FTW- WTF????? Hear me out..

WTF???????? I have a question for you all... now do you think my subject matter is racist/sexist??
cus i feel this sense of everybody wanting to just play it safe and rather not comment on this subject matter.

Now hear me out here. Racism is when someone forms a bias attitude towards a particular race and discriminates against them. Distinguishing different cultures even though it may not be in the most text book proper way, is not racist. These are observations/distinctions one or in this case i make of cultures from around the world.
First things first, if iv set out to fuck a person from every single country, i cant be a racist. A racist would avoid sexual contact with other races. On the contrary i try to understand the culture trough this experience a little better and if i get fucked along the way, all for it. And im a brown motherfucker, thts like the new black...haha So clearly i cant be racist..hahaha

Now notice i used the word fucked in the last sentence, i say i get fucked. This is because what i want to do is to clarify to all the feminist/lesbo (hahaha cudnt resist) chicks out there who think this is fucked up. It is degrading to women and this is not right. Now, i cannot emphasize the intro bit where i say fucked in the nicest way possible, this mean im saying fucked but i know the person is a person and not a fuck doll. Other issues you might have are also listed in the rules - no payment, hence a woman is not being pushed or obliged in any way and it is understood only when treated right will she consent to the sex. So really all u lesbos just need a good fuck..hahaha. Alrite on a more serious note i again specify all ladies shall be treated with respect.

Alrite so thts outta the way - hope this translates to some of u a little better than what it might have. I know there shall be skeptics out there as well, but trust me im serious about it, and i know it is a life long target but i tell u want man iv got loads of time, im fit, i take care of myself and iv got a lot more years of fucking in me, and i dont fucking give up, im fucking always at it. So though the end looks like ages away, its gotta start somewhere and if i dont do it some other horny fucker is gonna come along and do it. So im gonna make sure its me. hahahaha

hope to see ur thoughts... like i said u wanna call me a cunt, this is the best chance ur ever gonna get.


Published by tazz3000
10 years ago
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