My 50 favorite movies

As others have done, I've decided to compile a 50 Favorite Movies Blog. These movies are not presented in any order, as I enjoy them all. I based these picks on how entertaining I find them, not necessarily for cultural impact. Movies like the Rocky series, James Bond and Star Wars are compiled in total, because they would take too many slots individually. Without further ado...

1) Terminator 2

2) The Rocky Series (except for 5, shudders)

3) Forest Gump

4) The Matrix (The first Matrix)

5) Star Wars (except for the prequels, because, well, they're awful)

6) A Beautiful Mind

7) Jurassic Park

8) Alien

9) Raiders of the Lost Ark

10) Pulp Fiction ("say what again")

11) Apocalypse Now

12) To Kill a Mocking Bird

13) The Quick and The Dead

14) Out of Africa

15) Ghostbusters

16) The Theory of Everything

17) A Brief History of Time

18) The Dark Knight

19) Kill Bill 1 & 2

20) The Imitation Game

21) Christmas Vacation

22) Interstellar

23) Highlander

24) Silence of the Lambs

25) Star Trek First Contact

26) Star Trek movie series (except for V: The Final Frontier it's truly terrible.)

27) X-Men Days of Future Past

28) Citizen Kane

29) Fight Club

30) THX 1138

31) American History X

32) The Lord of The Rings Series

33) Scarface

34) Good Will Hunting

35) The Bourne Identity

36) Gandhi

37) American Beauty

38) The 40 Year Old Virgin

39) LA confidential

40) Halloween

41) Night of the Living Dead

42) Interview with the Vampire

43) Training Day

44) The James Bond Series (except for License to Kill I just really don't like that film)

45) Contact

46) Amadeus

47) Gladiator

48) Gattaca

49) 2001 A Space Odyssey

50) Ex Machina (This movie is personally interesting to me for a variety of reasons)

And as an inside joke:

Published by nightskies
8 years ago
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nightskies Publisher 8 years ago
to 2bornot2b : Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my entry. While these movies are among my favorites, for various reasons, the Sound of Music is definitely among the classics I have enjoyed from time to time. It's just that it hasn't made an impact enough for me to include it here, had it been a 75 movie list, it would be here. Also, always feel free to express your opinion and thought on my page, crazy or not :smile:
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2bornot2b 8 years ago
saw most of those on the big screen, but one of my favorite not that your asking, is Sound of me krazy just have always enjoyed it....
nightskies Publisher 8 years ago
to Dark_Witch : I saw the first two in the theater and just gave up, the first had so much potential I mean they really had greatness in their hands. Then, the ghost twins and replicating Agent Smith dashed all that to pieces, along with any respect the trilogy could have had. I believe that most of us pretend the sequels didn't happen, it's easier that way.
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Dark_Witch 8 years ago
to nightskies : My sister is older than me so she actually got to experience them all in theater. She told the first movie was the start of what could be one of the greatest trilogies ever. But boy they blew it.
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nightskies Publisher 8 years ago
to Dark_Witch : Appreciate that you took the time to stop by and read it and happy that you like my humble list. Those two movies invented a new level of sucking, they failed as sci-fi, action, dystopian fiction, messiah-complex stories, and everything else they tried. Unless you count being a huge waste of money, they were great at that.
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Dark_Witch 8 years ago
talonequ, pointed me int he direction of your list. Very nice list. I love how you put the first matrix in all bold. The second and third suck on so many levels.
nightskies Publisher 8 years ago
to talonequ : Thank you, I'm happy you approve of most of them. I assume you mean 'A Beautiful Mind', but ironically Dangerous Minds almost made my list, it was very close between it and and a couple of them. The deciding factor was the fact that I have Gattaca on DVD and not Dangerous Minds, so that kind of sealed it. I've read the novels Andromeda Strain and Outbreak (Outbreak was only so/so, but still entertaining, AS is on of Crichton's best of that era) and the movies didn't impact me as much as say, Jurassic Park. No, if you want a truly scary book about a disease outbreak, give The Cobra Event by Richard Preston a read. It's disturbingly possible, I mean REALLY possible. 28 Days Later was another one that almost made this list, and if I had to remove a movie, it would be the next in line.

2001 will always disturb and interest me, but for a reason I cannot put my finger on. Kubrick was brilliant in his own way, and it shows in this film. At least in my opinion, but it's definitely not for everyone. Apocalypse Now was and is one of those movies that have an effect, good or bad. It almost lost out to both Dangerous Minds and 28 Days Later, but for impact, it had to be here.
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nightskies Publisher 8 years ago
to laurrren : It started an entire genre of horror and remains the best, it deserves a place on this list. That and it's a really entertaining movie, which is important to, lol. I should have added a Halloween graphic too, may go back and do that.
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nightskies Publisher 8 years ago
to kellykins2u : Thanks! Glad you liked it.
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talonequ 8 years ago
Addendum - sit through either of them AGAIN as I've already done so once each. Open the smell of napalm in the morning, Hal.
talonequ 8 years ago
Excellent selection - I've seen 28 of them and 7 (I think) are also on my list. It's no surprise that there is a weighting towards science and science fiction - Dangerous Mind and A Brief History of Time were givens. But, given your interest in disease, I would have expected Andromeda Strain, Outbreak, or 28 Days. I must strongly disagree with at least a couple - you'd have to pay me a lot of money to sit through either 2001 or Apocalypse Now.
laurrren 8 years ago
I'm stoked Halloween made the list! And I like your visual aids too. Nice list!
kellykins2u 8 years ago
Great List!