Mary & Bill had a nine year old son that no one could deal with they tried counselors, special doctors friends and medicines nothing worked they even tried shock treatments which was very painful for the parents to watch giving the fact that the c***d had to be given d**gs to calm him down and he had to belted down and a mouth pc. placed in the mouth. Even that did not work. One a Medical Doctor told the parents about a treatment where the c***d is given female homo treatment as a rule these treatments are given before birth it fools the brain in to thinking that the male is really a female making the c***d bisexual as they get older thus making the c***d more lovable and caring and making him easy for parents to handle and the c***d does better in school !! So with no where else to turn the parents agree to try the treatment. But was warm that Keith would be kinda girlish like be a bisexual in natural. So the doctors placed him in the hospital where he could watched for a few days an I.V was started with both male and female homos three day he was released from the hospital with two small pills daily a blue and pink the pink one is 20 mg of female homos. and the blue one 10 mg. of male homos. Two years later at age 11, he`s doing in school keeping out of trouble and is better behave he does like boys and girls both.
6 years ago