Clay and his big brother.

Keith was 9, when his brother Clay 3, became ill, his right k**ney stopped working and left one was only working five percent doctors had to do something fast or Clay would perish !! Clay`s family did not want him to ware a pouch or bag on his side to make water. Upon learning this the doctors told the family that little Clay would died in a very short time !! Keith only 9 years of age hears this setting in Clay`s hospital room and runs out into the hall way where his parents were talking with the doctors and with tears in his eyes, and asked can I give Clay one of my k**neys the parents had already been tested for a match, but the 9 year old brother had not been tested !! His parents looked at each other and then at the doctors and asked the main doctor should we have Keith tested? The doctor says, mad`am that`s up to you folks !! Clay and Keith`s mother turned to her husband of 12 years, and then he asked Keith are you sure about this ? The 9 year old says, no but I love my brother !! His father says, would you rather we put a pouch on his side so he could pee ? No way replies 9 year old Keith !! His mama says, we love you and she looks at the doctors and says let`s go !! the main doctor went and called the lab who came up 10 minutes later and did the test right there in Clay`s room two hours passed before the family found out that the two brothers were a perfect match. The medical staff inserted a G.E. Tube down through Keith`s stomach in order to clean the stomach out so he`ll not be so sick after surgery. after that task was dealt with they came in to give Clay his pre surgery injection that would put him to sleep for surgery they do young c***dren this way. so they`ll not be so fearful. As the medicine was being given Keith went over on his own with out anybody telling him to do so and kissed his baby brother on the forehead.Keith then turns to his mama and daddy and says, I love him !! His mama says, we know you do !! We can tell by the way that you stop for him when he calls your name when he follows you, you`ll stop and pick him up and love on him in front of all your friends !! And he loves you too !! Oh I know a few days before he got sick, I picked him up and some of the guys gave me the business. And Clay, gave them a dirty look. and would not allow me to kiss me anymore until we got home and the guys left he came to me and wanted me to pick him up in my arms and when I picked him up he gave me and kiss on the mouth and said I love you. As Keith was telling his parents this a nurse came in with Keith`s pre surgery injection which would put him u*********s right away as the had ordered. The nurse told him to undress and put the hospital`s p.j.`s on and get in the bed that was just put in the room for Keith, Keith did as he was told after going to the bedroom for a pee. Once in bed they started an I.V. And his parents kissed him on the forehead and nurse told him just relax. Keith was out like a light. The nurse was shocked when the boys dad got his three year old son Clay and placed him in bed with Keith. and Security was called alone with a social worker and a minister alone with three of the boys five doctors {the other two doctors were preparing for the surgery.} But when the doctors seen that everything was reading normal on the computer above Keith`s hospital bed and saw that Keith had his arm around Clay and how peaceful they looked and after connected Clay back up his computer system and seeing that everything was reading normal there too. They told security to leave and to social left also. As did the minister after praying for the family. The boys were together until they got to O.R. # 1 & 2. they did not wake up until some 14 hours later in recovering room. When Keith Cools age 9, came to he asked a nurse that was checking his I.V. How`s my brother Clay Dean Cools doing ? The nurse went to check the chart for she did not know that the little boy next to Keith was his little brother, the nurse went back to where Keith was and said so that`s your little brother over there Keith answered yeah, the nurse told Keith sweetheart he`s just fine we gave him some medicine to bring him around he should be waking up any minute now !! No sooner then the nurse said this little Clay age 3, woke up, crying and going on !! His brother spoke to him and he {Clay} put his arms out for his big brother to take him. About that time one of the doctors came in and saw this and said you want over there with you brother don`t you ? Now even know Keith nine he small for his age he look as if he was five !! So the doctor asked Keith do you want him ? Keith said sure !! So the doctor with the help of a nurse put Clay in bed with his older brother. The doctor went and ordered a strong dose of pain medicine be given to each c***d as an injection without telling Keith, and both c***dren were fast sleep and didn`t woke up until late that evening when they woke up they were back up stair in their room they woke up 10 minutes apart Keith was the first to come to. And little woke up, for the three days both boys were in and out of sleep due to the medicines that was being given on the fourth day doctors ordered Keith age 9, up in a wheelchair for two hours. Keith did not wish to go to the playroom or anywhere else for that matter he only went and set next to his younger brother`s hospital baby bed until they made him go back to bed himself. It was not until two days later that they allowed Clay age 3, up and then he set on his big brother`s lap on the first day the boys stay in their room looking at the window of their hospital room. The next day Keith did take his brother to the playroom with the help of their mother who pushed Keith`s wheelchair when Clay saw the gift shop cart his little became very wide !! Keith and his mother seen this and the boys were given five dollars each !! Keith did buy anything for himself, he says, mama can five more dollars ? His mama place a credit card in his hand and told only this once am I doing this for you boys !! He paid $7.99 plus sale tax for Clay age 3, a small brown teddy bear, alone with a get well card. And his mother gave him a pen to write with he wrote these words to Clay age 3, To a very special brother love, Keith. Everyone around was shocked the adults has tears in their eyes one 11 year old boy at the gift shop cart said wild I wish I was that closed to my brother !! During the next 12 days the Cools family found out that Bert Well, age 11 was abuse by his family his two older brothers was in jail for d**g crimes the Cools started steps to adopt Bert Keith had become friends, with the 11 year old 12 days after meeting Bert the Cools c***dren was released from the hospital, one week later Bert was allowed to visit Keith and Clay after being released from the hospital himself. Three months later he became a legal family member of the Cools, five years have passed today Clay and Keith are normal happy and healthy c***dren at 14 Keith is in Jr. High and Clay in is an A plus student at his school a block away from the Jr. High and High School where his two brother are students each day Bert and Keith drives over and picks their brother Clay now age 8, and takes him out for lunch. Their father Bill cools is the head master at Clay`s school. Bert, now 16, is over coming the abuse from early c***d hood and B`S and C`S in High School. May Cools the boys mother is having another c***d soon a little girl. { The End.}
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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