5 Questions and Answer Blog

First of all, I want to thank all those who have taken the time to provide me with questions to answer. I'm flattered that you are at all interested in me. The questions are answered in random order without any preference at all.

Questions from Laurren

1) What is your greatest accomplishment in life thus far?
I would have to say graduating at the top of my class with two Bachelors (and later a Masters) from a very prestigious University in two difficult subjects. Namely Physics and Applied Mathematics, with a Masters in Applied Physics. That will change when I finish my doctorate but hopefully that will only be a stepping stone to greater contributions to society.

2) What is one memory that you have that when you think of it, it always brings you joy?
On vacation a couple of years ago I had the pleasure of taking in the opera in Naples, Italy. Afterwards I took a quiet walk through the piazzas and along the shore, it is that quiet evening and it's almost haunting beauty that will always bring me joy. There are others but that's the first that comes to mind.

3) What breed of dog would you describe yourself as?
Timber wolf, specifically Northwestern Timber wolf. They are tenacious, goal oriented, opportunistic and intelligent. When interacting with those to whom they are close they are furiously loyal and will fight to the death.

4) Has Xhamster changed your life in any way?
Yes it has, I've never been much into social networking but since coming here I can see its potential worth, even in light of its potential pitfalls. I have met some friends on here that I have really connected with and am unbelievably grateful for that. Plus there is also my exhibitionist side this site allows me to tweak.

5) What do you usually do at night when you can't sleep?
Besides mess around on here :D Seriously though, I usually read or work with some theoretical physics concepts of one type or another. I've also on more than one occasion decided to play the piano in the middle of the night, few things are more soothing than delicate classical music.

Questions from biorgium

1) Ever been caught 'in flagrante' either with someone or solo? Describe
Yes, to the former. Although everyone who's watched my videos has caught me in the latter :) It was during a summer break in high school and I was staying a week with my father. Well there was a girl that lived a couple of doors down and we had chatted and flirted back and forth for a little bit. She came over one day when everyone was gone and one thing led to another and pretty soon we were doing it in the spa part of the swimming pool. Dad came home early and walked out on the pool deck and caught us. Needless to say, I got into a bit of trouble but I still think my old man didn't have too much of a problem with it.

2) What's more important to you in music - singing or chops?
As someone who (valiantly) attempts to play the piano and guitar, I would have to say singing. On can learn great ability with a instrument with dedication and practice, but to be a truly great singer, you have to born with that. Plus there are few things as simultaneously beautiful and heartrending as a crystalline soprano.

3) Believer, atheist or agnostic
I was raised in a Christian household, but as I see the damage organized religion does to the world I question it's aims. As of late religion has been used as a weapon more than the tool for unity and peace that it should be. So while there may be a higher power, I don't think its a bearded guy on a cloud, no an ultra-advanced omnipotent being would be far more complex than we could imagine. So I would say somewhere between agnostic and believer.

4) When and how did you experience your first orgasm, and was it dry or wet?
I was between ten and elven, just saw or heard something pertaining to sex and was laying in bed thinking about it. It occurred to me that my hand could make a shape like sex would have, so I started stroking it. I'm uncut so I don't really need lube and before I knew it, I came. If I remember right it was wet and AWESOME

5) Is there a role for activist government
Yes and no, the government has a lot of responsibility for social justice and needs to take an active role in more issues. But at the same time they find themselves involved in things that is none of their business, for example, if someone wants to marry a person of the same sex than they should, the government shouldn't be able to tell you who you can love. But there are numerous social injustices against women (especially) and minorities that the government should do FAR more to attempt to rectify.

Questions from LXF41

1) What is your favorite book and why?
Too complicated to answer, because of the different eras. I would have to divide them, into three
Classical literature: John Milton's Paradise Lost Simply the one of most important poems in the English language. Plus the prose is shockingly beautiful.
20th Century literature: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. There is perhaps no book that captures an era and differing mindsets than this one, and it does so with the innocence of a c***d's view. Simultaneously uplifting and heartbreaking, its one of the cornerstones of Southern Gothic literature.
More modern literature: Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King. Another book that is so emotional and descriptive. There are scenes in the book that are visceral and tear inducing, there are also parts that will make one laugh out loud. The book largely takes place in a period of time that fascinates me; the '60s in America. Such a time of change and vitriol, it's simply amazing. Great book from a master of modern horror, give it a read if you would.

2) What does family mean to you?
My family means a great deal to me, I come from a small immediate one. I'm an only c***d and close with my parents, my extended family is also of great importance to me. Although family doesn't necessarily mean blood, I have a couple of friends that I consider family without doubt. family are people that absolutely are there for you, that are in your corner without fail and love you unconditionally. Those connections are all too rare and to be valued in this life.

3) If you were president, what would your first order of business be?
I would end the power of money in public elections, namely lobbyists and PACS. There are few things more corrupting than those two things. Term limits for congressmen would also be imposed quickly along with much much higher funding for stem-cell research and the like.

4) What fantasy have you played out in your mind over and over but never done in real life?
Strap on threesome, me and two women. I would love to have two women taking turns fucking me, then returning the favor to both. Finishing with me fucking one while the other fucks me, no question about it. This is definitely on bucket list.

5) Most cums in a day?
Had to think about this one, 5. One solo, two with a girlfriend and two while being pegged.

Questions from Random_Girl

1) If you could change two things about human nature, what would it be and why?
This was a huge question and one that could be a blog in itself, I will try to summarize.
1: How quick humans are to judge others, whether it be by gender, race, social or economic status, sexuality, etc. We are a society made of individuals, and has individuals we are all different in significant ways. If we could take the time to learn about others than perhaps this world would be a little better place. If you get to know someone and still don't care for them, fine, that means you have justification in it. But take the time to get to know the person underneath, it may surprise you.
2: Unrestrained greed and a quest for power. While in moderation these two things are important parts of ambition, unrestrained they are perhaps the most dangerous thing on Earth. It has been the root cause of the majority of wars, conflicts, genocide, and the such. The desire to control others and be in absolute control have historically done nothing but cause destruction and death. Just imagine what we could accomplish if we weren't focused on domination and money for one year, think about it.

2) If you could change one thing about our society, what it be and why?
I think you and my friends know the answer to this already. I would make the genders absolutely equal, there is ZERO reasons for any gap between them. Women are just as smart, talented, and capable as their male counterparts and it is past time they are recognized and valued for it. Plus it would stop the constant and oppressive preying upon women with v******e and assault, which is an epidemic in our supposedly modern and progressive society.

3) What turns you on and what turns you off about women (I mean in general, not only sexually) and why?
INTELLIGENCE! That is my absolutely number one turn on, there is nothing more alluring than a woman that can talk about quantum field theory, genetics, literature or music theory with me. A truly intelligent woman is a treasure to behold and interact with, it truly makes her so much sexier. Open-mindedness both sexually and not, musical ability (if possible), linguistics. Physically I don't have a type, I'm physically attracted to all sorts, features very. Although in full disclosure I love sparking blue eyes (so jealous) and I have a weakness for an upturned, pixie nose. Turns off would be a woman with no true intelligence, or no intellectual interests. I just cannot deal with it.

4) What's your biggest fantasy
If you don't mean sexually, I would say it would be vastly increased funding in medical research without the worry of protests from certain anti-progressive elements. Cures for Parkinson's ALS, various types of cancer, it all goes hand in hand.
Sexually it would either be the above or the following. I would like to be pegged in a sex club or party, it would be so sexy to have others watching while it happens. It would be a way to share something so personal and pleasurable with a group of people. Plus it would definitely tweak my exhibitionist side. Hope that isn't too odd :)

5) Is there something that makes you truly happy? If so what is it?
What a deep question. Yes there is, many of them. Theoretical mathematics makes me happy, there is so much to explore in this language of our universe. Music, both listening and playing, so much beauty and complexity, its human emotion that is made audible. A good book that lets you escape into another world, sometimes these worlds are good, sometimes bad, occasionally they're terrifying, but you always come out more enlightened in the end. Gourmet cooking, the power to create art that one can eat and love is special. Gardening, such natural beauty, the work is completely worth it. Spending time and communicating with good friends, connections are rare and to be treasured. Whether they be romantic or platonic. As funny as it sounds, walking barefoot in sugary sand or soft grass, there is something contemplative and sensual about it. These are just a few of the things that come to mind.

Questions from Jonboi18

1) Do you believe that there will come a time when humanity can't advance any further?
Yes, eventually, but not for a long long long time. We have only begun to scratch the surface of human genetics, physiology, neuroscience, quantum mechanics and beyond. We have an incredibly long way to go before we could even see an end in sight. Look how far we have come in a few thousand years, just imagine (if we survive) how far we will be in one million? Ten million? A billion years? Yes there may come a time when we are masters of our own reality in one form or another, but not for quite a while. Personally I'm excited by what the future has to bring, because the next one hundred years are going to be really groundbreaking.

2) What brought you to Xhamster?
Porn, seriously. Then I was convinced to upload some videos of my own once I saw the community here. After some time I've come to enjoy the friendships I've made here and actually spend far more time socializing than watching porn.

3) Do you think there is too much power invested into too few people?
Yes, I believe that is obvious when one looks at various countries income disparages. But that is not all, Europe and the United States have a comparatively modest percentage of the worlds population but control 90% of its education and money. The average European or American is far far more educated than the average person from hundreds of other countries, this gives these 'first world' nations a lot more power. If the human race is ever going to seriously advance than we will need the effort of the entire race to do so.

4) Do you believe there is some higher power in the universe?
Yes, although I don't know if it is in our universe or not. Whether this is the Biblical God of tradition or a ultra-advanced intelligence of some sort remains to be seen. Personally I hope there is, simply because it makes the universe so much more interesting. It also give our race something to work towards, although its the journey and not the destination.

5) Why do aliens only ever a***** stupid people and drunks?
Because smart, sober people usually don't wander about deserted dirt roads or cow pastures in the middle of the night. So while the aliens are being opportunistic they are not getting the best snapshot of our race. Perhaps they should think about a*****ing people outside of the nearest theater event or art opening, although you're not going to see a lot of scientists a*****ed. We ask too many fucking questions, and after spending all that time in space it would just be annoying to hear us bitch and ask repeated questions about artificial gravity and FTL travel. Although if the alien should look like Number Six (battlestar) or Leeloo (the Fifth Element) I may be up for a little probing ;)

6) Why are you my friend? (John asked a bonus question and since this is his idea in the first place he can. Although if anyone else would like a bonus question, ask, and I will update)
Because we share common interests, usually all too geeky but so much fun. We have similar viewpoints on a variety of topics and good conversation. I for one enjoy my time conversing with you, you have the ability to really make me laugh and think.

Questions from Bigguy370

1) How do you like living in Florida? What do think of the weather?
I generally like Florida, which I think sometimes gets a bad rep. There are a plethora of things to do, whether cultural or outdoors (I greatly enjoy both) and the beaches and attendant sunsets are some of the most beautiful in the world. I have come back here after going to school up north to get away from things, but also because I missed a great deal about this state hiking, trail-bike riding, kiteboarding, gourmet food and culture. People that have never been here have never had the opportunity to watch one of our amazing sunsets while dining on world class seafood that was caught just hours before, nor walk on beaches that routinely claim top spots on every popular travel guide. They never see the glitter, decadence, and beauty of Miami which is a city unlike any other in the world. Florida has been my home for some time, there is a beauty here that is sometimes belayed by the popular perception of this state. As for the weather, yes its hot, but you get used to it. Dress accordingly, and learn to like it. The thunderstorms are powerful and majestic at the same time, we definitely have some very interesting weather in this state.

2) Are you still with your FWB? Do you consider her your girlfriend? Given your relationship with her, what described she would be a GF to me.
Unfortunately no, she moved away at the beginning of the summer for medical school and we went our separate ways. She's a native Floridian and wanted to experience school in a different region completely. Although I wish her the best in life and hope she's happy and successful. If she was still here I would probably consider her a girlfriend, she was (is I assume) a great girl, but it wasn't to be.

3) What kind of things have you experimented with her? Is she into anal?
She is now! We did a great deal of different things; light bondage, anal play, pegging, public sex, some of the standard things you do in a carefree, completely open-minded FWB situation. It was fun and I hope our experiences have and positive effect on her future relationships.

4) How did you learn Russian and how well do you know it? (The asker of this question also included a bit in Russian but I have omitted it for my readers sake)
I learned Russian from an ex-girlfriend. Her family was Ukrainian and Russian in descent and her father was an Air force officer, she was raised around fluent Russian speakers. She wanted to learn Japanese so I taught her, in return she taught me Russian. A bit of quid pro quo. It know it pretty well, good enough to speak it to a native speaker and not sound like a total fool and read Russian literature. Although I wouldn't call myself completely fluent and the skills get a bit rusty when not used. Her and I still speak and sometimes in Russian but you need daily practice to be really good. Can I communicate freely? Like I said, I'm okay, but I would need the practice to get to high levels of fluency.

5) What are you working on now (like PhD, or something work) and what are you planning to do in the near future?
I'm working on my Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering (this is actually in flux right now, things may very well change). I work mainly in algorithm design (mainly general artificial intelligence), machine learning, bioinformatics (as of this semester, surprise!!) and complexity theory. I've also worked with novel network design (wireless, encrypted etc) and computational physics. I'm planning to continue my current project of emerging disease models and consulting this summer, although if offered something here I would probably give that up. I haven't chosen a specific industry or company/institution yet, although I'm still actively speaking with recruiters.

Published by nightskies
10 years ago
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nightskies Publisher 10 years ago
to Leaflee : Thank you! I was fortunate to be asked some very intelligent and introspective questions, all I had to do was answer them. I'm happy that you enjoyed reading them all the same :smile:
Reply Original comment
Love the questions and the manner in which you answered them! Very thought provoking and helped me learn more about you!
nightskies Publisher 10 years ago
You make me blush K, I don't know what to say. Is there any greater compliment than being called an amazing human being? I would settle for just being called a decent one :smile: Thank you for taking the time to ask me some very thought provoking questions, it's greatly appreciated.
nightskies Publisher 10 years ago
to jonboi18 : I think it's possible, if we can get through this current pesky tendency to destroy ourselves as a race. I would settle for Vorlons absolutely, it would be wonderful for our race to get there, plus after millennia of strife and warfare we would have become wise enough to subtly guide younger races.

Ah the Q... there is a quote from a transhumanist poster that this suggestion brings to mind: "They told me I could be anything I wanted to be..... So I became a god" Will our race get to that level, hopefully one day we will. The question is will we concern ourselves with this universe or we will engineer one of our own? And the collective consciousness of the human race thundered from the Heavens: "Let there be light!" and the cycle begins anew.
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nightskies Publisher 10 years ago
to laurrren : I'm happy that you enjoyed them, it was a fun exercise. Thank you for taking the time to ask some great questions :smile:
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nightskies Publisher 10 years ago
to lxf4l : Thank you for taking the time to read my answers as well as for asking. Thank you for your kind words.
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nightskies Publisher 10 years ago
That's why we're doing the blog. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Feel free to ask whatever you would like, I will update the blog :smile:
laurrren 10 years ago
Great, intelligent answers. Thanks for sharing :smile:
Well thought out answers and thought provoking.
jonboi18 10 years ago
cool answears I liked the one about the future and how one day we will be Vorlons or Maybe we will be Q