My first blog and some thoughts. 01/24/14
My FWB and I came home after class today and she wanted to take a look at my profile, to see how my first upload was faring. She's very turned on by my exhibitionism (although she won't let me post anything of her, yet, she's too shy). We were discussing things, mostly sexual in nature and the subject of the upload and it's contents arose. We were comparing opinions on what is fun and pleasurable and people's personal inhibitions. So many people are threatened by alternative forms of pleasure and too many grasp on what they consider 'moral'. I'm sure there are many who would consider a 'friend with benefits' type relationship as lacking morality, although there is no ambiguity between her and I. We both enjoy our time, together, regardless of any impression of morality.
I'm not sure what place the concept of morality has in sex, within reason. I, for the most part, believe in monogamy within a committed and long term relationship. Although at the same time my last girlfriend was a fan of alternative sex, after I introduced her to pegging me she took to it readily. We were also involved in multiple three-ways, both FFM and MMF. She loved being DPed, by another guy and I or by another girl and I. I've even watched her being DPed by two girlfriends of hers with strap-ons. Because we engaged in alternative sexual practices does that not mean I lacked emotional caring for her, indeed it did not. I cared for her very much, and still do. She moved for her career, my education and consulting work (when not in school) keeps me here or traveling. Was our relationship in any way amoral because of our respective tastes, I don't believe so.
But is there any morality in what one enjoys, I don't believe so. As long as no one is victimized (that doesn't want to be that is) or exploited. I reflect upon my enjoyment of prostate play and pegging, and know that there are many who would condemn these acts as amoral or even sinful. What kind of outlook is this I ask? How can something be amoral or sinful if it feels so good. One hears of certain people saying that anything that is pleasurable is sinful or wrong. How can this be? Walking barefoot on the beach or through soft grass feels good as does getting fucked up the ass by a strap on (albeit a different kind of pleasure). Why do people make a distinction between the two? I've never heard anyone condemn walking barefoot on a beach. The reasons for this escape me, although one possible reason is that at their heart, detractors are insecure about themselves. They spurn anything that is that wonderful because they are not comfortable enough with themselves to abandon themselves to intense pleasure. I have not negative feelings towards these people, other than pity.
I have no doubt that many of my casual friends (many of my close ones know what I'm about) and colleagues would be aghast at what I've posted here, although my particular academic circle is not as conservative as people believe. The ongoing question is why would they be shocked, why would people disapprove? In my humble opinion it is simply a lack of understanding. More people should be more open and perhaps the world would be an easier place in which to live.
On another note, my second upload of prostate milking has been submitted for publication. Made it while my FWB watched, quite the turn on. Thanks for reading and I would love to hear others opinions.
I'm not sure what place the concept of morality has in sex, within reason. I, for the most part, believe in monogamy within a committed and long term relationship. Although at the same time my last girlfriend was a fan of alternative sex, after I introduced her to pegging me she took to it readily. We were also involved in multiple three-ways, both FFM and MMF. She loved being DPed, by another guy and I or by another girl and I. I've even watched her being DPed by two girlfriends of hers with strap-ons. Because we engaged in alternative sexual practices does that not mean I lacked emotional caring for her, indeed it did not. I cared for her very much, and still do. She moved for her career, my education and consulting work (when not in school) keeps me here or traveling. Was our relationship in any way amoral because of our respective tastes, I don't believe so.
But is there any morality in what one enjoys, I don't believe so. As long as no one is victimized (that doesn't want to be that is) or exploited. I reflect upon my enjoyment of prostate play and pegging, and know that there are many who would condemn these acts as amoral or even sinful. What kind of outlook is this I ask? How can something be amoral or sinful if it feels so good. One hears of certain people saying that anything that is pleasurable is sinful or wrong. How can this be? Walking barefoot on the beach or through soft grass feels good as does getting fucked up the ass by a strap on (albeit a different kind of pleasure). Why do people make a distinction between the two? I've never heard anyone condemn walking barefoot on a beach. The reasons for this escape me, although one possible reason is that at their heart, detractors are insecure about themselves. They spurn anything that is that wonderful because they are not comfortable enough with themselves to abandon themselves to intense pleasure. I have not negative feelings towards these people, other than pity.
I have no doubt that many of my casual friends (many of my close ones know what I'm about) and colleagues would be aghast at what I've posted here, although my particular academic circle is not as conservative as people believe. The ongoing question is why would they be shocked, why would people disapprove? In my humble opinion it is simply a lack of understanding. More people should be more open and perhaps the world would be an easier place in which to live.
On another note, my second upload of prostate milking has been submitted for publication. Made it while my FWB watched, quite the turn on. Thanks for reading and I would love to hear others opinions.
11 years ago
I don't know if that could have been said any better, I mean at all. That is largely the crux of the argument, education, or the lack thereof. In more educated an literate cultures there is less opportunity for extremism because people have a better sense of society. As such education is a cornerstone of modern society, at one time only the elite could pursue an education, now it is expected by most developed countries. With that increased education comes a reduction of violence, believe it or not. The death rate through the dark ages, medieval Europe, the Renaissance, and so on was so much higher than today if one looks at statistical rates.
We are confronted by gang violence, terrorism, and genocide by the media and are appalled by them. In the 1400s (for example) mass death was commonplace and an expected part of society. It was through an increase in literacy, interest in the arts, and scientific process that brought more stability to nations.
Not to say that modern people are not corruptible, its just that there are fewer of them. What is bad is that technology gives these misguided and radical individuals powerful tools to further their designs. This is best combated on two fronts, from an intelligence and benevolent societal standpoint. It is easy to discourage people from violence towards innocents when there is more economic equality and opportunity for lifestyle advancement. For those that find a fundamental problem with Western (and increasingly Eastern) society, the only way to stop them is through aggressive thinking and the use of technological innovations.
Can evil be cured from our society, no I don't think so. I think that being monomaniacal, sadistic (not the fun kind, LoL), cruel, or evil is a part of the makeup of humanity. Its that their objectives can be curbed faster and more efficiently, hopefully that is.
Thanks again for your thoughts.
Marx and Engels would be horrified at how their philosophy was twisted by megalomaniacs. What was written to inspire and cause intelligent debate was turned into political propaganda to further selfish needs. This is a story that has been repeated several times throughout human history, even Caligula loved the works of Ovid while destroying Rome.
Ill always remeader an old Politics Lecture where we had a guest teacher in and he said that the Ideals of Stalin, Lenin and Mao would have Marx and Eingals spinning in there graves. evil people will always find a way to twist things round to support there ideas and to gain support from others.
People have a hard time getting along because its a hard thing for the human race to do, we are at heart a predatory species, biologically speaking. The Knights Templar, Teutonic Knights, other chivalrous orders were originally formed to protect pilgrims on their way to the holy land. Later this became embroiled in the Crusades, in which speaking in terms of percentages, killed more people than WWII.
Much as you say though, faith has had great positive impacts as well. Throughout medieval Europe and into the Renaissance the Church was one of the protectors of literacy and education. This evolved into the fight against illiteracy and disease of which you speak. It is a fight that I personally feel very strongly about, of course, having a background in science I sometimes have a dim view of the Catholic church at least historically.
The problem is when people use religion as a source of power, they use the power of faith to further megalomaniacal goals. These people stray from the mostly positive message of the Book, to love, to teach, and to accept, and instead focus on the few passages that may be construed as judgmental or exclusionary. Even though many of these passages have little bearing on modern society they can be used to excuse personal beliefs of bigotry and sexism.
As our world slowly becomes more educated and aware (at least those of us who care) speaking optimistically of course, we have hope to move past the negativity and embrace the positive aspects of faith. Which is what I believe was intended in the first place. Thanks again.
Unfortunately the Catholic church has allowed corruption and the influence of power cloud the ideals with which they were founded. A good example of this is Rodrigo Borgia aka Pope Alexander VI, not only did he use the Vatican tunnels but he allowed mistresses to actually inhabit the Papal apartments for a short time. Then he appointed his warlord sun Cesare Borgia as a Prince of Rome (Cardinal) only to have this appointment resigned and the Papal armies used against Milan and and the sack of Forli. Some example of magnanimous Catholic piety, eh, haha. Don't even get me started on the crusades, although they did give us the Oakshott XI-XIa, the father of the European longsword.
As for Muslim extremism, this is too short a forum to expound upon that here. While I have for racial or other prejudices I do have an extreme distaste for parts of Sharia that regards the treatment of women as objects and property. My views on the equality of women and their place in our society is well known among my friends, both online and in person, and that a civilization allows this barbaric treatment continue is most depressing. That a civilization encourages it is reprehensible and has no place in my life. I will never judge others based on their beliefs but that does not mean I have to support it or allow it in my life. Thanks again for your comment.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on pity (or the lack thereof) for people who are not willing to explore. I think I need to rethink about my beliefs on this subject, why feel pity for someone that is unwilling to change? You are too right in your opinion that we cannot push alternative sexual experiences on someone, they must be discovered independently. That Jesus was a man and more than likely had sex is something that I have thought for some time. How can an act that was engineered to be so pleasurable be wrong, it wouldn't make sense. That it is there as a 'test' to see if it can be resisted is foolish, and presumably beneath a omnipotent being.
Your enlightened views regarding treating bodies as temples, a resource for the expression of the human condition, including emotional, physical, and intellectual is so exciting. Thank you for your transparency in this regard. I hope you do make your reply your own blog, more people need to read this. Thanks you.