Mark`s And Mike`s Love.....Part # 3.

Dr E. E. Wells, asked Why.....What happened ?? Mike told him about his brother`s k**neys problems, Dr. E.E.. WELLS, says, Mark why did not you tell me this before now? He said that he now understood Mark better and that he indeed would make a great doctor one of these days !! After he left him and Mark played as if they were c***dren again until the ladies from X-ray came up from that point on it was one test right after the other the boys parents got to the hospital around 2;30 pm Mike was getting more blood drawn from him at the time and their older son DR. Mark Wells, was in a meeting for h… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Mark`s And Mike`s Love...Part # 2.

Mark had gotten out of high school at the age of 16, and into college and was in pre med. when his baby brother Mike was found to have a blockage on the brain. Mark lived in River City, going to medical School there at The River City Medical Center School Of Medicine, this made two years he had being there. But was home due to the fact that it was Mike`s 14,th birthday two days earlier he was to be back at work at The Medical Center`s Hospital on the day of his brother`s doctor`s appointment and chose to stay and see what was a wrong with his brother who a few weeks earlier started having real… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Mark`s And Mike`s Love.....

After the two boys was released from the hospital, everything was back to normal and going great until Mike`s first day of school !! He was coming out of the boys rest room when he heard his brother voice so he stopped for a few minutes and listened his 11 year old brother Mark was making fun of him !! Mike came around the corner and Mark happen to look his way and Mike had tears in his eyes and ran passed Mark and his group of friends it was a three schools in one building system. Mark ran all the way through the high school Department through the out side doors. Mark of course ran after Mike… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Mark And Mike

11 year old Mark Wells, k**neys shut down doctors was unable to find the cause. But one thing that they all agreed on for sure was that their young patent needed a new k**ney right a way !! There was no time to wait for the hospital`s donor center to found a match for this young man. Mark Wells was in the hospital`s I.C.U. And was very sick with only a few days left to live. His family members were tested about 100 of them with no match !! Doctors had seen the family had another boy that was about four years of age and asked the worry parents if the younger BOY that was with Mark each time tha… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago


Carlo & Judy Steven Black Williams had been married two year when Judy`s parents Samuel & Megan Black was killed in a car accident this was difficult for the whole family Judy became very depressed two years later Carlo Williams met another woman and left town without notice and did not return until many years later. Judy`s brother David Black a local town police officer and his wife Sue and their daughter Sandy moved from their apartment in with Judy and her 6 year old son David Carlo, everything worked out perfect the families fell deeper in love with each other one afternoon after s… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Please Give Feedback

I love to write stories I `d like to know what you think of them please message me here on this site thank you!!… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Judy & Carlo

Two weeks after the reassignment surgery Judy age 11, now a girl was released to go home from the Medical Center her hair was long her mama not would allow her to cut it after the family found out that she was in legally born a girl but she did have boys clothing on, once home nothing really chanced at first her and her brother still slept in the same room that they shared together all their lives, but when Judy`s age 11, female homos took over her total being she became some what uncomfortable being in a room with her soon to be 14 year old brother David, their mother knew this would happen s… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Steven`s & David`s Early Years.....

When it came time for Mrs Black to delivered Steven she started having pains about two minutes a part she knew what was happening it was 2;30 am in the morning so she woke her husband Samuel up he got up and turned the light on thus waking two year old David up which was asleep in the other room which at this time did not have a door to it. Mr Black delivered Steven Black born at 4;45 am after cleaning the baby up and holding him for a few minutes and then handed him to his dear wife Megan, who told him to go and wake David up and bring him to meet his little baby brother Mr. Black found David… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

A Brotherly Love Story.....Steven`s Story.

Steven was 11 years old when he & his family found out that he was a born female in ward and a male outward his family was farmers so he was born at home and had never been taken to a medical doctor that is until the school require a medical check up for their students the small town country doctor sent the family to a Medical Center some 35 miles north of where they lived the doctors there said the same thing that the family`s doctor had said and order a number of medicines to help the young man`s body to become female in nature and to get young Steve ready for the sexual reassignment sur… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

He Did Not Know !!

Joshua who was 19, came in contact with Bill age 31, at the supermarket where they both worked. Bill asked Joshua to come over to his flat on Sunday, to watch a football game on his 60 inch television set which Joshua agreed to so when Sunday came around Joshua went over to Bill`s place they watched the game had a few beers after they talked a while and somehow guy talk came into play Joshua asked Bill who had a few beers to many how big his penis was ? Bill who 6 feet tall pulled out his eight inch soft penis. Bill says, now show me your so 19 year old Joshua pulled out his four and a half ea… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Thomas, Joe, & The U.F.O.

8 year old Thomas Fields was walking in the woods near his home one day in September it was still warm 63 degrees and a bight sunny blue sky day. He was about three miles in the woods when a tall man in his mid 30`s came out of no where and says, hi there young man come with me and I`ll show you something Eight year old Thomas says, my mama said I`m not to talk to or any where with people that I don`t know !! The tall man says, that`s good but come on I really want you to this it will be fun Thomas says, well I guest it`ll be alright so young Thomas went with the man they walked two miles to a… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

An intersex story.

Hi there my name`s Tyler and 11 years old and I was born intersex that means that I`m both daddy`s little girl and mama little boy. I have all my female parts, that is all but the b**st and doctors can make some when I get if I want them. And yes I have a five and a half inch penis and it works too, I also have a 13 year old boyfriend named Ray and cool with what I`m he found about it two years ago while we were swimming our families were friends and my parents had already told his parents so no big deal and about six months ago we became what most people would call lovers our parents knows ho… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

An 11 years old tells his story,

Hi, my name`s Matthew White and I`m 11 years old and this is my story. When I was eight days old the doctor meant to make me cut by removing my foreskin but he a mistake and cut the head of my penis this makes it difficult for me to pee my pee goes side ways and not outwards the way most guys pee does and my penis is crooked at school I use the stalls so no one can see my penis I`m just glad that mama and daddy did not have me reassign sexual and have me chanced into a girl, because I kinda like been a boy !! Thanks for listen and have a great day.… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago


Mary & Bill had a nine year old son that no one could deal with they tried counselors, special doctors friends and medicines nothing worked they even tried shock treatments which was very painful for the parents to watch giving the fact that the c***d had to be given d**gs to calm him down and he had to belted down and a mouth pc. placed in the mouth. Even that did not work. One a Medical Doctor told the parents about a treatment where the c***d is given female homo treatment as a rule these treatments are given before birth it fools the brain in to thinking that the male is really a femal… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago

Three Brothers

Cody age 21 and Jake age 15, was in Cody`s bedroom one Friday night both boys was erect watching porn videos on their bedroom computer and they forgot to lock the door behind them and all at once their ten year brother Cole walks in Cody turns the computer off before Cole sees any thing he`d how ever see their erect penises, and asked what`s that`s sticking up there ? Jake age 15, picked Cole who`s 10 up and carries him back to his room and he starts to cry. And why don`t you guys like me anymore Cody 21, hears this and goes and says, we love you Cole, and if you go to sleep we`ll take you to… Read more

Posted by azoo57 6 years ago 3