said I made a deal with Ms.Peters, if she would sent Rick off to that place I would work for her to do her private lawn work and things, look dad this was no place for him I took care of him as fair as they allowed me to but that was not good enough when they picked up little Rick he, at 11 years of age set on his mother`s lab all away home and did not talk to his older brother for a month.One day Rick was out in his power chair and Tom being not fair from him when he was hit by a car his brother took the hit harder Tom saw what was about to happen and got in between his brother and the car with his bike saving his brother from being hurt badly. Three days later their parents took little Rick to see Tom, Tom asked are you talking to me now Rick, Jr. ? Their dad says, can`t you just be brothers without fighting ? Rick, Jr. says, ev-ery ti-me I t-ry he stops me, he ha-d me sh-ipped off to Westfield sta-te sch-ool. Rick,Jr. says, no-w hon-est-ly. I jus-t wan-t to b-e nor-mal and be treat-ed as a rea-l bro-ther !! And starts to cry !!! Tom says, sorry man you`re handicapped face it we love you !! Little Rick starts to cry heavy and says, to-m whe-n I sa-w th-at ca-r I wa-s thi-nking tha-t I wa-s a goner bu-t y-ou got bew-een us. And I k-new I wo-uld be in Heaven wi-th yo-u !! And he went over to Tom`s right side and says, th-ankyou, Tom says, your welcome !! It`s been five years since that accident happened and the boys are very tied they now live in the guest house behind the parents house. Tom now has a three year son thanks to his brother who walked in on him and Ruth Carson having sex just as his brother orgasm and did not withdraw because of his brother`s actions it was later told that Rick, Jr.`s sperm tube was cut while he was at Westfield they made it impossible for him to have c***dren by performing surgery on him asked why he did not tell anyone ? he stated that he did not wish to have c***dren being handicapped. Rick, Jr. and Tom now have a four year old brother Richard him and Tom, Jr. age 3 are the center of the whole family`s life !! Ruth and Tom will be married next year. Rick, Jr. stays put according to his brother the six year old stays the biggest part of the time with his brothers 70 % of the time sleeping on their lazy boy chair !! {The End}
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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