Thomas And Annie.....After The Surgery, Part 2.

Thomas and his mother both went into the living room to comfort Annie Rose age 7, Thomas age 9, says I want you !! I was just trying to keep you out of trouble !! And her mama says, your dad and I both want you both and we love you both whatever you are !! When their dad came home from work he belted both Thomas and Annie, Thomas did not resist but Annie said daddy I`m your baby girl you would not belt your baby girl now would you? He says, I love you ....After what happened on the baseball field {see Brotherly Love.} Annie Rose, who turned 8, two days earlier began to go her own way. Her body was chances and she was becoming more female like. But never far from her older brother Thomas who turned 10, the following month. Thomas was hurt at first when Tony Wise age 11, came into the picture but no one could control Annie her mother had her put on birth control pills but half of the time she did not take them. Her and Tony was closed five years had passed and 15 year old Thomas worked at the local supermarket as a carry out boy and was gone to work, and their parents was out of town on a one day business retreat Tony age 17, came over to the house and Annie and him got real close and had sexual intercourse and a month later Annie found out that she was carrying Tony `s off spring 8 months later in the waiting room at C.G.H, Thomas had not said any thing for nine long months to Tony, not one word and Tony said to Thomas man I`d not do anything to Annie Rose, that many other guys ant done with their girlfriends, your sister is a lovely woman !! Thomas says, Tony tell Annie Rose that I love her and the baby very much and he left and went over to c***dren`s hospital, and asked the lady at the front desk, could he please see Dr. BLOCKER THE c***d COUNSELOR. Thomas was very upset so the lady paged the counselor who did not remember Thomas at all but put his name and birth date in the computer. She asked where your parents? Thomas says, they are with Annie Rose over at C.G.H SHE`S HAVING A BABY. He said he never got over loosing a brother which I was so very close to. I walked over here from C.G.H. I just need some closer it`s like a death to me. So Dr. Blocker called Dr. Young who was in the delivering room with Annie Rose and her parents, When the nurse`s aid answered she says, it`s for you he say can`t you see I`m busy here? She says, the lady says, it`s about a Thomas Brown a 15 year old c***d he says, put the intercom on this is his family here !! So the nurse aid turned the telephone`s intercom on. The call was all about Thomas, his father went and got him and was told to buy a grave marker with the name of Elbert Brown on the marker and place it at Red Hill, that way Thomas would have closer. Mr. Brown says, I`ll go in the morning and buy but first I`ll have talk to the family and then the folks at Red Hill, The Doctor says, okay he can go.So they went back to C.G.H, to with the rest of the family while Mr Brown was gone Annie Rose`s baby was born they named the male c***d after his uncle and his father his full name was Thomas Tony Brown, 18 inches long weighting 7 lbs. and 8 oz.The whole was over joyed, Annie says, daddy put your ear to my month I want ask you something private her dad says, what ? Well daddy come here go get Thomas her daddy says, I can`t he`s not allow in here he`s only 15, Dr. Young heard this from the small desk while doing paper work in the small room off from the delivering room. And he went in and asked does she want her brother Mr. Brown ? Mr. Brown answered yes that`s what she want. Dr. Young asking where is he ? Mr. Brown says, he`s down stair where the entering is. So Dr. Young sent a nurse after him. When Thomas came in they had the baby sitting next to his mother for a few minutes to get thing ready for in the baby ward. Thomas went over and picked him up.The nurse said oh you can`t do that !! Tony says, to the nurse oh yes he can Annie Rose added sure he can !! The nurse said it`s against the Keith Brown went out and down stairs to Dr. Young`s office and called up stairs and says the head nurse let the Brown boy hold his sister`s baby said if you don`t the father is suiting you and C.G.H. Says the doctor you don`t fool with this family, The father is on his cell phone talking to his legal counselor right now !!! So the went back into the delivering room and putted the baby back in Thomas`s arms and said to Mrs. Brown, I DON`T KNOW WHO YOU PEOPLE THINK YOU`RE !! I was just doing my job. And walked out. Thomas says to Annie Rose, who has legs open and bent up great job Annie what a lovely boy. Annie says, thank you for saying that and for my big brother from what mama tells me it started from day one as soon as they took me home after I was born and as I got older we played grown up game it felt so good, Thomas says, shut up Annie !! She asked why not tell mama and daddy? I remember the before the surgery they came my medicines that made me masturbate and pee a lot you were only 9, but you set there and held my hand and seen that I was doing it wrong and you said that not the way that you do it !! I asked you to play with with my penis you said no baby. When they came it about 9 pm to an utter sound they said we`re going have to give you an injection at the base of your wee wee so they did. It was really painful. You went out asked a nurse when would they be in to check on me they said what you need us called us by ringing the call bell and we can do no more the family is doing at this point !! So you came back closed the door and pull g****s around the bed, and said baby I`m doing this to help you you then placed your hand under the sheet and for two and a half you jerked me off. It hurt but felt good and I trusted you. After wards I was black and blue down there and it was painful while you were doing it but after I RELEASED unformed sperm it felt better then I went to sleep. The next morning in the O.R The doctors looked down there and said the medicines and you`d a great job all of tissues is pulled a part from your little frog then they putted me under and by the way thanks for giving me my name !! The father asked what in the world are you k**s talking about ? Thomas says, mom, dad I`m a bisexual a few times me and Annie Rose had sex we`d not hurt each other we were just k**s !! Tony said they used to come over before the surgery and all three of us played grown up games !! Thomas said Tony I love you man I just `d not know how to handle it when you knotted my sister up!! Thomas says, I`d not want to but she made me so aroused and wanted me to do in fact she wanted more then I can give and still does !! No one said another word but Annie Rose was red face still when they moved her to a private room. The next day their father went out to Red Hill, and paid $16, 595 for four family plots and a grave marker with Elbert Brown`s name and birth date and the date Annie Rose Brown became female the next day the brown family alone with Tony Wise, and his and Annie Rose`s new born son Thomas Tony Wise went out to Red Hill there Annie Rose says, when I die just changed the date and add aka Annie Rose Brown over the next 5 years the four went almost every where together and done everything together after Tony and Annie Rose`s marriage Thomas T. age 7, was over his grand parents`s house with his uncle and his uncle`s intersex friend while little Thomas was watching television his uncle and his friend went in to Thomas`s bed room Mr. & Mrs. Brown was not at home at the time and so when little Thomas got done watching the show on t.v. He opened the door to the bedroom where his uncle was and seen his uncle making love to Sean Fields both were 22, little ran home, would not to his uncle until his eighth birthday when his uncle came gave him a new ten speed bike and a $ 100 bill tear came into little Thomas eyes as he said uncle Thomas I love you always have I just was afraid when I saw you and Sandy doing that. Thomas said sorry little buddy little Thomas says that`s alright mom and daddy told me about the facts of life. Sandy Fields will have big Thomas`s baby in four months little Thomas age 8, is showing signs of homosexuality his parents says that they will deal with that later but right they have little Tony, Jr. age 1, to worry about Annie, had surgery to enable her to only have female c***dren from now on. {The End. }
Editor`s notice ; In order to get the compete story read Brotherly Love, as well as Thomas Annie Rose After Surgery. Thank you.
Published by azoo57
5 years ago
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