Real life blog 2. more sexual. head during lunch

the first two years of high school i earned a serious reputation. i chose to lose my virginity to my friend's cousin who didn't live in my small town. i did it with a promise to myself not to fuck again until i was sixteen, driving and in love. i also had a boy hurt me real bad. one of my most delinquent activities was phone sex. i got off a boy i never met before. i agreed to skip summer school which was extra credit for me as a student. i ended up getting taken to the middle of the woods. he tried to **** me. i was to strong. he couldn't fight me or get my pants off. so he told me i w… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 19

Real life blog. not ultra sexual blog section 1 th

excerpt from a chat with a new friend. i am really sweet. i go out of my way to perform for men that most girls wouldn't. months ago i started chatting with a sweet boy he told me he couldn't cam because he was disfigured. he was in a major car accident and lost almost all his teeth. his dentures are super painful. if you saw him on the streets you would think he was a meth head. i told him it didn't matter. i liked who he is and i wanted to give him pleasure. teeth are a big deal for me. i never thought i could get sexual with a boy without them. i was the first girl to treat him decent in… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 8

sexting with anonymous. waking up and the casting

Anonymous: hmm i can picture you in bed, sleeping enjoying how you are sensually abused and loving everything done to you and provoking further with your sounds and pushing back as to how its done to you. Me: i would really love if one night you knocked me out hard and licked and sucked my nipples so hard you felt me wet the bed with my wet pussy as my hips rock up and down against your hand deep inside of me. i want two arms pressing my legs a part. your head in between them and that glorious tongue working up my engorged clit while you fuck my ass and pussy with your hand. that's whe… Read more

Posted by linmarris 10 years ago 3

blog 2 anonymous sexting. a taxi cab

Anonymous: so you are telling me you were a bad lil slut? ok if you are my Slut, what am I ? tell me what dirty names you love to be called. Me: i love being called all the bad names a woman can be called. nothing offends me. the only way to make me pissy is to ask me to tell you what a stupid slut i am. i hate calling myself stupid. one boy made me do it and it was too degrading. i love when a guy decides to call me his little slut, or whore, or my cunt. i love being called a bitch, a tramp, a tease. i love it all. there is no name off limits. Me: most of the time i pick a n… Read more

Posted by linmarris 11 years ago 9

dirty sexting with anonymous number one: my ass

Anonymous: You bleeped me? Me: bleep ****. I assaulted you with words Anonymous: hahahaha How? do more. I'm more curious Me: there will be many more long letters. i will bleep you nonstop Anonymous: Hey you never know... I could bleep you! Hahaha Me: it would be a bleep that I treasured for a life time. just be gentle with my asshole. it has barely been used in a bleep type scenario Anonymous: Even painting that scenario sounds heavenly. Me: i agree. I would love to be your muse Anonymous : You enjoy being help to find that one certa… Read more

Posted by linmarris 11 years ago 13

bleeping, blogs and bullshit

I was shocked by how many words got blocked on my xhamster blog. I understand why. At the same time I am glad that I can write blogs without guessing the meaning of the bleeped out word. I’m curious to see how hard I can push it. The first bleeped out word made me laugh. I use it all the time. Thank god facebook doesn’t bleep it. I wonder if hamster blocks out the word fuck. Because how can they bleep out the word fucking if they expect to let people talk about it. No, my naughty phrase was not 'I fucked the boys.' It’s a word usually meant to describe a woman who is taken advant… Read more

Posted by linmarris 11 years ago 10

camwhores, curiosity and cockteases. welcome to m

As a writer it only makes sense for me to maintain an xhamster blog. I have left comments on my page that should've been blogs. I'm still new to this forum. I'm still figuring out the details. I'll start by describing myself. I'm not your average girl. I'm severely bi-polar. I can't work a normal job. The medicine i take leaves me tranquilized, spun out or in a state of anxiety. I was in nursing school. i had two major deaths happen two weeks a part. I left knowing I would never return. i'm too sensitive to be a nurse. i get emotional and the state of healthcare in america is a sad… Read more

Posted by linmarris 11 years ago 27