Our first black president

I watch the news and this breaks my heart to see how our first black president is turning out. We had once chance to prove a black man could be different from the other white presidents that came before him but we failed. I see on the news that he says global warming I mean climate change is more of a threat to us than ISIS is ?!?!!?!

He had the chance to put the attorney general on several white cops who killed young black men but he didn't. He will say he didn't think there was a case, well that's not for him to decide that's for a jury and even if they get found not guilty he still put them through some well deserved hell.

Obama could stop all the foreign trade with china or at least tax the hell out of it to help bring back middle class jobs but he won't. The black men in this country have suffered the most unemployment under Obama.

He wants to let IRAN have a nuclear weapon and he is more worried about Syrian refugees than black people.

He is leaving a sad legacy.

Published by Alleyhoutx
9 years ago
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Alleyhoutx Publisher 9 years ago
to dstructive09 : Sorry that's not me. If you want some stupid white chick who doesn't know her ass from her elbow then look someplace else. Sorry guys but I do have a brain.
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african_prince 9 years ago
to dstructive09 : Ditto. Lol
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shhhh and just keep admiring black dick
I would type a long drawn out post but I'm busy at the moment but I believe as a YOUNG black man that is college educated this comes from not just his Legacy(while I love Obama he is very much a in the center on a lot of the issues in this country) but this goes all the way back to the Regan Era. I'm SUPER cynical and jaded about politics because I knew from the start he wasn't going to change anything, not because he didn't try but a congress that we knew wasn't going to work with him. I personally believe we are at a tilting point, because the Far right GOPers(who aren't republicans At all) and the dem(some who aren't any better and only dem by name) are funded by Super Pacs that only have the rich and wealthy on their minds simply because of money,

Oh the cop Issues here is a good article http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/31/ties-that-bind-conflicts-of-interest-police-killings?CMP=share_btn_tw

and on the politics side of things I'll send you the link later since the site is down for right now. I believe sanders could change a lot but as I said earlier this country isn't ready for Socialism because we are too selfish and ignorant.
-nick69- 9 years ago
Totally agree with stopping trade with China.

On the other issues, Mr. Obama is doing as well as can be expected. ISIS is a result of Bush destroying Iraqi Army after invasion. Global warming is a threat, but no one seems to care about something way in the future. I dont know why IRAN is our enemy, Saudi Arabia funds terrorists including ISIS. Iran is the enemy of ISIS. Allowing Syrian refugees in, is akin to preventing Genocide in Obama's mind. So many people are people are being killed and raped by ISIS gangsters over there.

The police killing young Black Men issue is more complicated. Yes its obvious that police are more likely to over-react when they encounter Young Black Men, compared to white boys, but there is no official data to back it up. There are several changes going into effect now that will require police to document the race of a person they encounter. This will provide data that proves racial profiling and will perhaps cause it to decrease.
MrCurve87 9 years ago
First off fk Obama he was never on a black agenda, he was hollering change but when you look around you see the same Ol b.s. everybody knows he was selected. Before him Clinton was praised as being the first black president so why wouldn't Obama win the election. "Open your eyes" Even if he did carry out what he claimed to do during his inauguration there are still those in power over him so he's not making every decision himself for what he feels best for this country.