Brotherly Love.......'
When little Elbert was born he was male. But at the age of 7, he started having deep pains in his private area. His parents took him to the doctor who sent them to a nearby c***dren`s hospital after running a cat scan & and an M.R.I. There doctors find out what the problem was and called the parents aside. And said you know you have a very sick c***d. That`s because Elbert`s a female not a male. 9 year old Thomas was listen to every word being said. He stopped playing video games with Elbert, when their parents left the room to go out in the hall to talk to the doctors and stood right inside the door which was closed listening to every word being said. When he heard that he had a sister and not a brother he took a fit. The hospital staff had never dealt with a situation like this he put a hold in the wall with his fist, and in the door too with his foot, broke the hospital`s $2000,00 computer system that was in that room if that was not bad enough Sue Brown the c***dren`s mother passed out and fell in the floor upon hearing this news Keith her husband fell a part. The hospital`s security was called in alone with local police to deal with young Thomas age 9, who had to be given medicine to settle him down which he had a reaction to, the doctors almost lost him both parents was hospitalize. hospital social workers was called in alone with ministers to help the family deal with the situation, Elbert became so upset that the pain medicine would not work doctors placed Elbert into a deep sleep for a while. When the Brown family`s family doctor was called and told he rush right over from County General which was a smaller hospital. And checked on the Brown family himself. The doctors there asked him, Dr. Young what`s the story with this family? The main doctor in charge of Elbert`s care said we have dealt with upset families before but nothing like this....Dr. Young told the story.....of how Mrs . Brown could have c***dren and had surgery to correct the problem Mr. Brown put up everything they had to borrow the $ 50.000 for the surgery which took place oversea. But still took almost two years before Thomas was born Mrs brown was placed on compete bed rest during nine months that she was carrying him.Dr. Young went on to say, that when Mrs. Brown went into labor she almost died 96 hours in labor we could not give her any pain medicine because of her having reaction to it or do surgery and deliver the baby that ways for the same reason.[Dr. Robin, Elbert`s main doctor asked if Elbert had any such problems being given any type of medicines used during surgery Dr. Young says, no only Thomas.] Well, anyways in the delivery room Mrs Brown passed out and didn`t come to until 14 days later. In fact the baby was released to father and taken home before the mother even woke up. It was 14 more day before she was well enough to go home. Mrs. brown and her husband was told not have any more c***dren. But they did not listen two later Elbert came along Thomas and Elbert became very closed slept together Thomas age 2, would not leave his brother`s side for one minute as the two boys grew. They became even closer from what I understand. Well, listen guys I have to get back over to County General but keep me posted will you please. Dr. Robin said we sure will !! Four days passed before Mr. Brown came to the next day his son & wife did two days later the family was allowed to see little Elbert and what a lovely time it was with hugs and kisses and tears young Thomas age 9, says, to his soon to be sister Elbert it does not matter what you are I love you Elbert age 7, says, but I`m afraid her mother says, honey it`ll be alright her father says, sweetheart you`ll be asleep and wont feel a thing. Elbert asked when he was he going to be made a girl Elbert`s mother says tomorrow morning, Late that afternoon they came in after telling the parents what was going to happen and rubbed some medicine on Elbert`s penis and gave him an injection in the drawing area. along with a pain shot. in a few minutes Elbert said mommy and daddy leave Thomas you stay, his mom says, honey it`s nothing to be a shame it`s just the medicine doing it`s job but still yet, Elbert insisted so the mother said alright then the father said Thomas come with me please Elbert your brother will be back in a minute their dad told Thomas age 9, what was happening he was told this in the hospital`s room`s rest room in private his dad said do you think that you can handle this ? We`ll be in the waiting room down the hall if you need us !! Thomas says, daddy that`s Elbert sure I can handle Elbert !! As they came out of rest room a lady from the hall of records came up and ask Mrs. Brown what was Elbert`s new name going to be after surgery tomorrow ? Thomas did not give his parents time to answer the lady, and said Annie Rose, the parents asked Thomas where did you get that name from? Elbert says, no don`t tell them !! Thomas says sorry mama. But he does not want me to tell you The parents says, to the lady mad`am Annie Rose Brown.The three adults left the room all evening Annie Rose, jerked off and pee it kept her brother busy going out getting their dad to help take Annie Rose to the rest room this was because Annie did not want a nurse taking her to the rest room neither did she want the bed pan all the rest room trips was for three reasons the medicine given made her pee a lot in order to clean the penis inside and made her feel like jerking off so that she would do so in order to loosen the tissues from the fully form pussy behind the penis `s wall, so it`d be easy for doctors to remove , the penis was also made very erect so it could be a very smooth cut from the base of the penis. The next morning Annie was put to sleep while still in her room. Thomas as Annie was going to sleep kissed her on the forehead. 15-minutes later she was taken to the O.R. Her family waited in the O.R. waiting area two hours later she was back in her hospital room, before she woke up Thomas called his parents out in hall and told them Annie and him played house and made up the name for one of the make believe k**s that they had {He told them because everyone was asking him where that came from.] a week later Annie Rose was released to go home. A month later she and Thomas was on the baseball field down the street from their house when Thomas notice an 11 year old named Tony Wise, eyeing his sister Annie Rose in her boys clothes. Thomas said Tony Wise you cut that out or I`m going to pop you one, Tony says she`s sure is cute. WHEN ANNIE ROSE WAS 13, AND TONY CAME OVER TO HER HOUSE no one else was at home Tony kissed Annie Rose, one thing led to another and Tony knotted her up. That was 8 years ago Tony & Annie, was married when Annie was 17, and Tony 21, they just had another son Thomas babysits their k**s when needed he lives with parents still.But he is very closed to his younger sister, Annie had her male eggs removed so she will have a girl the next time that she is called mama,Thomas T. Wise age 8, is a good little boy, his 1-year old brother Tony, Jr. is cute as he can be. THE OTHER DAY SHE TOLD A FRIEND THAT WHEN SHE WAS 13, AND TONY KNOTTED HER UP. IT WAS PAINFULLY AT FIRST BUT WHEN HE ENTERED . BUT ONCE HE WAS IN HE REALLY KNEW HOW TO WORK HIS 13 INCH PENIS. [ The end.]
5 years ago