When 4 year old Paul, Jr, found this out he went to Samuel Paul and cries saying I`m so glad that you are my big brother !! Paul, Jr. reaction was a shocker to everyone in the room !! Paul, Jr. started staying with his grandfather more then never before just to be with his new found brother !! Samuel Paul who`s only 5 years old at this point is more like an adult a loner on top of that. But always found time to play and cut up with his little half brother Paul, Jr. This got him thinking HEY we are family have always been family and will always be a family !! So two weeks later he told the judge this in open court when they went back to learn who gets legal parental rights over him and to see if Jim While, 51 could adopt his two step sons Keith age 8 and Robert age 10, Samuel Paul, age 5, told the judge who had talked to social workers and c***d counselors before hand due to Samuel Paul`s age that he wanted both men to be legally over him and have full 100/100 percent legal parental rights over him. The judge says, oh really ? Samuel Paul says yes, because they do anyways !! My daddy Jim does not make a move toward me without telling Paul, Sr. first !! One day at preschool I got into trouble at Paul, Sr. was at home from oversea at time so daddy Jim was called and Paul, Sr. came with him and they were both setup with me I said Paul you`re my brother you are to back me up !! And he says son we`ll deal with this at home !! Sure enough when they got home daddy belted me Paul as I walked out of the bathroom Paul grabs a hold of my arm and says, come on we`re going out behind the shed and he took his open hands after pulling my pants down and hit me very hard. I told Paul I`m telling dad he says go right ahead and tell dad !! So I`d but dad did not do anything I ran to my room and locked my door and stay there until bedtime when Adam ask me to open the door to let him in to go to bed I told that I hated Paul, Sr. Adam says little man come here and he {Adam} told me the story !! At first I`d not believe it but one day I heard Paul and Carol talking about how should I be told the true and when so a few days I said hi daddy Paul he was shocked !! Then I knew it was true all of this came to head when my daddy-Jim wanted to adopt my two step brothers he was already over the new wife daddy Jim found Paul, Sr. or daddy Paul or whatever is afraid that our dad is trying to replace mama Tina which he`s not you see we have so many girls around the house because of Robert and Samuel when he`s home I`m starting to like girls my self so I understand Jim !! My brother likes boys !!! At this point the judge had to call for order in the court over what this almost six year c***d said !! So The judge order that both Samuel Paul`s father could have parental rights over him !! And also that the adoptions of Samuel Paul While`s two step brothers could go through. {The End.}
Published by azoo57
6 years ago
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