Ferguson and now Baltimore
Anyone here who has talked to me for a bit or just looked through my comments knows I'm into black men and not just for sex but I also like black culture and history. I've been watching the news lately and listening to some of my "offline friends" and the comments range from why are the rioting to just drop a bomb on them or something else narrow minded.
I guess having a lot of black friends both male AND female, I see things a little different than most of my white friends. They ask why are black people rioting? Well when your poor and you see whats happening to your community you really have no other way to be heard and seen. Sure you can "take to the net" and make a zillion posts on facebook but in the end that does nothing. Like all the idiots that say "click here to cure cancer" or "click here to an AMEN to save someones life".
I don't agree with volence against anyone, but when they go out and break a few windows, THE MEDIA AND THE WORLD WATCHES AND LISTENS.
I've heard so many people say they are just rioting to steal shit. Well look in the 90's, where were all the riots then? The last big riot before all this was the Rodney kink riots and once again they had a legitimate issue. Luckily the feds came in and charged those who beat Mr. King, but it took the outrage to do it.
But back to the reason of why there wasn't riots in the 90s and that't because they had jobs, there was money and prosperity and hope. But 8 years of Bush sending all those jobs out of the country, the jobs that black american's did has destroyed the black community.
I had a lot of hope for Obama but sadly he decided he was going to try and save some damn polar bears and sea turtles and focuses his power on the global warming bull crap which cost even more black people jobs. And now we are having the threat of crazy ass Hilary Clinton who really doesn't give a rats ass about black america.
Now I'm reading that guys in the back of the van with Freddie Gray say he was beating himself on the wall trying to hurt himself. Well either this is just someone trying to make a deal to save the polices butts or worse if its true he was doing to get get money that is even sadder. When a young black man has to injure and disable himself to get money.
But anyways I'm done ranting for the day and I'm going to try and hope something positive comes out of all this.
I guess having a lot of black friends both male AND female, I see things a little different than most of my white friends. They ask why are black people rioting? Well when your poor and you see whats happening to your community you really have no other way to be heard and seen. Sure you can "take to the net" and make a zillion posts on facebook but in the end that does nothing. Like all the idiots that say "click here to cure cancer" or "click here to an AMEN to save someones life".
I don't agree with volence against anyone, but when they go out and break a few windows, THE MEDIA AND THE WORLD WATCHES AND LISTENS.
I've heard so many people say they are just rioting to steal shit. Well look in the 90's, where were all the riots then? The last big riot before all this was the Rodney kink riots and once again they had a legitimate issue. Luckily the feds came in and charged those who beat Mr. King, but it took the outrage to do it.
But back to the reason of why there wasn't riots in the 90s and that't because they had jobs, there was money and prosperity and hope. But 8 years of Bush sending all those jobs out of the country, the jobs that black american's did has destroyed the black community.
I had a lot of hope for Obama but sadly he decided he was going to try and save some damn polar bears and sea turtles and focuses his power on the global warming bull crap which cost even more black people jobs. And now we are having the threat of crazy ass Hilary Clinton who really doesn't give a rats ass about black america.
Now I'm reading that guys in the back of the van with Freddie Gray say he was beating himself on the wall trying to hurt himself. Well either this is just someone trying to make a deal to save the polices butts or worse if its true he was doing to get get money that is even sadder. When a young black man has to injure and disable himself to get money.
But anyways I'm done ranting for the day and I'm going to try and hope something positive comes out of all this.
9 years ago
Love to talk with you more on the issues. Not many intelligent people on this site, or they don't speak out...