My 50 favorite movies
As others have done, I've decided to compile a 50 Favorite Movies Blog. These movies are not presented in any order, as I enjoy them all. I based these picks on how entertaining I find them, not necessarily for cultural impact. Movies like the Rocky series, James Bond and Star Wars are compiled in total, because they would take too many slots individually. Without further ado...
1) Terminator 2
2) The Rocky Series (except for 5, shudders)
3) Forest Gump
4) The Matrix (The first Matrix)
5) Star Wars (except for the prequels, because, well, they're awful)
6) A Beautiful Mind
7) Jurassic Park
8) Alien
9) Raiders of the Lost Ark
10) Pulp Fiction ("say what again")
11) Apocalypse Now
12) To Kill a Mocking Bird
13) The Quick and The Dead
14) Out of Africa
15) Ghostbusters
16) The Theory of Everything
17) A Brief History of Time
18) The Dark Knight
19) Kill Bill 1 & 2
20) The Imitation Game
21) Christmas Vacation
22) Interstellar
23) Highlander
24) Silence of the Lambs
25) Star Trek First Contact
26) Star Trek movie series (except for V: The Final Frontier it's truly terrible.)
27) X-Men Days of Future Past
28) Citizen Kane
29) Fight Club
30) THX 1138
31) American History X
32) The Lord of The Rings Series
33) Scarface
34) Good Will Hunting
35) The Bourne Identity
36) Gandhi
37) American Beauty
38) The 40 Year Old Virgin
39) LA confidential
40) Halloween
41) Night of the Living Dead
42) Interview with the Vampire
43) Training Day
44) The James Bond Series (except for License to Kill I just really don't like that film)
45) Contact
46) Amadeus
47) Gladiator
48) Gattaca
49) 2001 A Space Odyssey
50) Ex Machina (This movie is personally interesting to me for a variety of reasons)
And as an inside joke:
1) Terminator 2
2) The Rocky Series (except for 5, shudders)
3) Forest Gump
4) The Matrix (The first Matrix)
5) Star Wars (except for the prequels, because, well, they're awful)
6) A Beautiful Mind
7) Jurassic Park
8) Alien
9) Raiders of the Lost Ark
10) Pulp Fiction ("say what again")
11) Apocalypse Now
12) To Kill a Mocking Bird
13) The Quick and The Dead
14) Out of Africa
15) Ghostbusters
16) The Theory of Everything
17) A Brief History of Time
18) The Dark Knight
19) Kill Bill 1 & 2
20) The Imitation Game
21) Christmas Vacation
22) Interstellar
23) Highlander
24) Silence of the Lambs
25) Star Trek First Contact
26) Star Trek movie series (except for V: The Final Frontier it's truly terrible.)
27) X-Men Days of Future Past
28) Citizen Kane
29) Fight Club
30) THX 1138
31) American History X
32) The Lord of The Rings Series
33) Scarface
34) Good Will Hunting
35) The Bourne Identity
36) Gandhi
37) American Beauty
38) The 40 Year Old Virgin
39) LA confidential
40) Halloween
41) Night of the Living Dead
42) Interview with the Vampire
43) Training Day
44) The James Bond Series (except for License to Kill I just really don't like that film)
45) Contact
46) Amadeus
47) Gladiator
48) Gattaca
49) 2001 A Space Odyssey
50) Ex Machina (This movie is personally interesting to me for a variety of reasons)
And as an inside joke:
8 years ago
2001 will always disturb and interest me, but for a reason I cannot put my finger on. Kubrick was brilliant in his own way, and it shows in this film. At least in my opinion, but it's definitely not for everyone. Apocalypse Now was and is one of those movies that have an effect, good or bad. It almost lost out to both Dangerous Minds and 28 Days Later, but for impact, it had to be here.