Mark`s And Mike`s Love...Part # 2.
Mark had gotten out of high school at the age of 16, and into college and was in pre med. when his baby brother Mike was found to have a blockage on the brain. Mark lived in River City, going to medical School there at The River City Medical Center School Of Medicine, this made two years he had being there. But was home due to the fact that it was Mike`s 14,th birthday two days earlier he was to be back at work at The Medical Center`s Hospital on the day of his brother`s doctor`s appointment and chose to stay and see what was a wrong with his brother who a few weeks earlier started having real hard pains in the middle of the top of his head !! As Mark listens to and understood better then anyone else in the room being an A+ student in medical school helped in this here case, he took it upon himself to call the dean of the medical school where he`s a student Dr. E.E. Wells, M.D, P.H.D. And asked him to get the best people he could possibly found to help his 14 years old baby brother Mike, he then gave the I-phone to Dr. G.T. Fields, and says, Sir, Dr. E.E. Wells, wants to talk with you !! The shocked Dr. Fields, took the I-phone, and the boys parents asked What`s going on son ? He explains to his parents and Mike that he was getting Mike the help that he needed he said it will cost more but I`m on a medical center program that will pay for what dad`s insurance does not pay the program is called The Family Care Program it`s for doctors and their families only I was able to get on it become I`m an A+ student, I have always wondered why God led me this way and allowed me to be so good at it, now I know he knew that I would be needed here and now !! Don`t k** yourselves Mike baby I`m sorry but this is a very dangerous situation that we`re in !! And Mark forgot his educational learning and fell apart and started to cry like a baby and says, oh God oh God, if I can`t save you I`ll give up on becoming a medical doctor !! Dr. fields handed the I-phone back to Mark and says, you`re a great brother and will be a great doctor one of these days, you know the situation and are doing everything within your means to meet your brother`s need, you told your dean if he could not help you that you would drop out of school all together and go home and get a reg. job. He tells me that you`re one of the greatest students that he has never had best wishes on your in term ship. the family was shocked and over joy about that they did not know this !! Mark is both in college and medical school at the same time but whereas he`s so good at medical school they`re foregoing the rules and given him an early in therm ship !! Dr. FIELDS, SAYS, LET ME DO SOMETHING FOR. YOU....LET ME GIVE YOU $ 1000.00 TOWARDS THE MEDICAL BILLS !! Mark says you don`t have to do that Dr. Fields says I know but I want to !! So Mark age 19, took the check and thanked Dr. Fields, and as they was leaving the doctor`s office in Sandy Brook, He tells his younger brother to go out and wait for him in his car 14 year old Mike asks why? His brother says, I`m taking you with me to River City, Mike then looked his father who says, go on son do as he says, Mike starts to cry and said daddy I`m afraid and hugged his dad !! Mark went over to Mike and said Mike baby have I not always taken care of you ? Mike replies why? Yes !! Then please do as I`m asking Mike asked if he could hugged his mama first ? Mark says, sure !! Mike hugged his mama and told her I love you and left. Mark told his parents that if it was alright with them they placed him in change of his brother`s care with Dr. Wells, being there to assist him he told them that he was not going to take any chances with Mark`s LIFE if I can`t handle it I will turn his case over to Dr. Wells, his father says, son we trust you but be total honest with us just how dangerous is this surgery and will this program that helps you doctors cover everything? Mark says what the insurance does not cover the program will. And mama and daddy I`m sorry but there`s no way to get around the fact that Mike will be disabled in some way after the surgery his mind will be intact but that`s all I can promise you now from a personal stand point I`ll take care of my little PAL AS LONG AS I LIVE IF SURGERY IS NOT PERFORMED HE`LL SURELY DIE !! Now go home and get some rest and come down tomorrow they`ll need tomorrow to do tests and meet me and Dr. Wells to talk about what action to take I`ll try not to tell Mike everything only what he asks. Oh he`ll be with me in the special doctors dooms off campus it`s used by doctors and their family members and close friends when they get sick there Mike will received special care because there`s only 1 or 2 patents at a time there it is staff by retirees and doctors own staff members and family members that are in the medical field that wants to help !! It`s like an other hospital in it`s self !!! MARK KISSED HIS PARENTS AND HUGGED THEM AND HIS DAD SAYS, SAVE MIKE FOR US MARK REPLIES YOU GOT IT DAD !! When the boys got to River City Medical Center, they were met by Dr.E.E Wells. as well as the hospital`s president and the hospital`s C.E.O. THE BOYS WAS TAKEN DIRECTLY TO BUILDING Z Dr. Mark Wells, ordered his brother a full meal and about 7;30 pm told Mike to get into his hospital`s P.J`S and to get in the hospital bed and Mark went out to the nurses station and got an I.V. AND MEDICINE THAT WOULD TOTALLY RELAXED MIKE AGE 14, AND PLACED HIM IN A DREAMING LIKE STATE, As he was GIVEN THE injection the medicine was going into the I.V. Tube Mark, told his brother just relax go with the flow. I would not be doing this if it did not need to be done when they came into the room to cut his hair and to shave his head Mark had a nurse to belt his hands down as well as his feet and he also gave orders that 20 mg of medicine be injection into each hand to put them to sleep so that they could do their jobs. Mark and went to check on other patents at the main hospital while this was being done .Mark asked the staff when he returned did his brother resist? And the floor nurse says, a little with the feet but about half way through he started crying and asking why you left him when he needed you the most !! He went into the doom`s room and set down on the bed where his brother was and said I could not stand to watch THEM DO what I ordered them to do to you but UNDERSTAND that it had to done the reason for all the medicines being given to you was in order to make it easy on the staff and you to. Mark undid his brother`s hands and feet and hugged him both of them cried. Mark told his brother I`m giving you something to make you sleep I`m not leaving you again I`ll be right here with you but will go to check on my other patents from time to time, Mike says, you`re a real doctor then ? Mark says, I`m working as hard as I can toward that goal but it`ll be a few years yet !! Mike says, I hope I live to see it !! Mark says, me to little brother. And then he tells, his brother to just relax while I PUT THIS MEDICINE IN THE I.V, TUBE MIKE SAID YOU`RE PUTTING ME TO SLEEP ARE`NT YOU ? MARK SAYS, YES SWEETHEART !! AND AS THE MEDICINE WAS GOING INTO HIS BODY MIKE SAYS, I DON`T WANT TO DIE. Mark says, just relax !!! The next morning Dr. E.E. WELLS, comes in and says Dr. Wells, we need to talk Mike who was awake, said my brother`s doing a great job !! After the two went out in THE hall Mike heard what was being said, Mark`s dean was onto him because of the types of medicines being given Mike called Dr.Wells back into the doom`s room both of them returned thinking something was wrong Mike says, Dr. Wells, my brother did what needed to be done last night he knew I`d fight anyone over my hair which meant the world to me. He not only made it easy on me but kept your staff safe because security would had to be called in to with deal me !! He states that Mark was only doing what had to be done !! DOCTOR, MIKE SAID MARK HAS ALWAYS TAKEN CARE OF ME AND LOOKED AFTER FOR ME. PLEASE DON`T MAKE THIS HARDER ON HIM THEN IT ALREADY IS !! Dr. Wells, SAYS, now it`s my job to keep check on Dr. Well`s work !! Mike states that he understands but anything he does is for a reason he`s a lot wiser because of what he went through as a c***d !! Cont...Part #3.
6 years ago