Fuck the World (FTW) Project - Intro

This is a project i have taken on to myself to make life a little more interesting. Its got to do with what i most enjoy;travel and what im great at;sex. If i may say so myself.hahahhaa.
The ultimate goal of this life long mission is to fuck someone from every country in the world. Now i know a lot of ppl find it a little rude and obnoxious when i say fuck, but i dont really give a fuck abt ur opinion, but pls understand i use the word fuck in the most respectful way possible.
Now this has been on my mind for a while, i had done 7 chicks and countries when this project first popped into my head and within the next 6 months i crossed out a total of 12. I know there are a lot of countries still to go but gotta start some where.
Along this project i keep count on my status as well... hence a 12 right now.
On further blogs i shall lay down the law for this project(what counts and what doesnt) and also list the countries i have crossed out and write a little about the experience..
Now this wudnt be any fun without the audience participation.. hahahhahaha..we all shall have a big orgy..hahaha..thts a joke..on future post i shall invites followers to help me cross that list off, i dont know how but lets see what we can work out.

These are my first thoughts and its gotta start somewhere.
xhamster is a community and i cudnt think of a better place than right here to put set my project rolling.

follow for updates and much more.
leave a comment pls -do not hesitate - even if u wanna call me a total cunt... thts cool go ahead....haha

Published by tazz3000
10 years ago
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