Using white men is easy and fun as hell :)

Yea I’m sure some will call me a bitch for this post but only because it hits a nerve with them lol.

It amazes me the difference between white and black men today. A black man isn’t going to put up with me being out of pocket or playing games and that’s what I love about them and that’s why I ONLY HOOK UP WITH BLACK.

But I get hit on so much by white men I was like hell with it. If they want to be stupid enough to buy me shit and get nothing more than a hug at the end of a date why no ?

Nothing I enjoy more than having one take me out on a date and ordering a ton of food and taking it my black kings place right after the date and feeding him a good meal. Also I love sitting across from them watching them just trying and flirt totally clueless that in a hour or two I’m gonna be getting it all night from my black king.

The best ones are the ones who get a little racist during the date. That just makes me put on the charm and try to string them along as long as I can for as many dinner and prizes as I can.

It actually becomes kinda a fun challenge for me. How long will he buy me dinners and gifts without anything more than a hug.
Published by Alleyhoutx
5 years ago
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Roughrider1356 9 days ago
Fuck all that shit.  You've never met me.  Two Master Degrees and a high IQ.  I guarantee you this ....I would know right away what a worthless cunt you are and once I move in, you will have no choice but to spread those choppy legs wide.  And once you feel this Bull pulsate,, throb and cum in that worthless Black owned pussy, this white guy (me) would be a deal you can't refuse.
sphbr 2 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : White man does not accept defeat, besides being useless, he is a bad loser!
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sphbr 2 years ago
You're right, you have to use white men, it's the law of life, beta men flatter the alpha woman while she gives it to the (black) alpha man!
sphbr 2 years ago
to Eur0pean_Fem : fake profile
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Eur0pean_Fem 2 years ago
You are angry because white men don't want you! Triggered traumatized girl. You need help
Eur0pean_Fem 3 years ago
Black guys are lo s er’s.
BWC4t1ghtpussy 3 years ago
You are a complete and utter fucking loser, a walking stereotype. 
buckee 4 years ago
Use the dumb fucks for all they are worth!!Lol!!
nudini 5 years ago
Lol, I can only imagine the stuff that was coming out of his mouth when he was 'putting you in your place". Must've been lesson learned hard way, yet enjoyable
Alleyhoutx Publisher 5 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : I love how a black man can get in my head.  I remember when I was younger and was trying to play some games just to make my head a little bigger I guess. I had this one blk guy in his late 40s tell me to fuck off because there was plenty of white sluts like me willing to give what I was trying to make him earn.   That let the air out of my head and I gave it to him and he really put me in my place. 
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Alleyhoutx Publisher 5 years ago
to nudini : They already know if a white girl is sitting at the table that she isn’t after a free dinner. They don’t try and puff themselves up with Bullshit talk or anything like that. And they call me out if I try to push any BS unlike white men who will let anything slide if they think they can get some sex. 
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Sexcitement 5 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : You should put that on your pussy 
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whitewomen123 5 years ago
to mcdonca : White men are getting mad because they have to work for it like everyone else now, they are no longer the "default man", LOL!! White women, they have learned that they have "better options" to choose from to make her happy, and they don't have to just settle for a Man simply because he is white. They are especially angry , when they see a black man and a white woman, they are both exceptional looking and are a couple. That REALLY triggers them!!
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nudini 5 years ago
Also how does black men differ in dates in your experience?
nudini 5 years ago
You are unironically doing nothing wrong. No one forced them to pay for dates or gifts. Hence they aren't legally or morally entitled for anything. They have previlage for long. Good to remind them of their status once playing field is levelled. Keep draining their resources that would otherwise be wasted in some other useless endevor anyways. But yes, please be careful.
Fuck this shit hot as fuck. Damn girl I read this like three times already. Love how white girls know what it is when they get a real one. I don’t play about my steak or my bunny’s ass. Keep doing that shit
whitewomen123 5 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : WOW!!! You are bold, LOL! But please be careful, some of these "types" are getting downright desperate and they may try to harm you. This also goes for black women as well....
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Alleyhoutx Publisher 5 years ago
to whitewomen123 : I’ve had that before on dates. I had one who was so bad I finally turned around around showed him my black spade ink on my shoulder to put him in his place. He called me some nasty names and left. 
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whitewomen123 5 years ago
My girlfriend is white, and I'm the only black guy she's ever dated and we have been together for 5 years now. She told me before we met, she went out on numerous dates with white men, and she said that all they did was brag about their job and supposed money, and a lot of them make racist comments during the date as a test of sorts. For instance, if they saw an interracial couple in the restaurant they would ask her, "what do you think of those two" , or, 'I don't agree with that at all , what do you think?" Pretty pathetic if you ask me, if you're a real man you would not care about such Petty things like race. If you are a confident man, you don't care about that , you know what you are bringing to the table....smh
mcdonca 5 years ago
Good girl and keep it up!  Most think that white women like you would be too good for a black man. Which makes Me laugh also, as they have no clue it is because of then boys they are have driven many white women to Men like Myself!  Even better when they are married white women to a white boy who thinks all they are doing is for their lovely and faithful wife!  