Jay And April
These two were the age born three hours apart their families lived next door to one another and were close friends from the start the age of 10 these two played together as normal little boys and girls do !! Around his little friends Jay, acting as if he hated April one day she went home crying and asked her mother why Jay Sky hated so much ? When her father came home from work and told about what had taken place Mr. Greenwise went out to see Mr. Sky. Who talked to Jay, who was 8, at time he said dad if I act as if I like a girl. The guys will give me the business !! But he really did like April and went over to her house told her I do like her a lot her parents smiled and see April we told you that he did not. Jay says, now it`s our secret okay? She says, well, I guess so !! One day when they were 11, they were out in woods playing. Jay had just hit puberty and asked April to her girl`s private part she said no way fatty he weighted 50 lbs more then he should have for his age and ran off crying she `d catch him before he to his home !! And says come on you know that I`d not mean it. and then back in would they went this time to a more private place about three deeper in woods she pulled her pants down and Jay said is that all you ? They began masturbating each sometimes having an orgasm but most of time not going to the point of cumming !! At the of 18, nature took it course the two were home alone on a Saturday night their had gone out together to a local bar Jay and April starting having sexual feelings for each other at this Jay 18, weighted 260 lbs April was fair girl a lovely girl she could had her picks of guys !! Jay and had known each other all their lives and sincerely love one and another and so they had sexual intercourse it could Jay two hours to get an erection he wanted April so bad !! Him and April both worked his penis once they started the sex lasted another two hours he had promised April that he would cum inside of but in the end that`s what happened and two weeks later she found out that she was knotted up 8-months passed when she found out that she had two boys inside her but because of a medical issue they wanted to euthanized the disabled boy they will let him be born but give him medicine while his parents is with him so when baby B, was born they cleaned him up and gave him to parents and half an half later they placed him in a deep c*** and stopped the brain and heart It`s been 8 years since that day Jay Sky, Jr will be 8 next weeks the parents has been married 5 year old and are having another son next month. They were married on Jay, Jr. 3,nd birthday.
6 years ago