Group sex

Was talking with a friend from high school and we got to talking about group sex and anal. She was kinda the sheltered type and went off on me because I told her I like that kinda stuff. Her biggest issue was how I could do that because it was so "impersonal' as she called it.

Knowing she was the hookup queen in HS I asked her well when you had a random hook up wasn't it the same thing? I saw the wheels in the back of her head turning but she still kept on with the letting a random guy screw you isn't the same as being in the middle of several.

For me that's what being in the middle of a group is all about, you know there is ZERO love or respect. You are nothing more than a piece of meat in the middle of a bunch of big black lions. Not only that but they feed off each other and egg each other on to use you harder and put you in your place.

My first group was a unreal eye opener and I'll be a little vague on the details so XH doesn't get upset. I was just old enough to drive but not vote (wink wink) and he was a little more than twice as old. I had been hooking up with him for a couple months and one weekend I got there at his apt and got a little buzzed and I went to the bedroom to wait for him. The next thing I know there are several umm house guests he didn't tell me about.

Well next thing I know him and his three house guests introduce themselves and he ORDERS me to show them some "hospitality".Well I was quickly brought to the front of the apt and next thing I know I was bent over his couch with one of his guests in front and behind me.

At first the whole thing was a shock and I was panicking like hell on the inside telling myself what the hell have I gotten myself into. But after a couple of minutes of it I calmed down and it was like a switch flipped and I was on cloud nine big time.

Ever since then I've been hooked on groups and anal, I love how it feels, the impersonal, violation, and f orce of it.

LOL well now I need a cold shower.

Any ways whats you guys thoughts ?

Published by Alleyhoutx
9 years ago
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mountaindawg01 2 years ago
The trouble with Black Dick is, once you have one, you want more, and one more is never enough.
Eur0pean_Fem 3 years ago
You are ra c i#t af. You need a good gang r….e
JGal34 8 years ago
I like the spontaneous fucking Just raw fucking. I never had what you had but have been forced and i have to admit i did get turned on
gooddick97 8 years ago
this story got me really fuckin hard.
tyrone68 9 years ago
good story but I keep you all to myself
houstondick713 9 years ago
i think your friend should relax and cant see outside of her own box,keep doin what makes u happy
-nick69- 9 years ago
My first thought is how did that shower go? :smile:

I have never been involved with a group, consider yourself pretty lucky :smile:
Your friend is only right in that, with a single hook-up you can at least pretend it means something. Too many girls are worried about being called sluts.

Stop the Slut Shaming.
HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
to Alleyhoutx : Eh. Fair enough. I guess I just gotta step my game up then.
Reply Original comment
Alleyhoutx Publisher 9 years ago
to HTownSchoolboy : What you mean whats up with old black dues? I LOVE older black men and always have, they don't play games, they don't wanna be a pimp or baller or any other stupid shit. Plus there is just something about a big black daddy :grinning:
Reply Original comment
Okay, that I can get into with you, babes.
HTownSchoolboy 9 years ago
I don't care how cool me and my friends are or how much I'm attracted to the girl NO DICK, OTHER THAN MY OWN, IS ALLOWED IN THE VICINITY. RNS. To tell the truth that's very homo-erotic to me. Just wait your turn man. The girl ain't goin nowhere.

SN: What is up with these white girls and old black dudes? I'm starting to notice a little trend here on xH. I ain't hatin I just wanna know what's up.
tejoke 9 years ago
Ive always loved how you did your first group, you told me before. As for your friend she should know her place and if shes being a hypocrite about it then she should be fucked again till it gets through her damn head that she serves BBC.