Adam And His brothers, Part #2

Five minutes later both Adam and Paul was asleep, 15 hours later Paul wake up in the recover room, but his was no where to be found. He asked the nurse where are my brothers ? The nurse not knowing the situation says, sweetheart no one`s allowed in here but doctors and nurses. Paul says, mad`ad you don`t understand we all went into surgery together I gave my 9 year old brother part of my liver and my younger brother gave him a lung. The nurse went and got her boss, in the mean time Adam and Samuel was wheeled into recover room with the doctor right behind them !!! The doctor went over to Paul, then kissed him on his forehead Paul says, are my brothers alright ? Yes Paul, Samuel is taking a fit because of tube that`s down his neck from the life support to help him breath. But he`s okay and Adam should come to very shortly. The doctor ordered the nurse to give Samuel 25 mg. of k960 which is a powerful pain killer and sleep aid that causes c***dren to relax and dream while sleeping.Paul says, doctor put my brothers closer to me please he told the nurse to bring him the longest tube that she could find for the I.V. so she did they placed the I.V. at Paul`s feet on the I.V. poll then placed both brothers on each side of the bed. Samuel was very upset and fighting trying to get the tube out of his neck they belted him down Paul had tears in his eyes as this was being done. But song Mary had a little lamp to him. Paul says, doctor in a few days have a counselor come up and see Samuel so he wont hate me for letting him be tied down the doctor seen what Paul meant when Samuel tuned his head away from Paul !! Paul says Samuel look at me please I have always looked after you. This had to be done to save Adam`s life and the tube is for the purpose of helping you breath. Samuel says with his hands that he wanted to write something so Dr. Ho, gave him something to write on. And he drew a devil Samuel, Paul said sorry if you`re afraid but I`m here now and will protect you, the doctor wrote on a sheet of paper. that both Samuel and Adam would be kept asleep for a few days to help their bodies heal and gave the sheet of paper to Paul, and asked Paul to trust him Paul, wrote I do and gave it back to Dr. Ho, Samuel got a hold of his big brother Paul`s hand as the nurse gave him the medicine in the I.V, that would once again bring sleep.Five days later Samuel was given something to bring him around Adam had been done the same way the day before !! The first words that he said was mama get Adam and Paul away from me NOW !! So the brothers became very upset and went to the hospital`s church room. And cried their dad and Dr. Ho, later found them there !! Adam says, will this never end ?We had to let the medical staff do their jobs, but daddy why did you not just let me die? We would not have hurt baby Samuel for anything !! Their father stated Adam Dr. Ho and his team said that you needed a pure lung right away and your mother and I did not know what else to do . Nine days later the counselor assigned to Samuel While`s case asked him would you want Dr. Ho to take your brother`s new lung and give it back to you and let Adam die ? Samuel reply was a reply of wisdom !! No of course not look Doctor Williams, I love my brothers, but no one never once explain to me what was going on not once my brothers was there with me when they did that weird test on me to check Adam`s new lung so I said to myself they`re here to keep me safe when my brothers put me to sleep for surgery I felt safe . But when I woke with that tube down my neck in pain it felt like the bad man was taking over and when Paul let that fearful man from China put me to sleep again I said to my self Paul loves Adam and not me anymore I felt so alone at that point when they wake me up I was really mad. Not once since then has Paul nor Adam told me that were sorry or said that they loved me !! Well they closed Samuel off from Adam and Paul they could not see him only each other but were in the same room, and could hear what was being said. Two days later the day before they were to be released from hospital Adam and Paul heard Samuel crying so they went over to check on him !! Paul asked what`s the matter Samuel being only 5, says you guys don`t love me anymore and mama and papa let those green people hurt me !! Paul says, we do to love you !! Samuel asked then why was I all along when I woke up in that big dark room in pain and with that tube in my neck ? Cont....Part #3.
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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