An intersex story.
Hi there my name`s Tyler and 11 years old and I was born intersex that means that I`m both daddy`s little girl and mama little boy. I have all my female parts, that is all but the b**st and doctors can make some when I get if I want them. And yes I have a five and a half inch penis and it works too, I also have a 13 year old boyfriend named Ray and cool with what I`m he found about it two years ago while we were swimming our families were friends and my parents had already told his parents so no big deal and about six months ago we became what most people would call lovers our parents knows how we feel about each other my daddy had a talk with Ray and said NO SEX WITH MY LITTLE GIRL YOU UNDERSTAND ? Ray said YES SIR !! And daddy gave him a box of rubbers and mama took me to our family`s doctor and had me put on the pill. So I would not get knotted by Ray if mother natural led us to do grown up stuff, so fair we only masturbate each other, I`m just enjoying being a k** right. Thanks for listen .
6 years ago