Mark And Mike

11 year old Mark Wells, k**neys shut down doctors was unable to find the cause. But one thing that they all agreed on for sure was that their young patent needed a new k**ney right a way !! There was no time to wait for the hospital`s donor center to found a match for this young man. Mark Wells was in the hospital`s I.C.U. And was very sick with only a few days left to live. His family members were tested about 100 of them with no match !! Doctors had seen the family had another boy that was about four years of age and asked the worry parents if the younger BOY that was with Mark each time that they saw him was Mark`s little brother? Their mother answered and says, yes they are very closed to each other but he`s only 5 year old!! They were in Mark`s room at this time and due to the fact that they gave Mark up to die they even allowed 5 year old Mike in the I.C.U. To visit his big brother. The main doctor said I hate to say this but if you want to save Mark`s life you should have the little one tested to even know that he`s only five we would do everything possible to keep him safe if he`s in perfect health other wise he should be able to pull through it and be alright!! Mark age 11, was in and out of sleep Mike was standing on the right side of his brother`s hospital bed holding his brother`s free hand for the other one had an I.V. In it, Mark heard part of what was said and says, no please he`s to young don`t do this to him !! Mike asked do what ? His mommy and daddy explain to him that he might be able to help his big brother.But first he needed to be tested to see if it was possible the doctor in the room was on his I-phone ordering a lab worker to come up and draw some blood from Mike, then to put a rush on the test !! Five minutes later a lab worker came up and drew blood from Mike`s arm Mike was afraid of needles and did cry, this upset Mark greatly his father went over and said sweetheart we`re not trying to hurt your brother but we`re trying to save your life. Yeah but daddy I have always kept him from pain and hurt now you are making me to cause him pain. His dad said I know son you have been a great big brother to him but this way he will have you many more years to come and Mark, Sr. hugged his oldest son. And after the blood had been taken Little Mike went and hugged his daddy`s leg their mama went over to the other side of her oldest son`s hospital bed and kissed him on the fore head. The father lifted the younger boy up in to his arms and Mark asked that he be allowed to hold his brother ? So everyone did their best to make that happened for these two young brothers the doctor called nurses in to help !! The doctor stayed with the family until he received word from the lab. That they had a 100 percent match. So he ordered both boys be kept in the same room !! And the doctor said to his young patents sorry but we`re going to have to stick Mike a few more times. So his big brother held Mike each time that they took blood from him !!! They also made Mike take a lot of medicines to make him pee a lot for to made sure that both k**neys was working the way they should and. about 9 ; pm the parents and older brother was told that they were giving Mike medicines to enable him to have an erection that they were going to put a tube through the penis which would remain there for at least a week or two. Mark said no way he does not understand this and you`re not doing that to him the nurse went out and called the doctor who ordered Mark to be given an injection to cause sleep without him knowing it he also ordered that Mike be put to sleep. The next morning no one could believe what they was hearing Mark say to his younger brother crying as he was waking up and said Mike I hate myself for doing this to you I can not keep you safe today will you please always remember I always loved you I don`t WANT your k**ney what the medical staff and family members could not believe is that he Mark became so upset that he pulled every tube out and the I.V. Was also pulled out and he cried and went on so much that you could hear him all over that hospital floor the parents requested that the surgery be delayed until all this was settle no body knew that Mark would take such a fit !! The parents requested a counselor come in along with a minister to see if they could help in this situation, even little Mike talked to his big brother and that helped more then anything. Mike said I`ll be alright I will be happy to help you I love you and don`t want to loose you !! His dad later asked who told you, you might loose Mark son ? Mike stated that he was no fool I`m only 5 but not foolish !!! Six days later Mark took a turn for the worse the day before the surgery was to take place, so they had to take both boys into surgery in 15 minutes before their parents who had went home to rest got back to the hospital Mike says to Mark as the injection was being given and as the medicine was going into his system to put him to sleep right away, it feels so weird Mark. Mark told him just relaxed the medicine will closed your eyes before Mark was done saying those words Mike was already asleep!! It was five days later before Mark was allowed to wake up three days later he was allowed up in a wheelchair for two hours those two hours he stayed by his brother`s bedside and held his hand the best he could for they had tubes everywhere. Mark asked the doctor why are you making him stay asleep the doctor told him that it was to keep him still and comfortable and also to give his body time to heal. Two weeks later three doctors and two nurses and the boys parents came in and Mike was given something to wake him up Mark was there too and says, hello there sleepy head Mike says, I could not wake up each time I tried I would start dreaming again THE DOCTOR ASKED SWEETHEART WAS YOU COMFORTABLE THE FIVE YEAR OLD SAYS, Well yes I was !! During the following two weeks both boys became even closer Mark age 11, always took care of his little five year old brother always buying him gifts and sweets off of the gift shop cart one day a nurse tried to buy Mark something but he would not have it saying that he was alright his little brother has always came first in his eyes even more so now since that I have one of his k**neys I know mom and dad had it done to save my life but Mike was the one who had to go through the surgery so at least I CAN BE THE BEST BIG BROTHER THAT I CAN POSSIBLY BE. Mike started to cry Mark asked what`s wrong little brother? Mike answered and says I LOVE YOU MARK !!! both boys hugged each other and Mark stated you`re the reason that I`m here you saved my life !! Their parents was standing nearby and heard this and both began to cry and went come to them and hugged them both and said we love the both of you very much !! Mike says, Mark I`m glad that I SAVED YOUR LIFE AND THAT YOU`RE MY BROTHER !! And two days later they went home and are doing super they`re closer then ever one year later Mike Wells age 6, masturbates on a daily basics. But outside of that both boys are normal as can be. Yes they fight as normal brothers do but when the rubber hits the road they are always there for each other.....
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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