The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" - Rocky Balboa I've been thinking about that quote a lot lately, and while it may be from a fictional character in a fictional movie. It's nearly impossible to deny it' Read more
My 50 favorite movies
As others have done, I've decided to compile a 50 Favorite Movies Blog. These movies are not presented in any order, as I enjoy them all. I based these picks on how entertaining I find them, not necessarily for cultural impact. Movies like the Rocky series, James Bond and Star Wars are compiled in total, because they would take too many slots individually. Without further ado... 1) Terminator 2 2) The Rocky Series (except for 5, shudders) 3) Forest Gump 4) The Matrix (The Read more
Valentine's Day
For this Valentine's Day blog, I will try to be as brief as possible. But readers of my blogs will know that may be easier said than done. LOL. A quick and dirty history of Valentine's Day; The fact is that we are not sure of this exact origin of this holiday, or more correctly; the day's namesake; St. Valentine. The Catholic Church recognizes three martyred saints named Valentine. The most popular legend contends that St. Valentine was a priest that served the church during the third century. During th Read more
Mental Health: A continuing modern issue
Mental Health continues to be a massive issue in the United States as well as abroad and yet we continue to systematically ignore it as a society at best or dismiss it as weakness at worst. This must change if we call ourselves a moralistic, advanced society. Arriving 'home' to my temporary housing for work last night, the first thing I do is turn on the international news and was struck by a horrific story out of Maryland, USA. A woman was found in the early morning hours pushing her dead 3-year old son in a swing Read more
Happy 1200 Lauren!!!!!
HAPPY 1200 DAYS LAUREN!!!! Much as others have exclaimed and said in their posts already (I'm late to the party), you have had an impact on my time here. With your generosity and sweetness, always there for her friends with either a joke or a friendly ear. This site is a better place for you being here, as simple and trite as that may sound, it's very true. In our somewhat small circle of friends you are an integral part, without you it's not quite as fun, diverse or, dare I say, naughty. As a woman you are very s Read more
5 Questions and Answer Blog
First of all, I want to thank all those who have taken the time to provide me with questions to answer. I'm flattered that you are at all interested in me. The questions are answered in random order without any preference at all. Questions from Laurren 1) What is your greatest accomplishment in life thus far? I would have to say graduating at the top of my class with two Bachelors (and later a Masters) from a very prestigious University in two difficult subjects. Namely Physics and Applied Mathematics, with a Masters in Applied Physics. That will change when I finish my d Read more
The Noble fight for Gender Equality
Recently we have been inundated with news stories regarding the the v******e professional athletes have perpetuated on their partners and c***dren. While it is both shocking and disheartening it is merely evident of a much larger societal issue; the continuing epidemic of domestic v******e in our supposedly modern society. The statistics are sobering; 1 in 4 women will be victims of domestic v******e at some point in their lives (source There are approximately 160 million women in the United States according the the U.S. Census Bureau, which looking at the statisti Read more
Internet telepathy, an exciting breakthrough.
Earlier this week a collaborative team of researchers announced that they have successfully transmitted a single word thought between to participants thousands of miles apart. Specifically one was in France and the other in India, a second experiment succeeded in transmitting between France and Spain. Although it was simple one word messages, "hola" and "ciao" this represents the first verifiable claim of human telepathy, albeit with technological intervention. From a biomedica Read more
Secret projects during World War 2
As we celebrate the D-Day invasion and WWII in general we have been gifted by John's great blog entry on the subject. Take time to read it here: In it he really does the brave men that fought for us a great honor. While the invasion and brutal fighting was what won the war in the end, with bravery and blood, there were many technological projects that shortened the war and saved thousands of lives. As we take the time to memorialize the efforts of these brave men I think its also important to honor the efforts of some truly brilliant men Read more
Mistreatment of the wonderful women of Xhamster
It has recently come to my attention that all too many of the great woman on Xhamster are subject to some really inappropriate comments and messaging. First of all, there are considerably less women on Xhamster and the ones that are on here do not need comments or messages in the form of 'I want to fuck your tight ass until you moan and beg for mercy', 'going to dump a hot load into your slut mouth', etc. Not only is it rude and simply bad form but it makes genuine gentlemen on here (and there are some of us) look terrible and it drives women away. The women that I have had the chance to e Read more
The fluidity of dominance v. submission in sex.
(this post discusses the role of dominance and submission in an equal sexual relationship. Those who are part of a BDSM lifestyle have a different approach and derive pleasure in different ways, so I hope I offend no one. Although everyone can benefit from a little role reversal now and then.) If my last post was read, than you are aware of my adorable FWB's first time pegging, which I was lucky to be a part of. The evening began concerned completely with her pleasure, I truly had nothing on my mind other than her. I tied her up and went from light caressing to deep anal sex and toys Read more
FWB first pegging.
My friends first pegging experience came this past Sunday night after a great day together. After taking the bike down to De Soto park and spending the afternoon having a picnic and enjoying the beach we returned home for some fun. After making sure we were clean, even enemas can feel erotic in the right situation. We began, at first the evening was all about her. I tied her wrists loosely to the headboard and began kissing and caressing before going down on her. After some time with two fingers in her vagina massaging her G-spot and one in her ass she came hard after which I gently slip Read more
Interesting (and great) experience with steel ben-
Sunday morning I was awoken by a lubed finger up my ass, which is always a great wake up call. Normally Lindsey doesn't spend the night but it worked out that way Saturday. She started fingering my ass while kissing me and asked if if I wanted to try something new. Of course I'm up for just about anything so I asked what was on her mind. She replied that she had been read a certain book about bondage featuring a naive college student with a billionaire and something in it gave her an idea. Being slightly familiar with 50 shades I was immediately intrigued, I mean the only thing to make Sunday Read more
Fantasies 01/26/14
Enjoying a sensuous afternoon with Lindsey (my very cute FWB has finally allowed me to refer to her by name!) looking at videos on xHam while being busy. Subject came up about sharing fantasies (still trying to get her to peg me, she afraid she'll be too awkward) how important they are, I'm speaking of sexual fantasies here. I think its part of the human condition to have fantasies; sometimes elaborate, sometimes rather ephemeral but nonetheless they are a part of who we are. I think they play into our sexual identity but why are we so hesitant to share them, although we openly comment about w Read more
My first blog and some thoughts. 01/24/14
My FWB and I came home after class today and she wanted to take a look at my profile, to see how my first upload was faring. She's very turned on by my exhibitionism (although she won't let me post anything of her, yet, she's too shy). We were discussing things, mostly sexual in nature and the subject of the upload and it's contents arose. We were comparing opinions on what is fun and pleasurable and people's personal inhibitions. So many people are threatened by alternative forms of pleasure and too many grasp on what they consider 'moral'. I'm sure there are many who would consider a 'friend Read more