dear steevo,

If i write you one more paragraph and it disappears I will lose my mind. tough titty said the kitty we can talk in blog now. I was writing you because i was so happy. A friend left me a message that he read my best post and left comments. You have to do that for me sometimes. I still don't check my newsfeed. My friends comment was wonderful. You could tell he enjoyed reading it. Sometimes i feel like my writing eats time. For a small group f people reading is still away to escape time. My second comment I posted as a blog because it came up invalid. At first he thought i was ful… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 7

To kurt another invalid reply

I missed two episodes of Seinfeld reading your fascinating f***ly history. Once I started I could not stop. Well done, my Dear. I believe that your most endearing quality, for me, anyway, is your brutal honesty, from your personal information in your introduction page to this blog. I am skeptical enough not to completely accept the claim about the TV Guide and its weekly cost. Please tell me I am wrong about that and the story is true. Were the TV Guides from far flung time zones written in the language of those countries? Great job. I wish to read about your life during the periods when the p… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 3

invalid response to a comment

my teddybear: What he did was wrong but look at the positive in the way he has sparked your passion of writing it is a very good final story. Also all this talk about men just wanting to get off on here is a lie I can come on here to read stories and not get off and as far as I am aware have never pestered you for sex. We are not all bad but it is a challenge to find the good ones here you are right sweet teddy bear, I know not all men chase the next best thing. I am just embarrassed never in a million years would I guess the man I wrote this piece of erotica for would immediately contact… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 8

your very last fantasy from this girl

just start to imagine the secrets of my little dungeon for punishing little sluts like you. You notice a flat table that has restraint so i can hold your hands above your head. I will kiss you gently then push you down on that hard slab of concrete. you know better to resist as i use leather belts to tie your hands down above. your head. the room is so cold chill bumps break out all over your body. you start to resist as i spread your legs and secure your ankles with leather cuffs. your dick is already think and engorged because you know you are in my dungeon now and totally at my mercy. th… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 35


Hi Lin, I was first thinking it might be the word "attack", but we all use that one a lot when referring to attack profiles. There are no other restricted words that I can see, so I'm not sure why it would render it invalid. I hate the xHam glitches! Sooooo frustrating. I'm glad you didn't give up. I DO understand your dilemma about the constant sex talk. I mean, I love to be flirtatious as much as any hot blooded woman, but come on guy's give us a break. We do not care about your current state of hornyness or how hard you are. We already know if you're on here watching vids and looking at pic… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 3

invalid response read this littlewanker

Hi Lin, I was first thinking it might be the word "attack", but we all use that one a lot when referring to attack profiles. There are no other restricted words that I can see, so I'm not sure why it would render it invalid. I hate the xHam glitches! Sooooo frustrating. I'm glad you didn't give up. I DO understand your dilemma about the constant sex talk. I mean, I love to be flirtatious as much as any hot blooded woman, but come on guy's give us a break. We do not care about your current state of hornyness or how hard you are. We already know if you're on here watching vids and looking at pic… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 1

invalid comment to sassyBri

i can't figure it out. i went to post this on your page and it told me it was invalid. see what you think. what trigger word invalidated me this time:sassyBri i am so sorry i missed your last comment i hope you would understand. I've been having problems with my internet running slow as well. It is on my to do list to attack all the comments I have missed. especially yours. sometimes i have to take a break from xhamster bcause i can't handle all the bullshit. It is really hard to meet good men and women if all they can talk about is sex. I love talking about sex but it gets old hundreds… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 5

purple balls. to littlewanker

I must dedicate tonight's round of pictures to littlewanker. All you boys no I love you dearly. Littlewanker is my patient slave. Many days ago he was my master. He made me change my status to 'all my holes are open but my asshole belongs to littlewanker. He got tired of being my master more than once. When he asked for a role reversal we had so much fun. I have been unable to play with my slave because he is only available after 2am due to time zone differences. I keep trying to stay up that late and crashing. I feel like a horrible master because I was supposed to edge him last nigh… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 6

reaction to gross

how to handle a situation like k**die porn. Number one. of course I am not stupid enough to check the link he sent me. Curiosity killed the cat. I do not need to know what mr. k**die cunt fucker wants to expose me to. Number two. I will not reply to his comment. If you send me something nasty I am not going to attack you and give you attention. k**die cunt fucker is looking for any response possible. Men like that are mentally ill. It is not wise to allow them any interaction. Just block him. I may have missed your comments or messages. I'm taking a break from xham. I need it. Last night I got… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 10

another invalid comment reply

I did it again. I wrote another comment reply that was ruled invalid. It's the **** issue. If you can't figure out what the word is I am referring to sex acts with an unwilling participant. It is hard as hell to work around the censorship issues of this site. I swear one day my whole page will be ruled invalid and I will have to start from scratch. Lonewolf: "Recently, when I hung out with brent I told him about too many exploits. He called me a slut. I ran down the list and let him know I didnā€™t fuck or suck dick." I, for one, enjoy hearing your intimate details. Don't stop. I do hope… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 13

The fact behind the fiction. 'little sis'

Iā€™m manic as all hell fire and damnation. It will be clear as day in this blog. My writing isnā€™t as smooth when I feel like this. But I canā€™t stand chasing PM messages anymore tonight. I am biding my time before I write part two of ā€˜little s*s.ā€™ I need to be properly medicated to do my best work. I worked too hard on that story to butcher chapter two. When I wrote it I always intended to write the fact behind the fiction. The heroine has no name yet. I fucked up that aspect of chapter one. I wasnā€™t ready to name myself. My characterā€™s name is halina. Why halina? I donā€™t have an… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 15

Alison mosshart

This is for Dave. In many ways he is a rat bastard for telling me strange lies. giggle. I still don't know what happened. All I know is that I blasted a couple that was innocent. Thanks dave for making me look like a crazy cunt. I'm cracking up right now. If you're reading this and thinking 'what the fuck is lynn doing talking about this dave fucker again?' All I can say is that I care about him. It isn't love anymore. It's lust and passion. We write. We share a lot of bonds. If you leave me a lame comment dave will bust your ass. He's like my personal pit bull. I need him around.… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 18

about the pictures.

I did it. I tackled the ability to take snapshots of myself. I can get away with so many pics because I truly am just a chick that loves seeing how I change do to hair color. All my pics are standard tit and face shots. I'm taking these pictures myself. I have to have both hands on the keyboard to take a picture. That explains my lack of movement. I am still looking for someone to photograph me nude. I am working on getting a chick to do it but I need a digital camera first. The goal will be to take these pictures and feature them in my art. It's a no brainer. I already use nude wome… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 16

the diplomatic prince

I told you men say weird mean things to me. I wrote all those rhymes for anonymous and he read my blog and said this: Fantastic Guess I'll stick with the wicked step sisters I told him to find a new sinderella. I'll find a new rhyme boy… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 18

the beat goes on

This song has always been on my list. That intro makes my panties drop. more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 2

sinderella with a twist

you wanted me to be wicked. a twisted stepsister encrypted. The problem with this fairytale is simply a glass shoe. Prince charming didn't remember the face he once knew. He saw ribbons and jewels and slippers. He missed the face he should fucking remember. sinderella saw prince charming at the door. He looked right through her. and she looked at the floor. There was the bastard holding her shoe. He saw a servant and gawked at the shrew. she was dressed to kill and her hair was in curls. The family resemblance made him think she was his girl. the stepsister was all a flutter.… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 25

francis sage

The man who gave me emily wells had issues. He was in NA and considered my medicine to make me a d**g addict. One day he posted a song clearly meant for me. I responded for a song for him then he hit me with this 'mermaids are seasluts' Don't fuck with me with a battle of words. I researched his artist francis stage. He may think mermaids are seasluts. He didn't used to be so jaded like Mr. NA more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 13

Rap and Emily Wells

A friend sent me a message addressing the fact he liked that I referred to rap as poetry. He had to go to sleep but I letter abused him about my weird tastes in music. In case you care I will share the letter and the links as I discuss my love of black men, my strange tastes in music and my female icon. (besides anias nin) thank you my dear. your comment made my night. I hate to bring up the race issue but it is a big deal in my rural southern town. I have so many people call me nigger fucker i wear it like a badge. I don't know if you read my blog about my time with black men. It was… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 11

yes cinderella rhymes

yeah so i am a dork and i do write in rhyme sometimes. I post this because I want to remember it. I guess I broke and decided not to post when i described cinderella with her leg down an air vent. then it was to cute not to share. I delete some parts and kept the person i shared these rhymes with anonymous because he needn't claim being the recipient of my bad poetry if he doesn't want to. Cinderella: love is a four letter word. it is a something I've rarely heard. In my absence my trust was tainted. In it's place is a masterpiece I painted. Rarely do I speak in Rhyme. Cinderalla never h… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 16

me and the airvent

dear jaime, only you will appreciate this. I had my time with the airvent. luckily you had on jeans and boots. I was not so lucky. you probably went thigh deep. I stepped full down with all my weight and got stuck up to my cooter. It was my left leg and I swear my left labia went down that hole.suddenly i was on my ass with my leg and labia dangling down a shaft screaming in agony. I screamed for my mommy. she is good under pressure. the first thing she did was try to haul me out buy my shorts ripping a huge hole in them. youve seen that evil rectangle. i don't know how i managed to… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 16