Richard And Little Tom....Part # 2.

And was on his I-phone when security came and the asked to talk to the security officer was and told them that the state police would be there in 20 minutes with a court order blocking any actions that they may take and this family could suit them personal for any actions taken !!! So they left about 15 minutes later the court order was delivered to the hospital at the same time as the boys medical counselor got there, she was shown the court order and says, I resign and walks out !! Rick, Sr and his legal counselor alone with Tom, Sr. took Richard age 11, to the local police station to be booked and fighter printed and mug shot !! While the rest of the family stayed with Tom, Jr. age 8, at Macy`s hospital. Tom, Sr. called his lawer John Knott on the way to the police station he was there 5-minutes after the family got there two hours later Rick, Sr. and his two sons were back at the hospital. Where they all stayed even the handicap son until the next day. When little Tom age 8, was released to go home.On their way home Richard did not say, a word as everyone got of the van Tom, Sr. asked Richard and Rick, Jr. are you going home with me ? So they went home with him. In the guest home and two hours later Tom, Sr. gave everyone a glass of iced tea mixed with 25 mg of sleeping medicine but in Tom, Jr.`s glass was 30 mg one and a half table alone with a small muscle relaxer because he was the only one fully awake. And Richard to give it to him and his daddy wanted him to drink it and relax and go to sleep, Richard asked are you sure ? His brother`s reply was look we all have been up all night and it`s now 2 pm in afternoon so yes I`m sure !!! So Tom, Jr. did drink the tea and Richard stayed with him until the medicine began to little Tom says, I can`t move my legs or arms and Richard helped him to bed and kissed on the jaw. Tom says, this feels weird Richard said that the medicine putting you to sleep !! Richard was half a sleep himself and got into bed with little Tom. The next morning everything was back to normal everyone was watching television around 2 pm with a county court worker came and Tom, Sr. notice that he was a free man Ruth had given up all parental rights to their son. Two days later they went to River city, to the state Judge`s office little Tom set on his uncle Richard`s lap. The judge came in and asked has these boys been putted up to this the younger one sitting on the older one`s lap ?? Mr. Knott says, no sir this is the way this family is !! Tom Dean Fields Buell age 8. said sir I`d like to say something I`m the one that this happened to now please hear me out. My uncle was wrong in what he`d but no body will let me tell our story !! I was always making fun of him and or bullying him three days before he made me take those medicines I made him drink my pee. Richard starts to cry and says, shut up Tom, Jr. Little Tom says, no you`re not as bad as every body thinks that you`re, I also spitted in his lunch when he was not looking a number of times I made him sick by making him eat wet dirt just for meanings and because he`s in special ed. I told the other k**s at school that he touched my penis which never happened !! I tried to tell the counselor in the hospital but she just cut me off !! The judge asked Richard is this true and if so why did you not tell someone ?? And why `d you stay with your brother`s family after all this?` Richard said your honor it`s true but that`s not all he`d he got a green snake and it put in my clothes at a local river last year I `d not know that he had done it , it was in my pant as I put them on the snake come out of my leg !! He shot me in the eye. With a B.B. gun I ran home and told my mama that I `d it by accident. And as to why I stayed it became home to me I had lived with my two brothers since the age of two !! Sorry little Tom, Richard says, Tom, Jr. still setting on his uncle`s lap began to cry and says, that`s okay !!! As to why I`d not tell he`s our baby meaning the baby in our family on the day in question he was the meanest then ever his mama Ruth always took his side when the family was over my parents house I just could not stand it anymore !!! The judge sends little Tom to reformed school for one month He stated that Richard had been through enough Richard`s family paid another $ 1500 in fines.for little Tom`s actions he only stayed two weeks in reformed school one afternoon Richard rode his bike out to the reformed school to visit Tom, Jr. and found out that he had been abused and called Mr Red, and got him home Richard went with Mr. Red to the state judge`s office along with Tom, Sr. and begged the judge to let Tom, Jr. out. five years later both boys are very closed Tom Sr. has remarried and has a new son Rick, Jr. passed away two years ago from the flu and is buried out back of the guest house. Tom, Sr. and his family still lives in the guest house Mr and Mrs, Rick Buell, Sr. alone with their 16 year old son Richard Bull has moved out of the area but comes back home every chance they get. { The end. }
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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