Why I'm voting for Trump over Hillary

This is a rant for the day so its not written very well and I don't intend for it to be.

I know from the comments some of you guys would just rather me show naked pics and be the dumb blond who loves BBC. If that's you then don't read this and get all butthurt and make a stupid comment.

Most of my black friends think I'm crazy when I tell them I'm for Trump over Hillary. Some listen when I try to explain why but most just close their ears.

The problem with Hillary is she is just for keeping things the way they are and not helping black people. Some of her policies actually hurt the black community. She is a big nut about global warming and all the policies she is pushing will hurt the blue collar jobs that black men often work and need. She thinks more welfare and social problems are the answer which they aren't. She also wants to keep opening our doors to the Syrian "refugees" and i*****ls from the south which all take those middle class jobs black Americans need.

Trump on the other hand wants to bring back a lot of the middle class blue collar working jobs that once employed a lot of black men. He isn't buying into all crap about global warming and shutting down all the manufacturing that made America.

You can say Trump is a racist but show me anywhere that he had issues with blacks.He is for closing the borders and getting rid of the i*****ls that keep American wages down.

And I'm sure some of you are going nuts over Bernie Sanders. Well look deep at his voting record. He voted several times to kill some major audits that would have shown where a lot of the special interest money is going. Bernie is nothing but a used car salesman.

Well that's my rant for the day.
Published by Alleyhoutx
9 years ago
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loincloth 6 years ago
That is the most unintelligent bullshit I ever read! To hell with you and that racist asshole!
btmnj 8 years ago
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I like Trump too ...Tired of Democrats getting rich off the war on poverty while black folk get shaffed again
-nick69- 9 years ago
to DrKnockBoots : Well let me rephrase, politicians only need to help the groups that vote them into office. Anything more is out of the goodness of their heart.. which probably wont be much.

Yes I agree, a lot of people are arrested for bullshit, especially low-income people and Blacks in general. I dont agree that being arrested or convicted of anything besides maybe Treason or Terrorism should stop a person from voting.
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DrKnockBoots 9 years ago
to -nick69- : What do you mean by politicians are going to try to help groups that vote? It shouldn't be about groups. That division is a problem in itself. Did you know a lot of people can't vote because the way our system is structured? Once you're in the system you're screwed and it has been proven time and time again especially in southern states that cops have planted drugs on black people to get them in the system. What type of opportunities do you think are available then? If you think it's hard getting a job in general, just think how much harder it is when you are in the system.

Black on black crime is the same as white on white and everything in between. It's just promoted more. Yes, you're right, more job opportunities will help but it can't be some fast food chain. It has to be a job with real opportunities.
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DrKnockBoots 9 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : The black on black crime thing is bullshit created by American media and everyone is eating it up now more than ever. No one talks about white on white crime even though it's comparable to black on black just like the use of drugs. The fact is that in majority black communities there will be crimes against other black people because they are around black people. In white communities crimes will be also be against other white people because they live around them. Saying black communities don't care sounds like a comment from Fox News correspondents and is not true. The caring in black communities is not promoted as much as in other communities. Fox, CNN, and all these other so called news outlets have an agenda. Their agenda is not make black people look caring or educated but to look like dangerous people everyone should fear. I understand your "crabs in a barrel" mentality comment though and that does occur but again, not just in black communities. You should see the corporate world. I'm a person that's been dirt poor and now wealthy so I have the experience to speak on the good and bad of both sides.

As for Trump vs. Bernie, they both can say all they want but we all know how it may turn out once they get elected. They aren't the decision makers. Trump, however, if he wins will be dangerous because the decision makers like him. He's rich and he will make the rich richer and the poor poorer. He will help black people alright. He will help by creating more private prisons to send them to. Bernie says the things that real people say and although I like his message, I doubt they will allow him to do anything just like our current president.
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-nick69- 9 years ago
All interesting comments but one Issue that is 100% fixable is voting. You can argue about why politicians "care" about one group or the other.. but the truth is, 99% of Politicians are only going to try and help those groups that vote. I understand there is voter-repression going on in many states and gerrymandering but everyone needs to vote !!

The black on black crime thing, I dont fully understand, but I know more jobs would solve it. Might be impossible, maybe a war with China is the only way to get those jobs back?
to horribleperson : This is easily one of the most asinine things I've ever read. Do you even know what a Communist is? Why do you let Trump brain wash you with PR talk?
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HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : No the reason why we ain't going nowhere is because we have nowhere to go. We either have black people get rich, act bougie, and say fuck yall po ghetto ass niggas or ones that are pushed and guided to a life of crime because that is the only way for them to survive. That is the problem and the root of it is that the bougie ones wanna be cool around their white friends even at the expense of the black community. So everything that white people label ghetto and ignorant they call ghetto and ignorant and hate us for it; and the black people on the other side hate the bougie ones so bad that they refuse to be anything like them. In short what's fucking us up is that we still suffer from Willie Lynch Theory, the only difference is that it's not about skin color anymore it's about class.

Now back to America not giving a fuck about shit until it affects white people. Look at laws and policies regarding drugs, guns, jobs, healthcare, etc. All of those things have been brought up by the lower class (minorities) and nobody did shit about them. America didn't care that black kids were out here killing each other nor did they care that black people couldn't find jobs or affordable housing. We been yelling about that since the 70s. But now that a bunch of white people are now poor, can't find jobs, killing each other, etc it's a problem. Now something must be done to help us po folk and get us on our feet.

And that's the main reason why I fuck with Bernie. Dude been saying the same shit since he bursted on the scene as a senator. Nobody wanted to listen to him though. And most still don't.
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Alleyhoutx Publisher 9 years ago
The reason no one cares about black on black crime is because the black community doesn't even care. They always blame it on someone else rather than look at the problems they cause. As much as I love black men I see why blacks have become their own worsen enemy sadly. All other cultures when they see someone trying to climb out of poverty through education or hard work they support them. But the black community sees someone trying to get something out of life and improved themselves and they want to drag him back down.
HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : Alright I saw the video and I admit I don't know everything that's going on over there but I'm not changing my position. I'm not. Reason being is I see America doing the same shit they did to us to Muslims. America,through the CIA, gave all these terrorist guns and money just like they did us (we got guns and drugs) and then when bodies start dropping they let the media demonise them. And truthfully nobody cares when they're killing each other, just like nobody cares about black on black crime, but when white people start dying then it's a problem. Now they're thugs, terrorists, must be stopped etc. And again it's only a few Muslims that are terrorists (that video even says it) but let the media & ignorant racists tell it all of them are terrorists and all masculine black men are scary thugs. And we both know that to be a lie.
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blkdaddy12 9 years ago
She warned that you'd get butt hurt...
Alleyhoutx Publisher 9 years ago
Watch this and then think about your position http://go.clarionproject.org/numbers-full-film/
HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : Look I can see where you're coming from being Jewish and all but you have to understand not all Muslims are bad people. Not all of them hate Jewish people, abuse women, etc. Some just want to come here and live a better life. So to say "hey let's not allow any Muslims in America" would be hella prejudice and ignorant on America's part.

As for the Mexicans, look America is not about to help us and everybody knows it. We are talking about a country that is built off of our labor and everytime it's time for us to get our due we get shafted. Lincoln promised us 40 acres and a mule and was assassinated. We went and did our own thang. Built our own neighborhoods just to have white people come and burn it down. Present Johnson passed laws to help stop discrimination and segregation just for white people to move away from us, build suburbs, and come up with new laws to keep us from living in their neighborhoods. We had our leaders get gunned down and labeled terrorists during the black panther movement while America just looked and watch the KKK rape, torture, and murder us. And if that wasn't enough we had the CIA pump drugs and guns into our already impoverished neighborhoods. America will never help the black community like it does others. That's why we as black people need to start supporting our own. We need to rebuild our communities, support black owned businesses, get more involved in politics, etc. That is the only shit will change.
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Alleyhoutx Publisher 9 years ago
to HTownSchoolboy : America owes a debit to black people for bringing them here and enslaving them as slaves and when that was over enslaving them in institutionalized slavery.

Being Jewish with parents who came from Israel and having lived there for several year I've seen what the Muslims and Islam is like and its a beast that wants to take over the world. These are countries that stone women for being raped, or driving a car. These are countries and cultures that feel if a women doesn't bleed on her honeymoon they have to kill her to keep her honor.

As far as the Mexicans, they are coming him and now the system (democrats sadly) want to give them college and all kinds of benefits while the black community is going to hell.
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HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : Idk what to say to that but I'm gonna try my best. You cannot say any culture is better than another period. You have no idea what it's like to be Muslim and you have no idea what it's like to be Mexican. And don't come with what you hear, what you see, whatever personal experiences that lead you to believe whatever it is you believe. Until you like your life as a poor brown skin mexican/muslim then you won't ever know what it's like. (btw I wanna know how Trump is gonna weed out Muslims seeing as it's a religion and anybody could be muslim)

And here's the thing with your logic, white people been saying that same shit for centuries. First it was us black people taking their jobs, then it was the asians, then the irish, then jewish, and so on and so on. A white person is always complaining about losing their job because of some minority. That is the oldest excuse in the book. Hell that's what them slave masters would tell them redneck overseers so they would do their work for them. Racist whites have been saying the same shit, using the same logic, and finding the few examples to support their claim.

And it trips me out that you can see how America demonize us blacks but no Hispanics and muslims. But I think that's why I like talking to you.
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Alleyhoutx Publisher 9 years ago
to HTownSchoolboy : Yes we should stop letting in certain cultures and religions because they have a proven track record of causing problems like draining the system or wanting to change the laws and standards here.

The Muslims want constant accommodations, just read about them walking out because they were not allowed to stop production at a Colorado meat packing plant so they could have prayer several times a day.

Look at south of the border, the vast majority of people coming from there have no skills and will do nothing but drain the system.

Yes we need to have preferences on who we let in because there a truth that no one wants to talk about. We can let in people all day from Asia and Europe and not have any problems because they value education, its part of their culture.

Look at the Muslim countries and their lack of value of human rights and women's rights.

Sorry I know its not PC but yes some countries and cultures are superior than others (notice I didn't say race). Some value education and community and some value violence and religious oppression.
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horribleperson 9 years ago
Bernie Sanders is a communist, he will destroy America and turn it into a true 3rd world country. you are really poor kinda poor, poor or really rich and none of us will be in the last group.
Hillary is a fake a fraud and has been her entire life. she will sell us out faster then any before her.
the above two scum will keep blacks in never ending poverty. firmly attached to the government teat. the modern day slavery
"Animal Farm" "1984" and all them other books are so close to sadly being real life under these two. kiss the Bill of Rights (if you know what they are) goodbye

Trump is telling it like it is. he knows how to spot a bullshiter and is a proven winner. and yes i have met him 20+ times shut down the boarder, start kicking all the illegals outta jails around the county, send them back to whatever shit hole country they came from. get all the muslim migrants out. they are a parasite. look at all the horrors the past 20 years in malmo sweden all over denmark or this past week in germany. thanks to liberal mentally sickos it will come to a street near you. I am sick of career politicians, all of them need to be put on trial for crimes against we the people.
Newsflash sweetheart... Nobody can "bring back middle class jobs" thats just poll tested political rethoric that is made to sound good. The fact of the matter unless you want to work for $20 per week like the Chinese are willing to manufacturing jobs will stay to the lowest bidder. What you CAN do is get college degree or specialized skills with work certificate so you can get a high end job that will you more for your skills. But the old days are dead and gone sweetheart.
The fact that it comes down to Hillary and Trump should be a travesty to all american. Trump displayed his complete ignorance of foreign policy and even american policies ( I would expect anyone over the age of 30 to know what the Nuke Triad is), plus most of the people who vote for him(not you because you seem to have rational sense) could care less about all the things that really effect this country. As HTown Said he is just pandering to prejudice, it's pretty damn obvious. There are a list of things that pretty much make trump for president not feasible because mainly having empathy and using occum razor theory as a solution to all our woes

In my opinion I think Bernie Sanders would make a great but as of now America is not ready for them. Most of all politics are all a game, I'm sorry i'm so fucking cynical and jaded but I don't believe anyone on capital hill(maybe bernie because I think him actually walking with Dr. King shows some form of insight and not corruption) has the best interest at heart. All of the shit they talk is PR and Fluff, money and pacs are too ingrained into our political system and justice system. Until we take money out of the system and common sense is applied(why the fuck would anyone support citizen united?) we will remain a corrupted oligarchy.
HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
to HTownSchoolboy : *immigration
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HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : Then we should stop immigration period. Don't just stop a certain race and religion in. But we can't stop I'm narration because if we did other countries wouldn't want to trade with us pretty much putting us in another recession.

Your right about Bernie, like I said before America ain't ready, but just him talking about it as the president could inspire people to wake up and stop letting these politicians fuck us over. Btw shit really won't change until people realize that you also need vote for your senators, representatives, and counselman.
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Alleyhoutx Publisher 9 years ago
to HTownSchoolboy : Whats wrong with keeping the Mexicans and Muslims out? We have so many people that need jobs that can't find them yet we want to let more and more people in?

Sorry but Bernie is just selling a bill of goods. He knows he cannot get any of what he is saying passed.
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HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
While you're right about Hilary, she really ain't about shit, Trump ain't finna help black people and on top of that he still has no political background whatsoever. Those middle class jobs won't go to us they would go to the white people from white neighborhoods. Some States are already taking away affirmative action in jobs/colleges. Michigan took away the little quota colleges had to maintain for minorities. Either Alabama or Mississippi has shut down most of the dmvs in black neighborhoods while making ids a requirement to vote and nobody has yet to talk about it.

Plus all Trump is doing is pandering to people's prejudices. That white girl got killed by that illegal Mexican and it's "keep Mexicans out", ISIS attacks in Paris and it's "keep Muslims out". He never goes against white people though. Black kids get killed by cops and we don't here nothing. Hispanic people gets killed by cops and again nothing. But as soon as somebody of another race (because he hasn't said shit about them white boys shooting up theaters and schools) kills a white person and its "keep them out of our country". And we don't need that type of logic at the head of our country.

I know you don't like Bernie but he is the politician for us po black folks. He might not have everything laid out but he knows that there are problems that the poor class face and the rich just ignore because that's how they stay rich. He addressed the prison industrial complex, military industrial complex, social and racial inequality, the difference in the quality of education between private and public/rich and poor schools. He's the only person willing to address these problems. And until those problems get fixed we as black people can't progress.. That is unless all these black entertainers who are making millions off of us actually start to help rebuild our communities and stop running to white people neighborhoods once they get rich. But that'll never happen.