Invalid comment to sassyBri

i can't figure it out. i went to post this on your page and it told me it was invalid. see what you think. what trigger word invalidated me this time:sassyBri i am so sorry i missed your last comment i hope you would understand. I've been having problems with my internet running slow as well. It is on my to do list to attack all the comments I have missed. especially yours. sometimes i have to take a break from xhamster bcause i can't handle all the bullshit. It is really hard to meet good men and women if all they can talk about is sex. I love talking about sex but it gets old hundreds of times a day. I'm sure you understand my dilemma. tonight i am being honest. I dont feel well. It is either something I ate or a stomache virus. I have felt shitty for days. enough about me. How are you doing? I cant wait till i feel well enough to read your blogs. Im sure they will be wonderful and way more entertaining than mine. thanks for keeping in touch even though i should have contacted you days ago. you are a good woman and i hope you have a great work week.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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rebz10 10 years ago
Maybe go to the doctor for a check up? Get well soon Lynn
Lin, nothing wrong with this post. Try to resend it, it may have been a temporary xham problem. If it still comes up invalid, replace the word attack. It'd be interesting if that was the trigger word, especially since you used it in a non-threatening manner.
littlewanker 10 years ago
I can understand how you could get sick of talking sex with horny guys all day long, thanks for giving me the time of day beautiful xo
SassyBri 10 years ago
Hi Lin,

I was first thinking it might be the word "attack", but we all use that one a lot when referring to attack profiles. There are no other restricted words that I can see, so I'm not sure why it would render it invalid. I hate the xHam glitches! Sooooo frustrating. I'm glad you didn't give up.

I DO understand your dilemma about the constant sex talk. I mean, I love to be flirtatious as much as any hot blooded woman, but come on guy's give us a break. We do not care about your current state of hornyness or how hard you are. We already know if you're on here watching vids and looking at pics, you're pretty much gonna be hard. And we DON'T want to know that you're sittin' there stroking to us. (unless we ask, and most often we won't) Creepy much? We know we're on a porn site and already expect it as a visual, just don't try and slam it down our throats every chance you get.

Thanks for visiting Lin, I love seeing your pretty face!
SassyBri ~
coolluke530 10 years ago
All I see is "bullshit." Is it ok to say that?