Black Lives Matter and White girls

So I'm sure I'm going to piss off a few white girls with this but it needs to be said. Whats up with all the white girls who will proudly march with the Black Lives Matter crowd but won't date or hook up with a black man? They will scream all day and night about equality and black rights but when you ask them about dating a black man they get a face like they are having a heart attack.

They want to scream about down with white privilege but they refuse to date a black man because they don't want to give up that privilege. They want to be able to walk into stores, banks, nice white neighborhoods and not have to face the looks and racism that black people do.

Its ok to protest with the BLM crowd because when they walk away and go back home to their white BF or husband they still have their white privilege to enjoy.

I honestly didn't believe in the whole white privilege thing for a long time because well when you have it your don't notice it. But once I started posting pictures on my FB with black men or going out in public with a black man on my arm I quickly saw the ugly part of people I thought I knew. People I had calls my friends quickly showed their racism and bigoted sides. These were people who constantly preached of tolerance and acceptance.

Hell honestly I'm getting pissed just writing this. It pisses me off how many fake white girls will just go out and march and say black lives matter as long as they are part of the group marching just so they can be part of some movement.

For me black lives matter isn't just a hashtag, marching with some people, or posting BLM on your facebook. It's about being there for a black man, feeling his pain, being his shoulder to lean on and his lover. That last one is the most important, first off it pisses off racist white guys and sorry but I love doing that.

But most importantly it give black men a outlet for their rage and feeling of powerlessness. When I first started hooking up with black men it was just a rush and I wanted the BBC not gonna lie :D. But I could feel so much coming for them, it was just rough sex it was them taking back power. Its like I talk to girls I know that just don't get it about the sex and they can't understand why I like letting blk men c hoke me a bit or give me rough anal. Yea it hurts but when you can feel their heart racing in their chest as they are laying on top of you or their BBC throbbing getting bigger and bigger as you cry a little bit and struggle to give them anal, you know you owe that to them and have no clue how much it makes them feel less powerless over the racism in society.

Published by Alleyhoutx
8 years ago
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HornyMaureen 1 year ago
I'm proud to be seen with black men wherever I go. And it case be wonder I always make sure my black lover is hugging me and I'm hugging him. I love when people stare for that's when I passionately kiss my black lover.
sphbr 2 years ago
You said it all, I agree with everything you said!
mountaindawg01 2 years ago
White Women and White Men -- If you are afraid to be seen socially with a black men you are part of the problem
Eur0pean_Fem 2 years ago
You are the biggest rac ist in town
littlequatro 7 years ago
Very passionate blog. Sorry to hear about your negative experiences. These girls think that they are too good to lay with a black man. Segregation in the south was designed to keep black men away from white women. These girls should sleep with a black man at least once. It doesn't matter if they have a boyfriend. There is a dept to be paid. And these white girls allowing a black man to gratify their lust with them a time or two is a part of that. For Gods sake, they don't have to marry them, or advertise it, but it is the right thing to do.
those girls just need more aggressive treatment
mcdonca 8 years ago
Nice post and you are right there are so many wrongs in what is portrayed and said by people in the BLM "movement". I hope you have been speaking with your friend's about this matter even if they are not fucking black men or women.
HTownSchoolboy 8 years ago
Do you even know what white privilege is?
mark2040 8 years ago
Love this post glad you feel like that and you enjoy BBC
MrCurve87 8 years ago
I'm feeling this.. It's only a handful of real authentic individuals out there and you are one of them. It's good to know that you're a rida..
That1nOnly 8 years ago
I'm diggin this post creative shit with a message
pussyeater9 8 years ago
Mmmmmmm I'm glad that you love BBC,sexy and maybe some of your friends need's to find out what they are missing