FTW Project - The tough ones

Last night was in conversation with a friend and he said what u gonna to abt the ninjas?(ntn to do with the actual Japanese ninja or japan at all).
Now let me explain to the rest what this means. forgive my friend as hes a little ignorant and im the only one who can tolerate him. There are some highly conservative cultures around the world and this may prove to be an hindrance. There are cultures that look down on women talking to other or unknown men leave alone have sexual contact with them. the pressure from society is so strong they feel any future relationship will ruin there approval in their society.
I do have two of these said conservative countries crossed of my list. Dubai and Pakistan, so outta the 12 i have 2 conservative countries crossed out that is a good ratio and if i can maintain tht this whole thing does seem doable.
I think it is a matter of digging a little deeper into the place and the culture and u shall find the flip side to the coin. For example dubai. I was in dubai and for the first week felt this is a freaking alien place, till a college introduced me to up state dubai. Now that was the complete flip side of the country i had seen for the first week. There are some swanky bar and clubs in town with the classiest women i have met and seen in my life. These women are wearing the burkhas aka. to my ignorant friend ninjas - but as they enter the clubs they swap them for the Armani dress. Well i was told they dress this like this all the time expect they wear the burkha on top. damn after tht i was playing guess what the ninja is wearing all the time. hahahaha. this stupid little game changed my time in dubai. So i shall talk about the dubai experience later for now i can say this, im convinced thts the richest and the classiest woman iv ever fucked and will ever fuck. notice the word woman, yes she was older.. I kindda felt the walk of shame on that one. hahahaha.
A drunken college night got me with a first generation pakistani british... well dont remember much ended like not drunken nights, but i remember i had to put in all the work, she did fuck all, either she was too plastered or just didnt give a shit.
alrite so the moral of the story- dont take a place for granted. check it out for urself with an open mind.
Well im also aware some might say yes dubai yes but other places do not have tht flipside u talk abt. Yes i know outta all the conservative nation if there is an exception it is dubai as alot of expats have moved there and the govt. wants to keep them happy. but i say i figured it out and shall figure the rest out in time. or if u have some great big idea how to go abt this share, cus right now i dont.
This also brings me to understanding other fascinating cultures - if u have a tip for me to understand your or another culture pls to share i want to know it and understand it all.. Feel free to drop your comments. I do lack the knowledge for east European and north African countries. So if ur Russian or Egyptian or any where in between pls do share ur local pick up lines..hahaha

Now ppl im doing this regardless, but appreciate u giving ur inputs. Thts what makes his fun and motivates me. tht doesnt mean u gotta be nice. Say wat u want..

Published by tazz3000
10 years ago
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