Me and the airvent

dear jaime, only you will appreciate this. I had my time with the airvent. luckily you had on jeans and boots. I was not so lucky. you probably went thigh deep. I stepped full down with all my weight and got stuck up to my cooter. It was my left leg and I swear my left labia went down that hole.suddenly i was on my ass with my leg and labia dangling down a shaft screaming in agony. I screamed for my mommy. she is good under pressure. the first thing she did was try to haul me out buy my shorts ripping a huge hole in them. youve seen that evil rectangle. i don't know how i managed to sc**** my whole leg, ass cheek and labia out of that metal vice. we contemplated calling the parabedics but i know they would have shit eating grins over the girl with her leg stuck in a hole. I almost snapped my ankle getting it freel. its saturday and i desperatly wanted to call my family doctor for a vicodin or two. i decided against the walk in clinic because they would just give me tylenol three with codeine. instead i took alll the resr of the xanax in the house and finally quit bitching to go to the ER. for the record i lost my mom's nice sandal somehere in the air duct. but yes i nearly needed the jaws of life going pussy deep in that hole.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
All you need to know was that i got so far stuck in an airvent the metal grate truly sliced open my pussy and we seriously contemplated calling the paramedics to cut open the floor with the jaws of life to get me out of that hole.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to DimJandy : i still don't know what happened. I have stepped on it a thousand times. my best friend went thigh deep in it once. She had on boots and my legs are smaller. I am not exagerrating about what i did. I must have put all my weight on one leg and holy shit I was stuck in that hole up to my damn labia. i am not even lying that the metal grate sliced my pussy open. pulling me out of that hole was hilarious. I looked like one leg got ran over for weeks
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to RonaldxXx : sorry it took so long for me to respond. You would not even believe how much i damaged my leg somehow pulling it out of an airvent. it was hilarious because i was truly stuck all the way down to my poor vagina. The airvent tore my labia and we seriously contemplated calling the paramedics. Now I have a huge hole not to fall in. Lately when i get stressed I lay down and stick my head in the hole and revel in the air conditioning.
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I hope you feel better soon. I gotta ask. What were you doing playin' hop-scotch with the air vent? :wink:
RonaldxXx 10 years ago
My wishes for quick recovery. I'm recovering too if it's of any help :smile:
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to xxflyguyshawnxx : do not be shy. I'm good with shy people. I was once very shy. I like to think I use laughter to put people at ease. Since you are shy it means so much to me that you would leave a public comment. thank you
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xxflyguyshawnxx 10 years ago
my poor sweety. i have really missed you posts and have waited in anticipation for your posts although im still to shy to personally talk to you
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rebz10 : reb i just needed a break. I didn't answer any skype messages or barely any here. For two days in a row I have hurt myself real bad. I got denied disability. I'm panicked over money. All I have been doing for days on end is making obscure art. I just got my scanner today and I only hope I can make it work and post pics of what I'm creating. I haven't forgotten you. I just needed time.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : sometimes it takes getting my cooter caught in a tiny whole to venture back into the world of blog. I wish i had a camera phone so you could see the little whole i got my leg wedged in and the degree i had to dislocate my ankle to pull out. giggle. it was hilarious. now the hole is uncovered. if i fall in again I swear I'll lose my damn mind.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : As long as you are ok that is the main thing.
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rebz10 10 years ago
glad you're back again in your blog. are you doing ok now? you haven't reply to my PMs here and skype. i don't know why. =(
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : it's actually just hilarious my whole thigh fit in that hole.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
Its good to see you writing again its just unfortunate its about an accident
thekappamaster 10 years ago
to linmarris : Oh god. I am so sorry to hear that, I hope you get some good painkillers to help with that
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to thekappamaster : you have no idea im missing a lot of skin. I also jolted my collar bone and messed with my sciatica
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thekappamaster 10 years ago
Holy crap that sounds horrible