Special Child

Ruth was 62 and Bill was 71 when they created little Adrain who was an accident really Ruth and Bill had grown c***dren and grandc***dren. Enjoying life to the fullest, and then Mrs. Cart`s doctors started her on homo treatments for medical reasons. Mr. Cart was not as sexual active as he once was but still enjoyed sex from time to time. About a week later Ruth and her husband Bill because a little silly for their ages. Nine days later Mrs. Cart went to her doctor for a check up and found out that she was going to have an other c***d, nine months later Adrain Daniel was born shorty there after Bill Cart passed away at the age 73, Adrain Daniel was 1 year and 4 months of age at this time. Time passed and ten years later. Something happened that Mrs. Cart did not understand she found her 11 year old son masturbating. She had always told people that he was such a good boy !!! But this she did not understand.She was so upset because back in her young days boys did not do that at that age so after calling her daughter she then called the doctor and was told that it was alright that 11 year old boys do masturbate and the doctor called social services who looked into the c***d`s well being, and ordered Mrs. Cart to take parental classes. A few weeks later Adrain Daniel asked his mother why do you hate me so much? She replied I don`t hate you baby I love you !! He asks her then mom why do you tell people I`m a c***d with muddy water in head ? She replied I`m just an old lady that`s all !! From that day forward he went to his brothers and sisters and families with his problems and troubles, he still loved and respected his mother from a far !! Today 20 years later Adrain Daniel Cart, M.D. is happily married with two sons of his own he goes home to Ohio as he can and visited his almost 93 year old mother that lives with a grandson there in Ohio. {The End.}
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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