WTF???????? I have a question for you all... now do you think my subject matter is racist/sexist?? cus i feel this sense of everybody wanting to just play it safe and rather not comment on this subject matter. Now hear me out here. Racism is when someone forms a bias attitude towards a particular race and discriminates against them. Distinguishing different cultures even though it may not be in the most text book proper way, is not racist. These are observations/distinctions one or in this case i make of cultures from around the world. First things first, if iv set out to fuck a person f Read more
FTW Project - The tough ones
Last night was in conversation with a friend and he said what u gonna to abt the ninjas?(ntn to do with the actual Japanese ninja or japan at all). Now let me explain to the rest what this means. forgive my friend as hes a little ignorant and im the only one who can tolerate him. There are some highly conservative cultures around the world and this may prove to be an hindrance. There are cultures that look down on women talking to other or unknown men leave alone have sexual contact with them. the pressure from society is so strong they feel any future relationship will ruin there approval i Read more
FTW Project - so how many fucks do i need
Now this is an interesting one... so how many counties are there in the world. There are so many variables that there cannot be one answer..and i shall leave them to the experts, and shall put a link down for you to proper study this shit.(you might want to before reading ahead, unless ur a dumb cunt) ok now to the matter at hand so how many fucks do i need to fuck the whole world. 196-- nw u may go what the fuck?? that figure does not arrive in any of the various classification. Now hear me out. Iv taken all the Read more
FTW Project - The Rules.
Rule no.1 there are no rulezzz...hahahaha nope nt fight club we need to have some rules - cant have ppl going r****g ppl around the world. 1. Alrite no serious.. no r****g allowed..expect in Kazakhstan, over there its joking.. no r****g at all. 2. Cannot have any sort of money transaction. so escorts/hookers/strippers get ruled out. Of course i can wine and dine a woman but she cannot be paid for the sex. 3. Has to be sex. kissing/blow job/hand job doesn't count. there has to be penis vagina contact. full blown sex. 4. Alrite now this is a complicated one. what Read more
Fuck the World (FTW) Project - Intro
This is a project i have taken on to myself to make life a little more interesting. Its got to do with what i most enjoy;travel and what im great at;sex. If i may say so myself.hahahhaa. The ultimate goal of this life long mission is to fuck someone from every country in the world. Now i know a lot of ppl find it a little rude and obnoxious when i say fuck, but i dont really give a fuck abt ur opinion, but pls understand i use the word fuck in the most respectful way possible. Now this has been on my mind for a while, i had done 7 chicks and countries when this project first popped into my Read more