A Brotherly Love Story.....Steven`s Story.

Steven was 11 years old when he & his family found out that he was a born female in ward and a male outward his family was farmers so he was born at home and had never been taken to a medical doctor that is until the school require a medical check up for their students the small town country doctor sent the family to a Medical Center some 35 miles north of where they lived the doctors there said the same thing that the family`s doctor had said and order a number of medicines to help the young man`s body to become female in nature and to get young Steve ready for the sexual reassignment surgery which would take place three months from that very date !! It became a family affair just to get young Steven age 11, to take the medicines ordered by the doctors at the Medical Center whereas Steven did not wish to reassign sexual even Steven`s 13 year old brother jointed in when their father was working on the farm as David held his 11 year old brother down so that their mother could give him his medicine through an eye dropper he would call his brother everything that he could think of and then some and tell him that he was not his brother any longer and that he hated him. David would say, I love you and am trying to help you whereas the doctors had told the family that if the reassignment surgery was not performed Steven would die a slow and painful death as he started manhood and Steven`s lovable family was not about to allow Steven who happen to be the baby in their family to perish. As the medicines began to work Steven became emotional and cried a lot David who had just turned 13 the day before the school`s required medical check up, was always there to comfort and hold Steven as well as listen to his fears and painful questions such as Why was I Born this way ? Why me ? The night before Steven was to be put in the hospital after he was asleep his mama came into the boys room which they shared and woke David up and asked him to tell Steven that they were going shopping the next day so that he would get dressed without a fight. Which he`d as Steven was taking a bath his mama told David to give his brother a 16 oz glass of apple juice which she had place sleeping medicine in. So Steven would go to sleep and be asleep when they got to the hospital so David put some crash ice cubs in the juice his mama asked what are you doing ? He answered her with tears in his eyes and says, Steve likes his apple juice with ice he said mother the last few weeks have been the harder I Have never been through I have lied to Steven which I once promised him I would never do I have held him down so you could give him medicines which will chanced both our lives, I ONLY HOPE AND PRAY THAT HE WILL FORGIVE THIS FAMILY FOR WHAT WE`RE DOING TO HIM. His mama said we had to do this baby for his own good David said I know but it has not been easy. In 15 minutes Steven went into the living room and set down on the sofa, David took the apple juice into his brother after he was done with it David age 13, set down be side his baby brother and says, Steven remember I have always loved you and I will always love you don`t matter what you`re a boy or a girl. AS THE MEDICINE BEGAN TO TAKE A HOLD AND STARTED TO WORK STEVEN AGE 11, ASKED DAVID AGE 13, WHAT DID YOU GIVE ME ? David says, just go with the flow little brother don`t fight it any more it`s going to happen like it or not so just relax my little brother with tears in his eyes he then got a hold of his brother`s shoulders and laid him down on the sofa with a kiss on the fore head. At the hospital they kept Steven in a calmness state David stayed by his brother`s bed side and even fed him his light lunch until their dad came and TOOK DAVID HOME THE MOTHER STAYED WITH STEVEN. THE NEXT MORNING DAVID AND THEIR FATHER CAME BACK TO THE HOSPITAL 45 MINUTES BEFORE THE NURSE CAME IN TO GIVE STEVEN AN INJECTION FOR SURGERY. During that time Steven asked his parents and David if they will still love him as girl ? All three started to cry and said yes !! As the fast acting injection was began given Steven looks at his brother right before going to sleep and says, I love you, David replies I love you more sis !! After Steven passed out and went to sleep a lady from the hospital`s records department came in and said that she was sorry that she was not there before Steven went to sleep she then asked the parents what would he want his new name to be when he wakes up, Before the parents could answer David age 13, says, Judy Steven Black when we were younger we used to play house and that`s the name that he`d always pick. The lady looked at the parents who stated that David knew his brother in some ways better then they did, 30 minutes later in the O.R. STEVEN WOKE UP JUST AS THEY WERE PLACING THE MASK OVER HIS MOUTH AND NOSE TO HELP HIM BREATH DURING SURGERY THE DOCTOR SAYS, SWEET HEART YOU`LL NOT REMEMBER BEING A BOY !! We have put some mind utter medicine in both the I.V. AND THE MASK TO HELP YOU FORGET THAT YOU WERE NEVER A BOY !!! You will remember everything else but that !! Today at age 15 Judy Steven Black is all female and has a 16 year old boyfriend they`ll have a son in a few months they`ll live on her family`s farm and raise their son there. David age 17 is still close to his sister it`s a bond that is very special. David stated that he was shocked the first time his sister and Carlo had sex his sister could not wait to tell her brother all about it but David added that`s just how close we`re to each other. The parents says, that they are just glad that their two c***dren are as close as they`re after what they have been through with each other . Judy and Carlo will be married as soon as Judy turns 16 and the law allows it.
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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