Adam And His Brothers Part # 3.

Paul says, little brother we were in same situation as you !! Paul stated surely even at your age you can understand that !! At this point Paul picks up little Samuel in his Adam helped with I.V poll. Samuel says, I`m a baby at least that`s what you guys say and I`m always used to having you around to protect me !! And we`ll be if at possibly, but there`s times in life we our will be there but we`ll not always be able to be with but our love will !! Paul says, he goes to say listen k** oh !! When I allowed Dr. Ho, to put you to sleep without a fight it was for your own good !! Adam says, shut-up Paul !! The only thing that that medicine did for me was give me nightmares we were not in pain but in my case anyways it felt as if I was in a deep hold that I could not get out of. Samuel says, it sure was not fun.Paul became very upset and said Sorry boys I`d not know. Paul then kissed Samuel on the jaw and says, Adam come over here then Adam went over to him and he hugged Adam, with his free arm for he had Samuel in his other arm !! At this point Dr Ho and Dr. William along with their parents, came in and boy did Paul never let in on Dr. Ho, for the next 45 minutes he went on and on about Samuel`s and Adam`s treatment and got off on other things telling his and his brothers secrets at one point his dad tried to shut him up. He says, daddy I love you and mama but honestly I have to say what`s on my heart you can belt me when I get home. A few minutes later Adam, says Paul cool it !! Paul says, little brother I love but if you don`t shut that trap of yours I will deal with you later !! Even Samuel says Paul I`m okay now that I know you guys still loves me so stop it !! Paul says, not yet little brother and he hand Samuel to their father and goes over to his mother and putts his face in her chest and cried very heavy Dr. Williams, always keeps a calmness medical with at all time it calms the young patients down and makes them feels good she gives him a dose of 30 mg injection as she was doing this Adam goes over and Samuel out of his daddy arms so he can and catch Paul as he would passed out !! Jim While put his oldest son in his hospital bed Adam told Samuel Paul`s alright they had to do this to calm him Paul had a smile on his face Samuel went over to Paul`s hospital bed and says, I love you happy birthday!! Every one was shocked that they had forgotten that it was indeed Paul`s birthday. Paul says, I feel so weird man !! What did they give me anyways Dr. Williams it`s a mind utter medicine, it wont last long as a rule it`s given to k** that needs to tided down. But all you needed was something to calm you down fast !! Paul stated I still meant what I said Dr. Ho told the father that when Paul and Samuel was put in the hospital it was it public records page in the local news paper and a local reporter called I promised her that when the boys was released I`ll set it up where the family and medical staff could be interview together. So the next morning the boy got dress in their street clothes and when down stair to the hospital`s Press Room which is never hardly used. Along with their parents and grandparents and uncles and their families and boys main doctors. Everything went smooth that is until a national reporter asked Paul age 12, what did he think of the care that he and his brothers received? Every one looked at Paul who stated we`re all here and well now our family has had a lot of ups and downs since my brother Adam took sick but we got through it all we do thank you Dr, Ho & Dr. William for giving us our brother back to us and for helping us get through this ordeal. Then the hospital`s P.R. person asked if any of the other boys would like say something ? Samuel said I may be in trouble when I get home for this but I would do it all over again for Adam and thanks Doctor I was afraid of you to star with but you`re okay man !!! A local newspaper said are you sure you`re just 5, ? Samuel said yes the reporter says you `re a smart k** for your age. Samuel says, thank you that`s my family`s doing !! Samuel says Adam it`s your turn. Adam Paul and Samuel thank you guys I know that mama and papa had this done but you two had to go through the hell Adam says, He goes to say I love both very much. It`s been 5 years since the surgeries Samuel 10, is his school honor roll as well as baseball team. Adam 14, keep an eye on his young brother he now has a 16 year old boyfriend his 17 year old brother Paul enlisted in U.S. Army last year and is station in Canada. { The End.]
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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