Another invalid comment reply

I did it again. I wrote another comment reply that was ruled invalid. It's the **** issue. If you can't figure out what the word is I am referring to sex acts with an unwilling participant. It is hard as hell to work around the censorship issues of this site. I swear one day my whole page will be ruled invalid and I will have to start from scratch.

Lonewolf: "Recently, when I hung out with brent I told him about too many exploits. He called me a slut. I ran down the list and let him know I didn’t fuck or suck dick." I, for one, enjoy hearing your intimate details. Don't stop. I do hope that now you enjoy fucking and sucking Dick. ;-) Would love to hear about it....

My reply INVALID. Suck my dick xhamster. my dear lonewolf, I made wise decisions about sex. In a previous blog I explain how I got mouth ****d at f******n. I truly couldn't suck cock. I blue balled out of necessity. I also live in a small town. I was not going down as the convenient pussy. I made it a damn obstacle course to get inside of me. I was in a steady two year relationship with a boy I loved with all my heart. I overcame my fear of sucking dick. Now I am a dick sucking fiend. I do it for shits and giggles. I love to see how fast I can make a man cum. Then there are men I edge for hours until lock jaw sets in. I had my last boyfriend swear up and down he couldn't cum during head. I told him I could make it happen. I damn sure did it on a regular basis. He was a loser. When I didn't need him anymore I busted his lip wide open and left him scared, hurt and confused. I hit.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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bignasty9 10 years ago
u gave your last bf the dragon uppercut?
ok now im scared lol
to linmarris : No skype, but have email. Guess i could get skype tho. :smile:
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xxflyguyshawnxx 10 years ago
sweety i am going to pm you
I am considered a bad guy on here but then I see and read things 10x worse than my videos and blogs. My blog stories are 100% true but I am not that person anymore. I am not a great writer and wrote the stories quick with no paragraphs but you are a very good writer.
fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
I do hope to see more of your writing I am sure there must be a reason I have never had a response like that but I am sure that it did not mean to upset you with it I love your wonderful writing and you are wonderful in how it is done I do hope it does not stop you honey have a wonderful day I am so sorry I did not see this sooner I did not have must internet time with my honey also on vacation it has been fun with her but not worth writing a sexy story about just some awesome alone time together and some awesome looks at her wonderful sexy look as we were picnicking and having fun together. Thanks so much and have a great day. Love ya XXOO
SassyBri 10 years ago
to lone-wolf-49 : The invalid comment message comes up when you use a word that is censored by the sight. The list of words can be found in support below at the bottom of your screen. Make yourself familiar with these words, then you can "trick" the system by using a symbol instead of a letter still making the word recognizable. For example. R@pe, F*rced, Sl&&ping... etc. It took me a while, but you can get around it. Hope this helps.

SassyBri ~
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to weaser5 : weaser I want to get to know you better as well. My pm box is too full. Do you have skype? I hope you do.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to lone-wolf-49 : Your very welcome. My last invalid message his pretty funny. It explains why the rape was so fucked up. It also explains why I call my cousins mongoloids, plot arson and murder. I also talked about what happened when one cousin had his brothers steal his broke dick testosterone cream. They are steroid junkies and the whole damn family lathered in dick cream and brawled in a gated community. My family has class. giggle. But rape, arson, murder, mongoloids and fighting all in one blog makes you invalid. I have to discuss rape separately from arson.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
I can't figure it out. This is not my first invalid message that became a blog. I know this site has issues. I still love it anyway.
to linmarris : You seem to be love, and I'd like to know you better. :smile:
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lone-wolf-49 10 years ago
Wow, what an ordeal. I very happy though that you conquered it and came out on the other side as a "dick sucking fiend." My kinda girl;-)Here's to "shits and giggles!"
The invalid comments is a weird thing. I wonder what's going on with that.
Thanks for writing luscious dear....
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to weaser5 : I am pretty fucking cool. You would've hit this dude too. He gets his own blog when I have time. He had a good story. He was also real fucking scary. I had to hit him to get out of that relationship. It was a spontaneous punch in the face that floored a whole party. I did warn him if he burned my house down I would burn down his mother's house. One day I will end up in jail for arson.
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Wow your awesome baby!!