Steven`s & David`s Early Years.....

When it came time for Mrs Black to delivered Steven she started having pains about two minutes a part she knew what was happening it was 2;30 am in the morning so she woke her husband Samuel up he got up and turned the light on thus waking two year old David up which was asleep in the other room which at this time did not have a door to it. Mr Black delivered Steven Black born at 4;45 am after cleaning the baby up and holding him for a few minutes and then handed him to his dear wife Megan, who told him to go and wake David up and bring him to meet his little baby brother Mr. Black found David setting in the small hall way with nothing on but a thin baby T-shirt and took him in to their bedroom to meet his new baby brother which weighted 16 lbs and 8 oz. and was 15 inches long at his birth David`s father set him in a bedroom chair and placed Steven on his lab, it was true love from that time on as the two boys got older they became not only best friends but souls mates as well when Steven was 8. David then 10 took off with some older boys leaving Steven behind their parents had a time settle STEVEN AGE 8, DOWN HE DID NOT TALK TO DAVID FOR FIVE DAYS AFTER THAT UNTIL DAVID AND STEVEN WAS OUT IN THE FIELDS ONE DAY AND DAVID GOT ON TOP OF STEVEN AND KISSED HIM OVER HIS FACE AND STEVEN BROKE A SMILE AND DAVID TOLD HIS BROTHER THAT HE LOVED HIM AND WAS SORRY ABOUT LEAVING HIM AND GOING TO PLAY WITH THE OLDER BOYS. Steven replied okay but promise me you`ll not lie to me never again David promised then and there David later said that Steven started to have pains in his privates when he was 9 but he did not want his parents to find out about them he says, that he wanted to tell his parents but because Steven cut such a shine when he 8 and made him promise not to lie to him never again he did not tell them about Steven having those pains !! The school required medical check up rule was a God sent for young Steven age 11, Doctors say with in two years time Steven would have died. After the sexual reassignment surgery was over and Steven 11 was now Judy her mother asked her the next day Judy honey for three months we had to fight you to get you to take your medicines but on the day that we put you in here you woke up while they was giving you medicine in order to keep you calm and in a dream like state you did not try to resist or fight what chanced ? What chanced ? Well, mama David told me that he loved me no matter if I was a boy or a girl and he said just go with the flow it`s going to happen like or not !! And I trust him totally !!! David was there and started to cry, and Judy says, David don`t cry I know that you love me I was just afraid that`s all hey they gave me something that will make forget that I was a boy!! So brother thank you for being a great brother these 11 years !! David says Welcome sis, and also thanks for the new name you`re the only one who knew that I like that name .
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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