Adam And His Brothers

Adam took sick all at once at age 9, his liver and lungs was hit hard by this unknown illness. Doctors did not understand what was happening but it did as if Adam would a new liver and lung. When Adam`s parents were told this they were tested but did not match and their health would not allow them to help their son Adam Adam had two brothers Samuel age 5, and Paul age 11, So they placed in c***dren`s hospital in an ward together all three of them. Later that night the parents were asked to leave the room while the respiaratiory test was performed on the five year old Samuel where they give medicine to cause an erection in order to speed up the breathing and heart rate to see if both lungs are working as they should. The parents went for coffee while the test was performed but two older boys gathered about their baby brother`s bedside, when asked by one of nurses what did they think that they were doing ? Paul, 11, stated he`s only a baby we`ll let you do the test but with us there to comfort him the male nurse says, it`ll only make him feel good and want to pee !! Paul, age 11, says myself and Adam knows that but Samuel does not !! So the nurse allows him to stay close to Samuel, he did not even cry or asked questions during the time that the test was performed Samuel felt safe with his brothers !! The only thing he did was turn over on his stomach and moved his hips back and fourth at the advice of Paul who`s almost 12, at this Paul age 11 asked the nurse in the lowest voice possible to please give Samuel something to put him to sleep for his own good !! The nurse ask why ? And was told after something such as this he needs rest. The nurse says, you two really do care for Samuel don`t you ? With tears in his eyes he states I love both of my brothers dearly !! Especially this one he keeps us on our toes he`s our lives !! The nurse went out and called the doctor who ordered a special medicine to caused sleep with in a minute or less. Adam told Samuel the sand man comes and will take you to dream land and kissed him.He was out right away !! The parents was told of these actions by Adam and Paul and was shocked and asked the two oldest boys why do you all act like that you could kill each other at home ? They stated that they were normal boys but if they needed each other they`re always there for each other !! The next morning the two boys cried as they was taking Samuel down to surgery for his right lung removable would take longer and be more difficult due his tender age the two oldest brothers not had been given the injections for surgery yet so they got up and Kissed Samuel who was sami awake and Adam said sorry this was not my ideal but mama and papa`s ideal I`d rather die then have you go through this I love you !! Adam asked the nurse could they possibly go down with their little brother ? She asked the surgery aid to wait a minute then she called the doctor who in turned called the chief of the surgery department and the oldest boys were given medicine to relax them then two more aids were called from the surgery department and Adam and Paul were taken in wheelchairs right into the surgery room and asked if they wanted to help put Samuel under ? In true the doctor had already done his job with the medicine and everything all his brothers did was insert the injection into the I.V. tube and placed the mask and held it until Samuel was no longer aware or awake. Adam talked to Samuel age 5, and told him not to be afraid we`re here and kissed him as a rule in surgery before being placed under even the blood pleasure goes up a little along with the heart rate at any age. But in this here case everything read normal. The patient did not fight the mask either. As Adam and Paul was being wheeled in to O.R. # 2 & # 3, Paul says to the aids wheeling them into the O.R. stop guys !! Paul turns to Adam and says. I don`t tell you this I`m shy but I do love you and Samuel both Adam says, I already knew that but I`m really afraid for all three of us !! Paul says, I know are going to be alright with them putting to sleep? Adams says, sure mama and papa wants me to have the surgery and Samuel is alright being worked on. Paul says, it`s time I will see you when we wake God`s willing !! Cont....Part #2.
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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