Carlo & Judy Steven Black Williams had been married two year when Judy`s parents Samuel & Megan Black was killed in a car accident this was difficult for the whole family Judy became very depressed two years later Carlo Williams met another woman and left town without notice and did not return until many years later. Judy`s brother David Black a local town police officer and his wife Sue and their daughter Sandy moved from their apartment in with Judy and her 6 year old son David Carlo, everything worked out perfect the families fell deeper in love with each other one afternoon after school seven years later 13 year old David went into his cousin`s bedroom undressed and got behind a bedroom chair and waited for his 12 year old cousin Sandy to come home from school when she got home and went in to her room David her adopted cousin jumped her from behind put her down on her bed and undid her paint and used her putting his five and a half inch dick her into her pussy holding her down until he orgasm inside her holding his hand over her mouth so that she could not call for help she bit his hand and says, sorry but why are you doing this to me? At this point with tears in his eyes, he got a work rag from her blue jeans and putted it inside her mouth she passed out form the shock of the ordeal . David putted his jeans back on and made sure that she was still breathing and ran off when the adults returned home from shopping they found 12 year old Sandy in her bedroom crying with blood every where !! David Carlo was no where to be found Sandy`s adopted father went and found young David age 13, three miles down the road from the family`s farm.Young David tried to run when he saw his uncle he was running so fast that his uncle could not catch him and had to shoot him in the foot, he aimed very careful not to hurt the teen to bad!! Young David said you actually shot me his uncle says, you`re a fast runner I could not catch you. So I had to shoot !! Young David said you could have killed me!! I know you hate me now but I did not think that you would never shoot your own flash and blood. His uncle says, if I had let you get away Joe Carter would have found you and killed you !!! Now son I love you I delivered you when you was born I will always love you no matter what but why did you misuse my little girl ? Uncle David I honestly don`t know something inside me made me do it. I was crying as I was doing it !! Is she alright his uncle said no you hurt her pretty badly !!! David Carlo, says, oh no I`m so very sorry I `D NOT MEAN TO, HIS UNCLE SAYS, I KNOW!! He then arrested his beloved David and told him to put his hands together young David says really you don`t need to do that. His uncle says, it`s department policy. He told YOUNG DAVID TO SHUT UP WHILE HE WAS UNDER AN ARREST, officer Black stopped by the family`s home and picked up his daughter and wife and Judy. They went to the hospital where SANDY WAS GIVEN MEDICINE TO CAUSE AN ABORTION, four hours later the natural abortion took place even know that it was not a legal baby at this point it would have later become one and cause the young Sandy problems due to her age and the size of her body, the abortion happened when Sandy was put on the bed pan. she had stomach pains they knew what was taking place and put her on the bed pan Sandy cried because she knew what an abortion was her adopted father comforted her, her adopted mother cried and said I`ll made David Black pay for what he has done to my little girl, her husband told her to shut up he`s just a young man in need of a father`s love, Judy told the parents I `ll take David and moved you guys, wont have to deal with him her brother says sis, we`re family for better or worse we`ll all deal with this as we have always dealt with problems as a family Sandy`s mama left the room at this point her husband followed her to make sure that she did not do anything to David, she went outside of the small four room hospital when Sandy`s dad went back into Sandy`s room she asked her father not to tell her cousin David about the abortion and to not be mad at him and to help him!! David came out of surgery some 30 minutes after going in, he was cuffed to the bed when he woke up and was in a room right across the hall from Sandy`s room as he woke up he as about Sandy`s well being and was told she`s alright David Carlo, asked his uncle to please remove the hand cuffs and his uncle say I`m sorry sweetheart I can`t do that you under an arrest David Carlo says, I can`t run I just came out of surgery because you shot DAVID CARLO, I WOULD NOT HAVE IF YOU HAD NOT RAN OFF WHEN YOU SEEN ME SON ,BUT UNCLE I was afraid after what I just done !! his uncle said to him when I pulled that gun out of the car it was the most difficult that I have never done ever helping your grandmother to get your mama ready for sexual reassignment surgery when she was a boy of 11, was not that hard, David Carlo, says well when I heard the sound of that gun go off I actually did think that this is it my own uncle is killing me it was a shock when the shot hit my foot, his uncle says, sorry sweetheart with in his eyes, Judy that was in the says, alright you two that`s enough. Sandy and David STAYED THREE DAY and was released from the hospital the same day he was taking to the small town jail, as for Sandy she waited in the car with her mother while David Carlo was booked but afterward David went home while David was in the hospital at the request of his family he was given anti homos medicine so that he could not have any sexual desires or even get an erection three days later the judge because Sandy did not want her cousin sent off and due to the fact that counselors said that in this case it would make her healing even harder. David Carol William age 13, got a mere 30 days in the town`s holding cell after that he would have to clean road side trash and picked up tree limbs for one year and the two k**s could not be along at least until they became 18 years of age and he had to go to weekly counseling appointments for as long as the counselor saw fit and stay on the anti homos medicine until he was 18, the judge told David that if it had not being for his cousin`s Sandy`s begging not to send him off, and her healing he would have gotten five years after all you had knotted her up and she had to have an abortion David said ho my God no!! and started to cried his uncle who was was serving as the court`s officer went over and hugged David and says, it`s all over now sweetheart, the judge asked why was not the young man told this due to the fact that`s it`s part of the court`s record Sandy Black spoke up and says, Your honor I asked everyone not tell David then the judge looked at the medical counselor who had been working with both Sandy and David and the counselor said the young lady took a fit when I said David should understand and know what harm he has done to her, the counselor says, with all due respect the court had just made my and the parents of both of these young people`s job harder !! The Judge stated that he never dealt with such a situation as this before Sandy got up and went over to David Carlo, and hugged him and the judge says, I BE DAMN!! THE STATE SAYS, YOUR HONOR WE HAVE NOTHING TO SAY THE JUDGE SAYS, I hereby dismissed this case as they were leaving the town hall where the court was held 13 YEAR OLD DAVID CARLO, BROKE DOWN AND CRIED LIKE A BABY SAYING He felt like the luckiest teenager alive to such a lovable and understanding family!! When Sandy was 18 and David 19 they got legal counselor and went to court and received the okay to marry Sandy`s adopted parents broke up a year later, due to the marriage of David & Sandy, Mrs Williams, died from the flu not long after that and was buried on the farm next to her parents at the entering of the woods her husband Carlo Williams came back to town and was suited by his son for $ 250.000 in back c***d support Uncle David still lives with his Sister`s son and his adopted daughter and their three sons. Samuel and David Carlo, Jr. and Steven !! Officer Black, became head of the police department after Joe Carter retired.
6 years ago