The fact behind the fiction. 'little sis'
I’m manic as all hell fire and damnation. It will be clear as day in this blog. My writing isn’t as smooth when I feel like this. But I can’t stand chasing PM messages anymore tonight. I am biding my time before I write part two of ‘little s*s.’ I need to be properly medicated to do my best work. I worked too hard on that story to butcher chapter two. When I wrote it I always intended to write the fact behind the fiction.
The heroine has no name yet. I fucked up that aspect of chapter one. I wasn’t ready to name myself. My character’s name is halina. Why halina? I don’t have an answer. I was at a state drama competition. One play gave everyone a ‘my name is sticker’ and mine said halina. I have one photo of me framed in my house. It’s a picture in my gallery of younger photos. I’m in my favorite blue dress and halina is written across my chest. In a lot of ways ‘little s*s’ tells a story that lumps together my favorite men.
I did not lose my virginity to my best friend’s brother. Instead I grinded against his brother too hard and he came in his pants. I swear we were a love match if I hadn’t made him blow his load because I was horny like an alley cat. ‘Little s*s’ is going to take my story and add new elements. I do have a male best friend. I love him with all of my heart. I did not play with him as a c***d. We met when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore.
We keep joking about the fact we’ve been friends over fifteen years. It’s hard to explain. I was a wickedly pretty teenager. I did play with damn near all the boys. Brent wouldn’t fuck me for love or money. He is absolutely not sexually attracted to me. I had chemistry with so many men. I have no chemistry with Brent.
Recently I reunited with brent. It was bitter sweet. His wife is no good. She was in a swinger circuit and she got knocked up by a 55 year old man. Brent had to pay for his wife’s abortion and she left him for a while. I am friends with his wife. She also knows I’m a fucking threat. I was honest with them both that in an instant I would move in with Brent. I would take care of him and be his lover if he wants me. He saved my life when I was eighteen. He didn’t even know it. No one knew my secrets.
They vaguely knew my dad was dying. No one knew I was on oxycontin. If you read my earlier blog I talk about that year he was dying. The man I loved left me the day of his funeral. In a lot of ways I buried them both that day. It was my second day of college. My inheritance was a truckload of porn, a tackle box of d**g needles, an ounce of pot, a homemade pipe and around a thousand oxycontin. I smoked the pot and hid the pills. When I finished that ounce I called Brent. I desperately needed more pot.
That is when the real muse of my life saved the day. I did grow up with the cutest boy on earth. His name is chris. I was in second grade and we were in chorus together. We got paired to dance around a hat together holding hands. He was the first boy I ever touched. He was so damn beautiful that my sex life began. I thought god was fucking with me. I had two houses. I lived half with my parents and half with my great aunt. Chris is my neighbor. His grandma lived next to my aunt. I watched him ride his bike all the time. I didn’t see him again until the summer before high school.
He grew up to be so damn beautiful any girl in the school would give up jesus if he asked. God fucks with me. My best friend angie was my competition. We were like sisters. I could fill a whole book with angie stories. She is tragically beautiful. Before school even started she was dating chris. He got us both as a pair. If you asked men in my small town what they fantasized about a lot of them would involve having me and angie at the same time. She was a virgin and I wasn’t.
She let me do things like cover chris in honey and lick it off. So the little girl who saw the cute boy on his bike later licked honey off him. I was a busy girl that year. I was f******n and I hooked up with this girl’s older brother who was in college. He was gay. To this day people still ask me how I turn gay men straight. It is a gift. I can bend sexuality. The gay boy was named danny. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. His mother had to let me play with him even though it was i*****l. We promised her not to fuck and we didn’t.
It was Christmas break for danny and we went on a double date with angie and chris. Since chris is my neighbor angie got dropped off first. Chris’s house is a mansion with a historic slave quarters. We called it ‘the little house.’ I had so many nights in the little house. That night was my crowning achievement. I don’t know how it happened but I ended up with danny behind me rubbing and kissing me and chris in front of me trying to kiss me. I would not kiss my best friend’s boyfriend. Instead I sucked and licked his neck. It was glorious.
I don’t know what level of gay occurred. I remember the moment when danny went for chris and he said no. If memory serves me correctly we were in a three person rub fest and gay didn’t matter. Any other girl would’ve lost her man that night. Not angie. I was a good friend. I will never forget getting home that night and masturbating so long I thought my pussy would break.
I told angie the next day that I sort of borrowed chris and she would have to claim the vampire suck marks I left on him. She wasn’t pissed. She was jealous. Both boys were so fucking hot. It was the nineties and they both had gorgeous long blonde hair. Chris is the boy who was the drum player in a band and in band at high school. Watching him play the drums turns me on so bad. He was also brilliant. He became a pharmacist and he still plays in a band that may make it.
Danny never dated another girl. The week after he left I sort of stole his sister’s boyfriend. It was an accident to take down her gay brother and then her boyfriend. Her mom came after me at school and tried to tell my teacher I was an out of control slut. I busted her hard. I did lie that I was a virgin. But I blasted her daughter for fucking and let her know how much I enjoyed her son. Then she tried to run me over in the parking lot. I did do the run and jump to avoid her little suv. So I was that girl that made mothers attempt homicide.
Back to the story. I told brent I needed weed. He made me drive to his college dorm to buy my first bag of dank. He charged me full price. I still give him shit for being a bastard. It turns out chris used his dad’s farm equipment to do a major pot operation. I found out from brent that both boys were moving pounds and pounds of pot. Chris made a small fortune. He is such a nice guy he lied to his parents that he hit the lotto and gave them most of his profit. That year was a bad year for strawberries and his parents needed that money.
I bitched brent out so bad when I found out chris grew the pot. I started going to the little house and getting it for free. No way would chris charge me for weed when he had pounds. I stayed good and high. Chris had a girlfriend and I was grieving. He was so good to me. I remember getting so stoned in a room with a fog machine. For some dumb reason I laid on the floor and someone stepped on my face hard. We had so many good times. That is the true part of the story.
Me and chris had the free pass in town to buy alcohol. It is smart to befriend the indian man running a Mexican grocer. We always had alcohol. We would walk to the store in bikinis as a hoard of hot teen bitches buying quarts of St. Ide’s. Back to the story. I ended up spending all my time with brent. We were just like siblings. He can give me shit for an eternity. The older brother is truly his dorm roommate. His name was dan. In so many ways I describe the musician that turns into the buff guy with a shaved head because of Dan.
One night I went with angie and the boys we were with to a club. I was dressed to kill. It was a tight purple dress with fringe. It was so low cut I couldn’t wear a bra. It was that dress that makes strangers come up to you and compliment your cleavage and ask if they are real. I walked in brent’s dorm wearing that dress. Dan was too sexy for words. He had this body to die for. He came out of the shower with this tiny pink towel wrapped around his waist. He took one look at my tits and got hard. I still say that bulging pink towel was my sexual peak.
I always end up with the most confident man. I got pulled into his lap while the guy I dated in high school glared at me in fury. I had only slept with two boys. Dan just asked me ‘can we go to my room?’ I said yes. It was the pink towel. Holy shit that night was epic. We fucked like a****ls. We ended up fucking in the shower. Then we fucked on the bathroom floor. Then we fucked up against the toilet. When I reunited with brent I took him down memory lane. We were fucking so hard the lid of the toilet was slamming against his bedroom wall. He had no shame walking into that bathroom while I was fucking. He screamed at us for fucking on the toilet. He told us to use a damn bed and normal people don’t fuck on a toilet.
It was my best sexual experience. Recently, when I hung out with brent I told him about too many exploits. He called me a slut. I ran down the list and let him know I didn’t fuck or suck dick. He declared me worse than a slut. According to my best friend I am a ‘blue balling cock tease slut.’ I finally got to ask him why we never hooked up. His response was strange. He told me that I always looked too young. He showed me in a magazine a woman he considered ‘hot.’ She looked old and she was caked in make-up. He lusts for the milf with eyeliner. I’m just a simple girl that would never wear make-up or a dress that made me look forty. In ‘little s*s’ I’m about to describe Halina fucking her best friend. In my real life it will never happen.
I do love brent. We skype chat for hours and I visit often. I can honestly say he likes me as a friend with no ability to think of me sexually. One final part of the story based on my real life is when I describe letting female friends dress me and fix my hair. I got contacts in eighth grade. That day I showed up to school in a short skirt with daisies on it. I reversed the impression I was a dork in one day. Thank you for reading the truth behind the fiction. I will save the story of how I lost my virginity for another day.
The heroine has no name yet. I fucked up that aspect of chapter one. I wasn’t ready to name myself. My character’s name is halina. Why halina? I don’t have an answer. I was at a state drama competition. One play gave everyone a ‘my name is sticker’ and mine said halina. I have one photo of me framed in my house. It’s a picture in my gallery of younger photos. I’m in my favorite blue dress and halina is written across my chest. In a lot of ways ‘little s*s’ tells a story that lumps together my favorite men.
I did not lose my virginity to my best friend’s brother. Instead I grinded against his brother too hard and he came in his pants. I swear we were a love match if I hadn’t made him blow his load because I was horny like an alley cat. ‘Little s*s’ is going to take my story and add new elements. I do have a male best friend. I love him with all of my heart. I did not play with him as a c***d. We met when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore.
We keep joking about the fact we’ve been friends over fifteen years. It’s hard to explain. I was a wickedly pretty teenager. I did play with damn near all the boys. Brent wouldn’t fuck me for love or money. He is absolutely not sexually attracted to me. I had chemistry with so many men. I have no chemistry with Brent.
Recently I reunited with brent. It was bitter sweet. His wife is no good. She was in a swinger circuit and she got knocked up by a 55 year old man. Brent had to pay for his wife’s abortion and she left him for a while. I am friends with his wife. She also knows I’m a fucking threat. I was honest with them both that in an instant I would move in with Brent. I would take care of him and be his lover if he wants me. He saved my life when I was eighteen. He didn’t even know it. No one knew my secrets.
They vaguely knew my dad was dying. No one knew I was on oxycontin. If you read my earlier blog I talk about that year he was dying. The man I loved left me the day of his funeral. In a lot of ways I buried them both that day. It was my second day of college. My inheritance was a truckload of porn, a tackle box of d**g needles, an ounce of pot, a homemade pipe and around a thousand oxycontin. I smoked the pot and hid the pills. When I finished that ounce I called Brent. I desperately needed more pot.
That is when the real muse of my life saved the day. I did grow up with the cutest boy on earth. His name is chris. I was in second grade and we were in chorus together. We got paired to dance around a hat together holding hands. He was the first boy I ever touched. He was so damn beautiful that my sex life began. I thought god was fucking with me. I had two houses. I lived half with my parents and half with my great aunt. Chris is my neighbor. His grandma lived next to my aunt. I watched him ride his bike all the time. I didn’t see him again until the summer before high school.
He grew up to be so damn beautiful any girl in the school would give up jesus if he asked. God fucks with me. My best friend angie was my competition. We were like sisters. I could fill a whole book with angie stories. She is tragically beautiful. Before school even started she was dating chris. He got us both as a pair. If you asked men in my small town what they fantasized about a lot of them would involve having me and angie at the same time. She was a virgin and I wasn’t.
She let me do things like cover chris in honey and lick it off. So the little girl who saw the cute boy on his bike later licked honey off him. I was a busy girl that year. I was f******n and I hooked up with this girl’s older brother who was in college. He was gay. To this day people still ask me how I turn gay men straight. It is a gift. I can bend sexuality. The gay boy was named danny. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. His mother had to let me play with him even though it was i*****l. We promised her not to fuck and we didn’t.
It was Christmas break for danny and we went on a double date with angie and chris. Since chris is my neighbor angie got dropped off first. Chris’s house is a mansion with a historic slave quarters. We called it ‘the little house.’ I had so many nights in the little house. That night was my crowning achievement. I don’t know how it happened but I ended up with danny behind me rubbing and kissing me and chris in front of me trying to kiss me. I would not kiss my best friend’s boyfriend. Instead I sucked and licked his neck. It was glorious.
I don’t know what level of gay occurred. I remember the moment when danny went for chris and he said no. If memory serves me correctly we were in a three person rub fest and gay didn’t matter. Any other girl would’ve lost her man that night. Not angie. I was a good friend. I will never forget getting home that night and masturbating so long I thought my pussy would break.
I told angie the next day that I sort of borrowed chris and she would have to claim the vampire suck marks I left on him. She wasn’t pissed. She was jealous. Both boys were so fucking hot. It was the nineties and they both had gorgeous long blonde hair. Chris is the boy who was the drum player in a band and in band at high school. Watching him play the drums turns me on so bad. He was also brilliant. He became a pharmacist and he still plays in a band that may make it.
Danny never dated another girl. The week after he left I sort of stole his sister’s boyfriend. It was an accident to take down her gay brother and then her boyfriend. Her mom came after me at school and tried to tell my teacher I was an out of control slut. I busted her hard. I did lie that I was a virgin. But I blasted her daughter for fucking and let her know how much I enjoyed her son. Then she tried to run me over in the parking lot. I did do the run and jump to avoid her little suv. So I was that girl that made mothers attempt homicide.
Back to the story. I told brent I needed weed. He made me drive to his college dorm to buy my first bag of dank. He charged me full price. I still give him shit for being a bastard. It turns out chris used his dad’s farm equipment to do a major pot operation. I found out from brent that both boys were moving pounds and pounds of pot. Chris made a small fortune. He is such a nice guy he lied to his parents that he hit the lotto and gave them most of his profit. That year was a bad year for strawberries and his parents needed that money.
I bitched brent out so bad when I found out chris grew the pot. I started going to the little house and getting it for free. No way would chris charge me for weed when he had pounds. I stayed good and high. Chris had a girlfriend and I was grieving. He was so good to me. I remember getting so stoned in a room with a fog machine. For some dumb reason I laid on the floor and someone stepped on my face hard. We had so many good times. That is the true part of the story.
Me and chris had the free pass in town to buy alcohol. It is smart to befriend the indian man running a Mexican grocer. We always had alcohol. We would walk to the store in bikinis as a hoard of hot teen bitches buying quarts of St. Ide’s. Back to the story. I ended up spending all my time with brent. We were just like siblings. He can give me shit for an eternity. The older brother is truly his dorm roommate. His name was dan. In so many ways I describe the musician that turns into the buff guy with a shaved head because of Dan.
One night I went with angie and the boys we were with to a club. I was dressed to kill. It was a tight purple dress with fringe. It was so low cut I couldn’t wear a bra. It was that dress that makes strangers come up to you and compliment your cleavage and ask if they are real. I walked in brent’s dorm wearing that dress. Dan was too sexy for words. He had this body to die for. He came out of the shower with this tiny pink towel wrapped around his waist. He took one look at my tits and got hard. I still say that bulging pink towel was my sexual peak.
I always end up with the most confident man. I got pulled into his lap while the guy I dated in high school glared at me in fury. I had only slept with two boys. Dan just asked me ‘can we go to my room?’ I said yes. It was the pink towel. Holy shit that night was epic. We fucked like a****ls. We ended up fucking in the shower. Then we fucked on the bathroom floor. Then we fucked up against the toilet. When I reunited with brent I took him down memory lane. We were fucking so hard the lid of the toilet was slamming against his bedroom wall. He had no shame walking into that bathroom while I was fucking. He screamed at us for fucking on the toilet. He told us to use a damn bed and normal people don’t fuck on a toilet.
It was my best sexual experience. Recently, when I hung out with brent I told him about too many exploits. He called me a slut. I ran down the list and let him know I didn’t fuck or suck dick. He declared me worse than a slut. According to my best friend I am a ‘blue balling cock tease slut.’ I finally got to ask him why we never hooked up. His response was strange. He told me that I always looked too young. He showed me in a magazine a woman he considered ‘hot.’ She looked old and she was caked in make-up. He lusts for the milf with eyeliner. I’m just a simple girl that would never wear make-up or a dress that made me look forty. In ‘little s*s’ I’m about to describe Halina fucking her best friend. In my real life it will never happen.
I do love brent. We skype chat for hours and I visit often. I can honestly say he likes me as a friend with no ability to think of me sexually. One final part of the story based on my real life is when I describe letting female friends dress me and fix my hair. I got contacts in eighth grade. That day I showed up to school in a short skirt with daisies on it. I reversed the impression I was a dork in one day. Thank you for reading the truth behind the fiction. I will save the story of how I lost my virginity for another day.
10 years ago
I, for one, enjoy hearing your intimate details. Don't stop. I do hope that now you enjoy fucking and sucking Dick.