Some days I wish I knew why I was wired to be into big old black men the way I am. I can have ten white guys offering to spoil me rotten and treat me like a princess but all I want to do is be the submissive girl who knows her place to a big older dominate black man. It’s crazy and I know I should hate it but the more he treats me like shit the more I want him. Any of you big black men care to explain to me why I am the way I am so I can explain it to my friends lol… Read more
Needing to be kept in check, good or bad?
So I don’t know what it is but unless a black man keeps me firmly in check I totally lose interest. I’ve had some tell me I’m damaged and they don’t want to deal with it and some who love to keep me in check. What I mean by keep me in check is make sure I know my place with a black man and with him. If it means him giving me a well earned slap or TELLING me I’m going to fuck his friend because he wants him to fix his car or just to make sure I know what I am. I’ve had a few nice black men who want to wife me up and make me their one and only and it just doesn’t do it for me. Being treate… Read more
Fertile on the brain and taking applications.
I guess it’s the winter weather or just me being me but lately I’m going crazy on my fertile weeks and I know it’s gonna happen sooner or so I might as well enjoy it right? So I’m looking to line up a few good older black men to have some fun with this winter and see which one can preggo my eggo lol. I been preg before everything about it was unreal. From the rush and thrill of feeling him shoot inside me to the next weeks and months as it took over my body. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to raise them, I’ll let someone else do that. I just love to make them. So if you want to keep me w… Read more
My struggle to go black
I have been thinking of writing this one for a while but kinda got emotional the first few times I started to write it but it’s some thing I wanted to write. Most whites girls I’m friends with don’t really want to go black despite what they say. They just want the bbc and black thug rush but only if they can keep it a secret and no have to give up their white privilege or that nice white guy who will marry them and buy them a Lexus. But that’s not what I wanted. I knew for a looong time I wanted to be the kinda girl who was on a black mans arm. I knew early on from reading and hanging arou… Read more
Using white men is easy and fun as hell :)
Yea I’m sure some will call me a bitch for this post but only because it hits a nerve with them lol. It amazes me the difference between white and black men today. A black man isn’t going to put up with me being out of pocket or playing games and that’s what I love about them and that’s why I ONLY HOOK UP WITH BLACK. But I get hit on so much by white men I was like hell with it. If they want to be stupid enough to buy me shit and get nothing more than a hug at the end of a date why no ? Nothing I enjoy more than having one take me out on a date and ordering a ton of food and taking it my… Read more
Letting a black man get me preg?
Black men when we let yall hit us bare with no birth control do you see that as our submission or us trying to trap you? I've always taken it bare with no BC because I know my place as a woman and as a WHITE woman. Its about total submission and being respectful to him.… Read more
Reply to African_Prince and everyone else
At first when I saw your comment I started to boil over getting mad thinking about it. But the more I thought about what he said and what you said (laughing at me) and after talking to a few friends I realized that I'm in the wrong. First off realized I have no right to expect anything from them, its not like we were dating or even knowing each others names. I'm sure they expected if I was gonna do what I did I should have made sure I wasn't gonna get pregnant. I've also realized that I'm a bit of a hypocrite about the black lives matter and white privilege issue... When I really stopped a… Read more
What kind of black man I like.
I'm not shy about saying I like older black men :) I keep getting messages asking what kinda older black men am I into and I found the perfect one. Big Max could wife me in a second. I've been into black men like him since I could drive but not vote. Hint hint. If this bothers you I'm sorry I know what I was doing and don't regret it. Sorry if sound like I have a attitude but after the Bullshit with news Years I'm just going to be blunt and to the point about stuff. Alley… Read more
"Dirty sex" and a relationship with a bl
So I just don't get why so man black are cool with a girl liking dirty or taboo sex until they decide they want to try and put her on lockdown and then get all bent out of shape when she still wants it. I've been with a older black man off and on for the last six months and he was cool with me loving random and group sex. I told him from the start I'm never going to be tied to just one mans bbc. I told him that sex and love are two different things and he was all cool with that. In the start he was cool with me being shared and passed around his friends. Well some feelings developed and I w… Read more
Why I like a older black daddy in my bed :D
After having to tell a few black guys my age why I wasn't interested I figured I would make a another post here just to vent and tell you older blk men why this little white girl is hooked on yall :D So I started out with black men my age when I was a freshman in HS and dated and hooked up with a few but couldn't stand anything more than just the sex. The personality and culture of them was just like shut up with the "I'm gonna be a rapper and pimp" or some other immature stuff. They always wanted to play games and talk shit and I just wasn't into it. Next year I was able to get a car an… Read more
Black Lives Matter and White girls
So I'm sure I'm going to piss off a few white girls with this but it needs to be said. Whats up with all the white girls who will proudly march with the Black Lives Matter crowd but won't date or hook up with a black man? They will scream all day and night about equality and black rights but when you ask them about dating a black man they get a face like they are having a heart attack. They want to scream about down with white privilege but they refuse to date a black man because they don't want to give up that privilege. They want to be able to walk into stores, banks, nice white neighborh… Read more
Group sex
Was talking with a friend from high school and we got to talking about group sex and anal. She was kinda the sheltered type and went off on me because I told her I like that kinda stuff. Her biggest issue was how I could do that because it was so "impersonal' as she called it. Knowing she was the hookup queen in HS I asked her well when you had a random hook up wasn't it the same thing? I saw the wheels in the back of her head turning but she still kept on with the letting a random guy screw you isn't the same as being in the middle of several. For me that's what being in the middle of… Read more
What sex with a black man is about to me.
I always get the messages from white guys asking me why I like black men or saying I only like them for the BBC or something like that. For me that's not what its about. Don't get me wrong a BBC can sure turn a bad day into a great one :D but there is a lot more to it . For me sex is about about power, the dominance and submission of it all. White guys all talk about being dominate or being the alpha male but for them they think its about talking shit and just being forceful. For me dominance is when you see that big black guy and he doesn't have to say a word but you know he is in charge a… Read more
Why I'm voting for Trump over Hillary
This is a rant for the day so its not written very well and I don't intend for it to be. I know from the comments some of you guys would just rather me show naked pics and be the dumb blond who loves BBC. If that's you then don't read this and get all butthurt and make a stupid comment. Most of my black friends think I'm crazy when I tell them I'm for Trump over Hillary. Some listen when I try to explain why but most just close their ears. The problem with Hillary is she is just for keeping things the way they are and not helping black people. Some of her policies actually hurt the b… Read more
Our first black president
I watch the news and this breaks my heart to see how our first black president is turning out. We had once chance to prove a black man could be different from the other white presidents that came before him but we failed. I see on the news that he says global warming I mean climate change is more of a threat to us than ISIS is ?!?!!?! He had the chance to put the attorney general on several white cops who killed young black men but he didn't. He will say he didn't think there was a case, well that's not for him to decide that's for a jury and even if they get found not guilty he still put… Read more
Ferguson and now Baltimore
Anyone here who has talked to me for a bit or just looked through my comments knows I'm into black men and not just for sex but I also like black culture and history. I've been watching the news lately and listening to some of my "offline friends" and the comments range from why are the rioting to just drop a bomb on them or something else narrow minded. I guess having a lot of black friends both male AND female, I see things a little different than most of my white friends. They ask why are black people rioting? Well when your poor and you see whats happening to your community you really… Read more