Mark`s And Mike`s Love.....Part # 3.
Dr E. E. Wells, asked Why.....What happened ?? Mike told him about his brother`s k**neys problems, Dr. E.E.. WELLS, says, Mark why did not you tell me this before now? He said that he now understood Mark better and that he indeed would make a great doctor one of these days !! After he left him and Mark played as if they were c***dren again until the ladies from X-ray came up from that point on it was one test right after the other the boys parents got to the hospital around 2;30 pm Mike was getting more blood drawn from him at the time and their older son DR. Mark Wells, was in a meeting for his brother`s surgery the next day. When their mama saw Mike`s hair was all gone she says, your hair and passed out the lab worker pulled the cold blue bell, Mike got up out of bed and went over to his mama who was in her husband`s arms Mark and the five doctors they were in the study on the video phone with doctors from Canada, China, and England came running out. When Mary Wells, came to she did fight her oldest son and gave him a black eye and says, you knew how he was over his hair I dare you I`ll suit this hospital and you are no longer my son !! Dr. E.E. WELLS WERE SHOCKED AT THE BOYS MOTHER`S REACTION. And did not know what do to !! Mark told a nurse to bring 40 mg of a medicine that would calm her down !! After she calmed down Mark`s dean asked did she know what had to be done !! Her husband says, please blame me not my son he says, I told her that his hair would not be touched so that she`d allow Mike to received treatment, the hospital`s C.E.O. came and said there maybe a problem here if your wife don`t sign the papers along with you we can`t do the surgery Mark called a legal counselor friend of his that he went to college with and just opened up an office he in turned called his father who was a state court judge and got a court order it would be at the hospital in 25 minutes. Mike age 14, began to cry. Mark says, MIKE WE DON`T NEED THIS RIGHT NOW Mike says, I`m worry about mama and she`s like this because of me !! And my head is about killing me !! Mark says, don`t blame yourself for mama being this way by you she`s like I`m by you so no one`s to blame, we`re just a closed family emotional !! Now little brother get into bed and I`ll take care of your head at this point their dad cane over from the small living room and says, Mark and Mike you all know THAT I DON`T SHOW LOVE BUT I DO REALLY LOVE YOU TWO BOYS THAT`S THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES THAT THEY SEEN THEIR FATHER TEAR UP !! AND HE HUGGED BOTH BOYS !! AND A RIVER CITY POLICE OFFICER CAME WITH THE COURT ORDER. MARK TOLD HIS FATHER WHERE TO TAKE THE COURT ORDER. Mike asked his brother Mark STOP being a doctor it`s me what will happen tomorrow and please be plain and honest with me please I know that this is a test for you but put that aside and be my big brother??? While their Dad took the papers down to the president`s office Mark told Mike the facts about the surgery !! Mike cries but thanked his brother. And Mark says, you won`t be mad at me for being your doctor will you? BECAUSE TONIGHT I`LL HAVE TO PUT A TUBE THROUGH YOUR PENIS AND ONE THROUGH YOUR ASS. Mike asks why ? Mark says, you`ll be on the table for at least 24 hours and if you shit or pee during that time the staff and doctors wont have to stop in the middle of the surgery to clean you up !! So after Mike had his very light dinner and ate !! An hour later Mark took Mike into a small room and tubed him he was so gentle and slow not to hurt his beloved baby brother giving HIM the right medicines and etc...
When Mark took Mike back to the doom`s room Mark acted upset, Mike asked his BROTHER what was the matter Mark answered and says, I just had to DO stuff to YOU that I hated. Mike says it`s okay we`re all needing you to be STRONG for us right now so don`t get down. Around 9 pm Mark said you have been a good patent TODAY, thank you Mike says, you`re welcome Mark says, I hope you KNOW you have to go to sleep we all give patents at least a sleeping pill, the night before any type of surgery so I`ll be back with an injection in five minutes !! Mark went OUT and got the medicine to place Mike u*********s. Nothing was said as the medicine was going through the I.V. TUBE Mark kissed Mike on his forehead. The next morning at 9 am 30 minutes after waking up Mike was given an injection when he seen the nurse come in he said I`m tired of all this, his brother had already gone to the O.R. DEPARTMENT TO GET READY FOR THE DAY`S EVENTS HIS DAD WENT OVER AND SAYS ,SWEETHEART YOUR BROTHER IS NOT DOING ANY THING THAT ANY OTHER DOCTOR WOULD NOT TO. Mike said I know I`m just tired his father told the NURSE to wait five minutes please, She did as asked !! When she left the room Mike`s father said be a good boy today and remember I LOVE YOU. MARK THE OLDEST SON WALKED BACK WITH HIS DAD CRYING AND SAYING LORD BRING OUR BABY BACK TO US !! MIKE WAS ALSO CRYING AND MARK JUST WALKED BACK OUT OF THE ROOM MIKE SAYS, GO GET HIM DAD. THEIR FATHER FOUND MARK IN THE HALL WAY`S DOCTOR`S STUDY CRYING AND PRAYING HIS DAD TOLD HIM TO GET BACK IN THERE THAT HIS MAMA AND BROTHER NEEDED HIM !!! So he went back and checked on his mama who was still out of it from the medicines that kept her calm. But was awake and asked how`s my baby Mike ?Mark said he`s alright I`m getting ready to take him to surgery and their mama says, save him son !! Mark says, I`ll !! The nurse came and gave Mike his injection afterward Mark told Mike to just relax and close your eyes, you`ll feel somewhat weird I gave you five mg more then I should to keep your calmer for both our sake daddy if he goes talking foolish talk don`t pay him any mind I WILL BE BACK WITH A CART TO TAKE HIM DOWN TO SURGERY MIKE SAYS, CUTE I`LL GET YOU FOR TELLING DADDY TO NOT PAY ME ANY MIND. Mark says, I`m looking forward to you getting back at me !!! Mike starts to cry and says, I`m afraid. Mark says, I know so am I, Mark went out and got a cart and took his brother to the patents surgery waiting area. He then told the nurse what he needed she says, are you sure ? He says, no but bring it and don`t you dare to call Dr. Wells or anyone else Mike says. What`s going on ? Mark says, trust me !! When the medicine hits Mike`s system he passed out and his brother done C.P.R. AND MASKED HIS Brother AND HOOKED HIM UP TO LIFE SUPPORT DR. WELL, ASK WHEN HE CAME IN WHAT`S GOING ON HERE? Mark says, you`ll see one of THE other doctors looked AT Mike`s chart and says, oh no you don`t !! Where`d you learn about this anyways Mark says, when my brother was asleep this last week I have study the brain Mark says, do you actually think that I would do this if I DID NOT THINK THAT I COULD THIS is MY BROTHER FOR GOD SAKE OTHER WISE HE`LL BE DISABLED FOR LIFE AND I CAN`T ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN IT WAS A 36 HOUR SURGERY IN WHICH THE WHOLE BRAIN WAS REMOVED AND WORKED ON THEN PLACED BACK IN THE HEAD !! FIVE DAYS LATER MIKE WELLS AGE 14, WOKE UP WITH ONLY NO FEELINGS IN HIS RIGHT FEET. TWO WEEKS AFTER THAT THE LIFE SUPPORT WAS REMOVED. It took six months before he was able to walk he stayed with his brother in his college doom not the hospital`s doom he liked it so good in River City that he stayed and went to school there and enrolled at St. Peter`s school of nursing and works as his brother`s private nurse at the office of Mark Wells, M.D. Who still works at River City Medical Center`s Hospital. Mark Wells, Jr.the boys father who wife died five years ago still lives in Sandy Brook and is getting remarried soon. It`s been ten years since Mike Wells, R.N. HAD THE SURGERY Mark Wells, M.D. HAS NOT DONE THAT TYPE OF SURGERY SINCE, HE HAS AN 8 YEAR OLD SON AND WILL BE MARRIED TO Mark Wells, Jr. mother Sue soon. Mike has a baby girl that he pays support on and sees on Holidays and weekends he does not plan to marry the girl`s mother one night he had a few beers to many and knotted the lady up. {The End.}
When Mark took Mike back to the doom`s room Mark acted upset, Mike asked his BROTHER what was the matter Mark answered and says, I just had to DO stuff to YOU that I hated. Mike says it`s okay we`re all needing you to be STRONG for us right now so don`t get down. Around 9 pm Mark said you have been a good patent TODAY, thank you Mike says, you`re welcome Mark says, I hope you KNOW you have to go to sleep we all give patents at least a sleeping pill, the night before any type of surgery so I`ll be back with an injection in five minutes !! Mark went OUT and got the medicine to place Mike u*********s. Nothing was said as the medicine was going through the I.V. TUBE Mark kissed Mike on his forehead. The next morning at 9 am 30 minutes after waking up Mike was given an injection when he seen the nurse come in he said I`m tired of all this, his brother had already gone to the O.R. DEPARTMENT TO GET READY FOR THE DAY`S EVENTS HIS DAD WENT OVER AND SAYS ,SWEETHEART YOUR BROTHER IS NOT DOING ANY THING THAT ANY OTHER DOCTOR WOULD NOT TO. Mike said I know I`m just tired his father told the NURSE to wait five minutes please, She did as asked !! When she left the room Mike`s father said be a good boy today and remember I LOVE YOU. MARK THE OLDEST SON WALKED BACK WITH HIS DAD CRYING AND SAYING LORD BRING OUR BABY BACK TO US !! MIKE WAS ALSO CRYING AND MARK JUST WALKED BACK OUT OF THE ROOM MIKE SAYS, GO GET HIM DAD. THEIR FATHER FOUND MARK IN THE HALL WAY`S DOCTOR`S STUDY CRYING AND PRAYING HIS DAD TOLD HIM TO GET BACK IN THERE THAT HIS MAMA AND BROTHER NEEDED HIM !!! So he went back and checked on his mama who was still out of it from the medicines that kept her calm. But was awake and asked how`s my baby Mike ?Mark said he`s alright I`m getting ready to take him to surgery and their mama says, save him son !! Mark says, I`ll !! The nurse came and gave Mike his injection afterward Mark told Mike to just relax and close your eyes, you`ll feel somewhat weird I gave you five mg more then I should to keep your calmer for both our sake daddy if he goes talking foolish talk don`t pay him any mind I WILL BE BACK WITH A CART TO TAKE HIM DOWN TO SURGERY MIKE SAYS, CUTE I`LL GET YOU FOR TELLING DADDY TO NOT PAY ME ANY MIND. Mark says, I`m looking forward to you getting back at me !!! Mike starts to cry and says, I`m afraid. Mark says, I know so am I, Mark went out and got a cart and took his brother to the patents surgery waiting area. He then told the nurse what he needed she says, are you sure ? He says, no but bring it and don`t you dare to call Dr. Wells or anyone else Mike says. What`s going on ? Mark says, trust me !! When the medicine hits Mike`s system he passed out and his brother done C.P.R. AND MASKED HIS Brother AND HOOKED HIM UP TO LIFE SUPPORT DR. WELL, ASK WHEN HE CAME IN WHAT`S GOING ON HERE? Mark says, you`ll see one of THE other doctors looked AT Mike`s chart and says, oh no you don`t !! Where`d you learn about this anyways Mark says, when my brother was asleep this last week I have study the brain Mark says, do you actually think that I would do this if I DID NOT THINK THAT I COULD THIS is MY BROTHER FOR GOD SAKE OTHER WISE HE`LL BE DISABLED FOR LIFE AND I CAN`T ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN IT WAS A 36 HOUR SURGERY IN WHICH THE WHOLE BRAIN WAS REMOVED AND WORKED ON THEN PLACED BACK IN THE HEAD !! FIVE DAYS LATER MIKE WELLS AGE 14, WOKE UP WITH ONLY NO FEELINGS IN HIS RIGHT FEET. TWO WEEKS AFTER THAT THE LIFE SUPPORT WAS REMOVED. It took six months before he was able to walk he stayed with his brother in his college doom not the hospital`s doom he liked it so good in River City that he stayed and went to school there and enrolled at St. Peter`s school of nursing and works as his brother`s private nurse at the office of Mark Wells, M.D. Who still works at River City Medical Center`s Hospital. Mark Wells, Jr.the boys father who wife died five years ago still lives in Sandy Brook and is getting remarried soon. It`s been ten years since Mike Wells, R.N. HAD THE SURGERY Mark Wells, M.D. HAS NOT DONE THAT TYPE OF SURGERY SINCE, HE HAS AN 8 YEAR OLD SON AND WILL BE MARRIED TO Mark Wells, Jr. mother Sue soon. Mike has a baby girl that he pays support on and sees on Holidays and weekends he does not plan to marry the girl`s mother one night he had a few beers to many and knotted the lady up. {The End.}
6 years ago