Gary was 8, and Gage was 11, at the time of the accident that their parents they was out for a family joy ride when their father lost control of the car. It hit a mountain side crossed the country road and went down a hill 150 feet landed on it`s top and came to back on it`s wheel, when 11 year old Gage come to he saw that his parents were deceased and he saw his younger brother Gary about 25 feet away from the car face down on the ground. All know jury with two broken arms and legs, He bend over the front seat between his two dead parents and his mother`s cell phone and called for help !! And he somehow got to his brother and find him awake and crying and badly hurt he was not able to move anything but his head.He was calling for his deceased parents and Gage age 11, could not control him his father had shown him how they put someone to sleep in the army so he told 8 year old Gary to look at him please and then placed his two fingers in the back of his neck even know it`s dangerous to do such a thing and little Gary was begging him not do it, he said sorry little brother I love you and would not hurt you for nothing in the world but you need to sleep now !! While crying Gage knotted his brother out !! Gage was holding his little eight year old brother in his arms when rescuers got to him he told them that his brother was out of control so he put him to sleep, he tells them his parents are dead they asked how did you put your little brother to sleep ? He stated that his father showed him how they did in the army !! He then asked his rescuers can I go with my brother to the hospital ? They said sure sweetheart so the fire chief called airlife and told them that they had two patients that needed to be air lifted to Center City`s Medical Center from Rose brook, while in fight the medical team started to treat Gage, but he begged them not to. Until his grandparents that lived in Center City, got to the hospital to take care of Gary.They said well sweetheart we`ll see to that your little brother is taken care of !! He said all I`m trying to do is what my mama and papa told me to do and that is to take care of my little brother !! By this time they were at the hospital`s E.R. When he was wheeled in and saw both set of grandparents and uncles and ants and their families only then did he let his emotions out and broke down and cry, and allowed the E.R. staff treat him. As the medicine given him was putting him to sleep he told his family to watch over Gary .Five hours later as he was waking up he heard his family doctor who knew the boys since they were babies tell the family that Gary would never be able to walk again. Gage called both set of grandparents over to where he was, and says, don`t tell Gary I`ll tell himself, and Guys, I already knew this or was afraid of this happening !! Because after the accident he tried to stand up and could not he just kept looking at the car calling for mommy and daddy crying and going on I was afraid he was going to hurt himself more then he was already hurt so that`s why I placed him u*********sness, it`s funny when I said Gary look at me please he begged me not to put him to sleep but yet he`d not resist.Gary was coming to after surgery and calling for his mama and daddy, his grandma Easter went over to him, and said sweetheart your mommy and daddy went home to be with the Lord in Heaven after the accident.But your brother Gage, is over there in the other bed beside you !! Little Gary says, grandma I don`t like Gage anymore he`s being mean to me !! He knotted me out, his grandma says, Sugar he saved you life by doing that !! Gage started crying and says to his grandma White I want to listen to that I have never been mean to him in life. His grandma White says, yes sweetheart we know he`s just upset that all. Little Gary started saying oh Lord, I have no one to bat for now why did mom and dad leave me behind ? Gage calmed down and stopped crying and said hey guys please move his bed right next to mine. Dr. Keys says, alright but you can`t calm him down I`ll have to give him something to calm him down, so Gary bed was move so that two bed was now one !! Gage says Gary I`m here for you and bat for the best that I can. Gary asked why have they putted this cast on me like this ? Gage tells him that they had to in order to keep him together!! Gary says Gage I can`t feel my legs, Gage with tears in his eyes says, hey brother you`re going to be Mr. Wheeling from now on !! Little Gary shocked everyone when he asked are you telling me that I`ll not be able to walk because of the accident ? Gage, while crying says, yes !! While this was going on the doctor ordered both boys to be given injections to make them sleep, Both boys slept until 11 & 11;30 am the next day. The following eight weeks was very difficult for both Gary and Gage White and Dr. Keys, did not help matters when he wanted to send little 8 year old Gary to Hill Crest Health Care Center in Center, City to live. Gage, age 11 got on the telephone out in the waiting room area and his dead parents lawyers and was able to stop the action by Dr. Keys, the one day court hearing shows the the parents had left the two manor c***dren very wealthy 56 point 9 and a half million dollars plus the real state and the college founds that had been set when two boys were babies which was 15000.00 dollars each they has four insurance policies made out to boys, which was more then enough to take care Gary`s medical needs at home. The grandparents got a R.N. and an L.P.N along with an Q.M.A. and an personal aid for Gary, the personal aid was not really needed due to the fact that Gage, kept his word and took care of Gary even bathing him and helping him go to bathroom as needed. It`s been five years since the accident Gary now 13, is class president at his school and on the honor roll and he get all A`s in School it`s a mainstream situation and works out very well. Gage now 16, will start college next year he`s planing on being a Medical doctor and says, Gary will go with him to Boston, Mass. to live. Gary, 13 a week ago talked his grandparents into putting 5000.00 dollars of his part of the money into his brother`s bank account as a birthday gift to Gage who`s turning 17 next week. {The End.}
6 years ago