To whoever finds this

Fuck this! I've been working on myself. I've been feeling better. Things are fucked, scars never heal. This is me trying to make poetry...I guess... I'm feeling low again. And things never turn the way I want them to. All I get is anxiety and a broken heart. I'm just a jealous bitch, even though I shouldn't be. I need some rest, some sleep and some love. Bye for now, see ya laterz bitches!… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 3 years ago 3

EB's playlist for September

What the fuck?! It's already September?! Well I guess I have nothing else to do but a new music playlist right? Right. And here it is then... 01- Fleetwood Mac - Big Love This is probably my favorite song from the Mac. Lindsey Buckingham is one Hell of a guitarist, very underrated, very talented. And he's a great singer too. This Live version clearly shows what I've just said. 02- Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath Believe it or not, I'm really into Jethro Tull. Their Hard Rock, yet somewhat medieval sound is qui… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 7 years ago 2

EB's playlist for August

Better late than never eh? It's almost the end of the month and I still haven't made my music playlist. Seriously?! "What the Hell are you doing Ellen?" "Eh...ya know...being lazy I guess...or just too busy, you be the judge." "Ah fuck off Ellen! Do your fuckin' list!" "LANGUAGE!! I'll do the list when I want to and it's right now. Ya cunt!" Sorry I was talking to myself there. So yeah, I've been a bit busy with work and I accidentally forgot to make my playlist for August. Silly me! Anyway, there it is. Now let's all shut up and listen to some music. 01- Ghost - He Is… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 7 years ago


Posted by ellenblake 7 years ago 9

EB's playlist for July

Wut wut? I'm late for this one? I should have done it earlier? Who da fuck are you to tell me what to do? The music will do the talking as usual, now shaddup and listen to this shit! 01- Nine Inch Nails - LES THAN A new song for an upcoming EP, cannot wait. The previous EP was quite excellent! It was easily Trent's best work since Year Zero. So yeah, this should rock once again as it is supposed to be a trilogy. 02- Dead Cross - Grave Slave JEESUS! This isn't for everybody. This is hardcore! All Hail the one a… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 7 years ago 3

EB's playlist for June

So here I go again on my oooooown! Goin' down the only road I've ever known...oh's not a Whitesnake karaoke here. My bad...sorry's a playlist instead and there won't be any Whitesnake song in it, I assure you. Too bad if you're a fan of that band! Anyway here are my songs for the month of June that already began. 01- The Cactus Blossoms - Mississippi'bout dat new Twin Peaks season eh? Dis good! Dis good! Dis song's in it. Dis good! Dis good! 02- Chromatics - Shadow What was I s… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 7 years ago 1

EB's Playlist for May

Here we are, another month is over and another one is starting. Which means three things. First of all, Summer is getting nearer and I don't like that. I don't want to spend another year dealing with the heat. I should move to Alaska or somewhere with that kind of climate. Second, my birthday is coming up! And...fuck I'm getting close to 30. By the fuckin' Goddess this is getting insane! And third, a new music playlist I here. So I'll be shutting up (mostly) and the music is going to speak for itself. 01- RoccoW – Pumped I'm listening to quite a lot of chiptunes if… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 7 years ago 4

EB's playlist for April

Guess what? What time is it? It's time for a new playlist of random songs with no reason whatsoever. I don't have anything special to say for once. I mean...I'm kinda late this month, as usual but the list is finally here. So hold on to your butt and Happy Easter everybody! Let's begin. 01- Veruca Salt - Volcano Girls Here's one band and one song that particularly reminds me of my early teens. There are a few bands like that, they all stick with me. Haven't heard from them in a while though... 02- The Iguanas - Agai… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 7 years ago 4

EB's playlist for March

And here we go again, another month, another music playlist for ya! This month will be somewhat different. Let me explain... This past week or so, one of my biggest obsession came back. What is that? I hear you ask. Well it is quite simple my dears. I've got the bl00d of the kindred flowing in my veins. We're talking about the real princes of darkness, not wolves but vampires. It's one thing I just can't stop dealing with...for...well uhm...obvious reasons but that's another story. You see, I don't drink wine. But I'm starting to ramble here. Let's end this quickly shall we. Here's a sel… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 7

EB's playlist for whatever month it is

Hey! Hi. It's me. Uh... Yeah I actually have nothing special to say here so I'm kinda rambling. I know I know, I'm late for my playlist...or am I? No seriously I don't even remember when was the last time I did one. Eh who cares. So uhm I'm going to shut up now. I'm not going to give explanations or whatsoever, let the music do the talking. Let's get right to it...right...well uhm, right now obviously. See ya! 01- The Smiths - How Soon Is Now? 02- Wilbert Eckart & Volksmusik Stars - House Of The Rising Sun https://www.yRead more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 5

2016, you bitch!

"I hear voices crying I see heroes dying I taste bl00d that's drying I feel tension rising" Michel Galabru (actor) David Bowie (singer, songwriter, actor) Alan Rickman (actor) RenĂ© AngĂ©lil (producer, manager, singer) "Iron" Mike Sharpe (wrestler) Michel Tournier (writer) Jimmy Bain (musician) Black (singer) Abe Vigoda (actor) Paul Kantner (singer, musician) Joe Alaskey (voice artist) Maurice White (singer, songwriter) Axl Rotten (wreslter) George Gaynes (actor) Andrzej Zulawski (director) Douglas Slocombe (cinematographer) Tony Burton (actor) George Kennedy (act… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 16

EB's somewhat alernative X-Mas Playlist

So I sorta pormised to make one, I mean I said I was going to make one. And guess what ? Here it is ! Christmas is getting closer and closer, only a few days are left. And you're all wondering what music would be good because you're kinda bored with the same ol'fucking songs. Right ? Right. This is an alternative playlist, it's not that alternative to be fair. It's just a less classic list and a few of my favorites. These songs are songs I always listen during Christmas time. Anyway, I'll shut up and you'll listen from now on. 01-The Ramones – Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonig… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 13

EB - Non-Rock Favs Playlist

So I only made this list to show that I don't always listen to Rock or Metal. Because yeah, I might be a metalhead, it's obviously my favorite kind of music but I do listen to other genres. Well to be fair this isn't really a collection of my Top 10 favorite non-Rock songs but they're definitely somewhere in my favs anyway. This playlist was made because of that Kendy, the Kendyman, the only Kend4ma I know of. As always, youtube links are provided and these are in no particular order. So let's go! 01- Alela Diane - Take Us Back This isn't in there because of a Telltale game. I'… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 4

EB - November's last playlist

Hello there ladies and gentlemen! I'm back with a second playlist for the month of November. Why, you ask? For no real reason really. But since I was late this month for my list, I've decided to make another one. There will be a theme though, these 10 songs here will represent a little collection of my favorite bands/singers of all time (in no particular order whatsoever). Of course 10 is a very limited number, that's why it's a small representation. What are you waiting for? Christmas? Let's get on with it! 01- Rush – The Enemy Within So it's clear now. I've already posted a… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 4

EB - November's music playlist

Dammit! It's almost December and I haven't made a list of songs for the month of November. Well uhm you know me, I'm always late! I guess that my thing now eh? Anyway, let's just get on with it and here's a list of songs for the end of November. And these are definitely songs I've been listening to through most of this month. Here we go!! 01- Better Midler - Shiver Me Timbers I don't know if you know that but I'm a big big biiiiiig fan of Tom Waits. I seriously think he's one of the most talented lyricist and musician ever. He was a great jazz/bluesman (a crossover between Howlin… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 5

Dem weird dreamz tho

So the other I had one of those rather weird dreams but good dreams anyway. Which is pretty good in my book since I don't often dream. And no, I don't mean that I don't remember them, I mean that I just wake up instantly like nothing happened after getting to bed. I'm pretty serious here and my dad has the same "condition"...I guess that's the word... Anyway, I don't exactly remember everything. I only remember the few good parts but not much. So I was living in what looked like an old home I lived in like 10 years ago. I think my parents and si.ster were here too but I'm not 100% sure about… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 10

EB - October's music playlist

Or should I say...Spooktober? XD Yeah uhm. No. No I won't go there, that joke is dated and horrible...which is quite convenient for Spooktober. Once again. I'm sorry for that stupid joke. Alright. I'm done with it. Anyway, this won't be a Halloween special playlist. It will just be the usual thing I do every month or so. And of course, as usual...don't even picks are going to be weird or at least the songs will be very different from each other. Let's get right to it. 01- Misfits – Helena Didn't I say it was going to be a non-Halloween related list? Welp...too late n… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 7

August music sorta Top 10

And we're back? I think...I guess... Eh whatever! August is finally over but summer's heat is sadly still amongst us. Can this fucking stop? Like right now. I want rain, wind, low temperatures, thunder, storms...well...maybe not storms but the rest would be pretty good. Actually, can we be already in winter? That would be even better. So yeah I'm back once again for a playlist of the songs that moved me through the month of August. It will be a list of 10 this time because I listened to a fuck ton of music. 1- Clutch - Gone Cold Definitely one of my favorite bands ever. Their mix o… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 4

Songs of July! YAY!

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Guess what? July is almost over so I think it's time for another Top 5 songs, actually it's going to be a Top 8 songs this time and this time only...well maybe not we'll see. Let's not waste your time and here's my Top 8 songs for the month of July, once again there's no real order to this. 1- Hands Off Gretel - One Eyed Girl I've been talking about Lauren Tate for quite a few months now. Well my opinion hasn't changed, Lauren Tate is fuckin' gorgeous and I love her band! 2- Blues Pills - La… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 6

Songs of June...maybe...

YAY ! For once I'm not all that late for this. Not like it matters to anyone but I'll still do this once in a while. So here are 5 songs that I've been coming back to for all of the month of June. What ? June isn't over ? Fuck it ! And as always...don't question my taste of music...I KNOW IT'S WEIRD !!! 1- Hank Williams III - I'm The Only Hell (My Mama Ever Raised) Yes, Hank III is the grands*n of Hank Williams and the s*n of Hank Williams Jr. And he's just as great ! 2- Jack White - Would You Fight For My Love?[/… Read more

Posted by ellenblake 8 years ago 8