Richard And Little Tom .
Richard was three years older then little Tom they grew up together one day when everyone else was over 101-A Sweet Drive they were at the guest house over at 101-B Sweet Dive messing around. when two boys got into a fight over a video game, Richard age 11, said okay you win little Tom age 8, Richard then went and got a baby bottle put green tea in it then full it with medicine that kept women from created babies and some sleeping medicine and made his oldest brother`s son age 8 take the medicine by holding him down on the floor and putting the baby bottle into his month and making him suck the medicine out of it. After little Tom passed other Richard called 911, and gave them the address from the line phone and ran off before they got there later called his mama and told her that he loved the family even little Tom he says, I `d not know how that I did love him until now !! Carol Buell asked her son Richard, sweetheart what did give Tom, Jr. and why ?? Richard told his mama I gave him his mother`s pills that made her not be able to babies and a bottle of sleeping pills, then he turned his cell phone off. The local police put out in the public that 11 year old Richard Buell was missing he was spotted 45 miles from his home in a mountain area by wild life officers who shot him with a dart gun that enable them to catch by causing sleep to be fall him as he was going to sleep he somehow called his mama`s cell phone and said mama they shot me with some type of medicine I`m passing out Tom, Sr, his older brother got on the phone with the local police and was told that Flat Water wild life officers used a dart gun that put his 11 year old brother to sleep he was being air lifted to their hospital there in Pot Jump, Tom Sr. called his legal counselor John Knott, he alone with his parents legal counselor R.W. Red, when they got to Macy`s Hospital with Richard he was in handcuffs Tom, Sr & Rick, Sr. both asked that the cuffs be removed the officer that was the arrested officer said sorry can`t do that !! Mr. Knott and Mr. Red both got on their I-phones and got two court orders from two judges to have the handcuffs removed. When Richard wake up, the cuffs were still on him the court orders had not been delivered yet both his father and older brother was at his head and Rick, Jr. was sitting in his power chair at his feet Richard, asked are you guys mad at me ? All three men answered yes. Tom, Sr. and his father kissed him on the forehead !! Richard says, but you just kissed me !! Big Tom says, yes well we still love you !! The court orders were delivered 5-minutes a part from each other so the cuffs was removed. Richard had stay in hospital for four days due to a reaction to medicine to used in dart gun which he was shot with another order was received allowing both Richard and little Tom to be kept in same room with each other !! Two days later another fire storm happened with in the family when little Tom`s mother was arrested after finding out that her son could not get any c***dren because of what Richard had done !! Ruth went over pulled Richard out of bed got him by his hair on his head and got a hold of penis, hospital security was called after she was given medicine to put her to sleep. she was later arrested and changed with c***d endangerment and abuse. Her in laws pressed changes against her !! As did the state, Rick, Jr. who has cerebral palsy pressed changes against for hitting him as he tried to protect his baby brother, the rest of the family was busy else where trying to keep Richard age 11, out of jail. two days later Richard was released to go home from the hospital he had to stop by the police station to booked then he could go home. His family already paid the $30.000 bail. On his way he waves at little Tom and says, I love you !! Little Tom says, uncle Richard come over here Richard says I can`t baby but I do love you !! When Richard walked out of the room Rick, Jr who has cerebral palsy putted his power chair on high speed and went after him. And got on Richard`s feet with his power chair, and pinned him up against the wall. And told him yo-u`re l-ttle To-m`s uncl-e, an-d yo-u`re the rea-son th-at his lif-e is tur-ned up si-de down so get in t-here. And be his friend Richard, says I can`t I don`t want to go to jail !! Rick, Jr. says, we don`t wan-t that ei-ther !! You don`t know every-thing all of u-s have don-e to keep you ou-t o-f j-ail. Dad and mo-m put up everything they owned I put my trust found and Tom, S-r. gave his trust found that his real mother left him and took the money from little tom`s pigging bank and mom`s Christmas club account was even used and dad`s I.R.A and your college found was also used life insuranc-e policies they were also put to use !! Our brother paid $1600.00 to get Mr. Knott to look for loopholes in the law to get a new judge to hear the ca-se again-st you to keep you out of the nut house. Richard age 11, asked his father who was standing near by is this true ? Yes !! Son the judge was watching the news media reports about you and what you did and made up his mind then and called Westfield state hospital which is about a mile from the state school and reserved a panning cell for you and also medicines that would keep you daze and sleepy all the time he wrote a letter saying that you were a danger to the public !! He`d not count on us fighting him at every turned !! Even Tom Dean the father of the boy you hurt went to battle for you D.C.F. even looked into our family`s background over all and found nothing they even tried to take little Tom from his father but the state judge ordered that stopped at least until he hears the case !! At this point Rick, Jr. got off of his baby brother`s feet and Richard ran into little Tom`s room and hugged his oldest brother with tears in his eyes, one of the floor nurses called the medical counselor who had been working with both boys at her home who in turned called the hospital security but one of the Buells legal counselors had enough wise to call the state judge. Cont. Part # 2.
6 years ago