Dear steevo,

If i write you one more paragraph and it disappears I will lose my mind. tough titty said the kitty we can talk in blog now. I was writing you because i was so happy. A friend left me a message that he read my best post and left comments. You have to do that for me sometimes. I still don't check my newsfeed. My friends comment was wonderful. You could tell he enjoyed reading it. Sometimes i feel like my writing eats time. For a small group f people reading is still away to escape time.

My second comment I posted as a blog because it came up invalid. At first he thought i was full of shit about the telephone sized tv guide. I assure you they are real and if i wanted to watch a show i could pick my time zone. I should have copy and pasted my response to his doubt about the tv guide. One night writing I decided to call my work bullshit mountain. I wouldn't believe it. It sounds like total bullshit. But there are so many factual elements you know damn well it comes from my memory. As he put it there was too much detail I couldn't make up.

He also asked me the famly name question. People in this town probably still think my parents married cousins. But it felt real good to hear him say this sounds real. You know it's real. I am not sure about bob but chris didn't read it. The man I met to inspire to believe my chances of success didn't read it. But some people did. And they know me. If you missed it you should read it..
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
you can't beat a title like 'bullshit mountain' My dear you would feel you scaled everest if you read the mountain of material I have saved on facebook. This time my writing is better. I needed that solid year to write a piece of shit novel. Now I am ready to do this again and get it better. If I haven't told you this before anais nin is my role model. She was a collage artist, she kept in the company of men. Most of all she wrote. Her generals are something i haven't had the time to read. She also posed in erotic photos and thrived in scandal. Could I pick a better model for success. My two favorite quotes are “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” and finally
“This diary is my kief, hashish and opium pipe. This is my drug and my vice.” This is just the first peak of bullshit mountain. This is where you learn how i ended up setting up a tent in a shit filled cave. Tonight we scout our future trail through turds and fecal impaction rocks. This is when we pray tht the weather holds because for the past few months we have discovered that rain reconstitutes pooh into diarrhea slime. But we made it this far. Anything is possible. These comments count. you are now a character on my shit climbing crusade. Stick with me. If I am the next anias nin then this book we are writing will earn you good hard cash. I am your lottery ticket. So are all the men who enter my crusade to climb shit mountain. but I love being linmarris. But feel free to use my real name xxxlynn
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to whtnzdub : that would've been written pm but we both lost paragraphs. I thought if I wrote a blog we could share our night together. I don't sleuth. I don't check out other blogs. There is no double meaning. This is me sharing a comment with a close friend that I received good quality feedback. He knows how much that means to me. At the same time it was important to mention that chris and bob didn't read it. Neither than the man I wrote it for to validate my point that miracles happen if you work real hard. That's not a sharp edge. That is a rock carved smooth by the ever present flowing of a current
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whtnzdub 10 years ago
At first glance and I may be budding in here but it sounds like you are sleuthing your or others blogs for double meanings (real facts etc. etc.) this is fine but has a few too many sharp edges for me.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to steevo27 : maybe i have been invalidated. i don't know. i was writing to you about how excited i was to get exciting meaningful feedback on a post i put my heart and soul into. I'm trying not to bitch about my excruciating toothache
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I'm not quite sure how this relates to our conversations. I'll be lucky if this small note even posts. Everything I write to you comes up invalid message.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to fiilpinolove : thank you so much for writing such a beautiful response. I wrote this post for 'steevo' because i usually write him long letters and for a few days we keep losing work. I know a blog was a way i could write him a letter like I normally do in the pm box. It is strange finding good friends on a porn site but it happens. I hope he isn't angry at my letter because I kind of asked him to read the post called for 'chris and bob' I don't want praise and glory. I just want him to know my origins. your right about inner beauty. when you are a happy healthy person you just seem to glow.
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fiilpinolove 10 years ago
Linda, you are sincere in your thoughts and as a person. The world needs more people in this world who are interested in others as friends, not for what they expect as favours. I am glad to have you as friend. This may be a strange site to find friends but I am here for that reason as the person is more important to me than the outer beauty. If someone has inner beauty then it will be obvious to everyone in their outer beauty.