Purple balls. to littlewanker

I must dedicate tonight's round of pictures to littlewanker. All you boys no I love you dearly. Littlewanker is my patient slave. Many days ago he was my master. He made me change my status to 'all my holes are open but my asshole belongs to littlewanker. He got tired of being my master more than once. When he asked for a role reversal we had so much fun. I have been unable to play with my slave because he is only available after 2am due to time zone differences. I keep trying to stay up that late and crashing. I feel like a horrible master because I was supposed to edge him last night and I passed out around ten pm or earlier like an old lady. Tonight my littlewanker I have to crash. But I am working towards being here for you as soon as possible. On the 25th when I get my narcolepsy medicine I promise to switch and be awake all night. I am still on break from xhamster and I have missed a shitload of messages.

I just took a new gallery of photos which will always make me laugh. There is a reason why I am decked out in vintage lavender ball trim. I woke up this morning and had the uncontrollable urge to go yard sale hunting. I was in this house going through some old lady's sewing room. Then I found a box of ball trim. Since I collect vintage these are not my first balls. I had to have them. I laid them on the table and nearly shit my britches. I walked into the enemy's lair. I have blogged before about the girl who was my nemesis. I dated her gay older brother then a week later I hooked up with her boyfriend. Oops. my bad. It was her mother that tried to run me over. Today I bought that bitches balls.

When my nemesis looked up it took her at least a minute to recognize me. I look quite different with long blonde hair. giggle. If I had been wearing the red wig I swear I could've made her swing on me. With blonde hair I literally got to see her choke on the food she was eating. The years have not been kind to my nemesis. I can't believe I walked up into the house I used to party at and didn't recognize a damn thing. Luck is tragic like that. Today luck let me see my nemesis in actual distress. I got her by the trim and the balls. I am in a great fucking mood. Littlewanker your mistress made her rival squirm. Tomorrow I will try to make you squirm as well. Your mistress is a mean girl. She has pictures to prove it. Goodnight xhamster. I am still on break but I will be back before you know I was gone.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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coolluke530 10 years ago
I love that you have a nemesis. Everyone should get one.
southernand7up 10 years ago
its always a great feeling when you get your nemesis in an awkward position. Such a great feeling of power.
rebz10 10 years ago
nice new set of pic. i like the redhead
DirtyDog209 10 years ago
"Lucky little wanker"
snake_500011 10 years ago
Love the new pictures with the purple balls glad you got some revenge on some one who deserved it
littlewanker 10 years ago
My balls are so purple and full of sperm it hurts.....aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!