Goodbye xham

Many other long time users of xham have been getting sick of the changes and so am I ... basically it's reducing how much content we can share, vids, downloads, message pics, stories... all gone. and so is sneaky_31… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 3 years ago 2

Huge swimsuit haul

Just bought a ton of swimsuits from 5-6 second hand stores (and a wetsuit too lol). Mostly fashion one piece swimsuits but one nice speedo competition style as well. Let me know if I should take some pics ;)… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 4 years ago 7

Massive toy...I've lost my mind...

Someone tell me I'm crazy... I spent $140 on the BIGGEST dildo I could find locally...No joke, this has the size and 2x the weight of your average baseball bat... imagine 4 soda cans end to end with a nice set of balls attached. It's OWCH but in the very best way :) I've spent the whole afternoon ramming this thing up my bum until I could take it balls deep. I'l post some pics if anyone wants to see them ;)… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 5 years ago 8

My new fav toy

The pipedream anal fantasy MEGA butt plug... I'll sum up my experiences with this toy as quickly as I can... Basically my 3rd time inserting this plug: OW OW OW! OH OH OH OHHH OHHHHHH MY GOD!!!!! OMG!!! FUCK!!! I put that in my butt again!!! WHY!!?!? FFS!!! Why do I keep doing this!?!?! (half hour of intense prostate pleasure and mild pain goes by) Now I have to pull it out again... OW OW OW!!! OOOOWWW!!! OW FUCK!!!! AAAAAAAA!!!! AM I BLEEDING??!?! NO? Deep breaths... Holy shit I'm gaping like a train tunnel... Ok I'm not bleeding... Fuck that hurts... OK... I'll clean up all this lube and pu… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 5 years ago 3

How to suck dick 101

OMG Everyone seems to think sucking a cock is some secret art form with a set of rules or something... It's not a difficult thing, if you think it would feel good just do it to him and it probably will feel good. If you have a cock of your own just follow the golden rule... do unto others what you want done to your own dick lol. If you do not have a cock of your own just be gentle, use lots of tongue and dont bite it unless he asks... Don't push yourself and dont let him give you a head push unless you want it. Speaking of head pushing... Dont waste your time trying to deep throat. It does fe… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 5 years ago 4

Guys play with your bum part 2

I got a bit of flak over PM from another anal fan about my last post so let me state the obvious... If you just drop pants and forcefully ram a finger up your ass its going to hurt like hell and not feel good. (duh) If you are looking for some basic tips to playing with your bum its easy, though not as obvious as you might think. There are 2 basic rules to playing with your bum whether you are fingering yourself for the first time or shoving 24 inches of silicone cock up your backdoor... Rule #1 Use lube! The more the better if you are just starting out. Unless your are a true zen master… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 5 years ago 2

Guys! Play with your bum!

It feels so good! just try putting a finger in your butt, its a wonderful feeling once you find your prostate...… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 5 years ago 6

My open minded xham friend

I recently bought a new laptop since i thoroughly destroyed my old one by spilling a whiskey and water into it lol. I mentioned my new PC to a friend of mine here who I like to chat about swimsuits with and realized i now have a webcam again. Hes straight and a lot younger than me but was happy to c2c with me and didn't mind at all that I jerked off halfway through his modeling his leotard collection. Closest im ever likely to cum to having sex with a straight guy... Most open minded straight guy ever! Not going to mention names but if you're reading this you know who you are and thanks again… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 6 years ago 5

My last look in the mirror...

Usually when i look at myself in a mirror it's to see how I look in my clothes, or if I missed a patch shaving, or something like that. When i deliberately look at just my (naked) self in a mirror i just get all the usual self defeating thoughts... im fat, im ugly, all that shit cosmo teaches young women ( and is VERY much felt by young men too.) I accidentally caught a reflection of myself nude today and thought my reflection was porn... I was sort of day dreaming in front of my pc and it went to sleep... i saw myself reflected in the screen and found myself kinda hot... weird but gratifying… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 6 years ago 1

About my tastes in porn...

Someone on here asked me if I really consider myself gay then why do I have so many women and even lesbians in my favorite videos/ pics. As I say in my intro i'm technically bisexual but prefer men. I'm not immune to the beauty of women... I just cant be bothered with the effort of getting them into bed when I like guys more and gay guys are SOOOO much easier to get busy with for me. I relate to guys much easier and honestly all men are horny... a lot :) As for why there are so many women in my favs when I prefer men, it usually cums down to my swimsuit fetish. Most of the females in my favs… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 6 years ago 4

I'm out of the closet... sort of

Last night I told my brother and his wife that i am gay. Coming out to them was one of the hardest things I have ever done and their response was more than I could have dreamed... They don't just support me in being who I am, and will keep it secret for me, they want to help me. If someone turns on me for being what I am... they want to help me. If I ever get torn up because a boyfriend leaves me... they want to help. But the best thing is they told me straight out, in no uncertain terms, if my parents find out about me being gay and disown me for it (which is a very real possibility)... m… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 6

My massive creampie...

A few days ago I was playing with a friend of mine and he had barebacked me twice and cum inside my bum both times. It felt amazing but the real surprise was after he fucked me for a 3rd time and i was relaxing after... He pulled out of me when I was not expecting it and I let out a HUGE amount of his cum and lube all over his bed! He was really nice about it and cleaned it all up including me (with a towel, not his tongue lol) He fingered me for a while after that too... P.S. whatever you are into don't feel guilty just have fun!… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 2

2 weeks 2 the cruise...

Jan 19, I'm off to the best vacation I have ever had. Harmony of the seas gay Caribbean cruise 2018, its going to be great ! I'm not out but for a full week I can be myself no holds barred! SO EXCITED! First time out of Canada and the States, first cruise, first all gay experience, first real vacation...gone for a week of nothing but happiness and sex...… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 2

My first anal orgasm?

A few hours ago I went to a friends house for what I thought would be our usual get together (mostly anal sex) While he was fucking me for a longer time than it usually takes him to get off, I started feeling really, REALLY good, better than you would expect even during good sex. I could feel his cock rubbing over my prostate, not just the sensation of getting fucked but I could actually feel his cock rubbing across my prostate and it was glorious! Next thing I'm having the hardest and longest orgasm of my life, I didn't shoot cum during this but leaked out tons of precum (normally I hardly pr… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 6

Anyone tried laser hair removal?

I've been thinking about getting a Brazilian done with laser hair removal but it looks quite pricey and requires several treatments. Has anyone tried getting their pubic hair lasered off and how well did it work? I have pale skin and dark pubes so I think it would work well for me, its worth the price and the time commitment if it works permanently or for a few years. If it only thins the hair out a bit I'll stick to shaving. Now I think about it, its longer now than it has been for 2 years... maybe I'll look into waxing too… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago

My (gross) tip for lasting longer in bed

I've read a lot of tips for lasting longer in bed and most involve distracting yourself. Eg: mentally reciting baseball stats, counting prime numbers, thinking about worrying things... that sort of stuff. These may or may not work for you, but all of these distraction techniques are...well...distracting. The only reason guys do this is to perform better for their partners enjoyment. It's no fun forcing yourself to constantly think about Randy Johnsons baseball stats when there is much more fun going on with your own randy johnson :) That's nice for your partner but there are other ways th… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 1

I'm done with (normal) underwear

I love the tight spandex of swimsuits, I can't help it. I'm going to wear one piece swimsuits and nothing else whenever I'm alone in my house and wear speedos or bikini bottoms for underwear whenever I have to go out.(IE dress normally) Maybe this makes me weird to 99% of people but I don't care, I just want to be myself. Tight swimsuits feel so comfortable on me I cant wear anything else to sleep in, unless I sleep nude. Do you feel this way? Chat with me if you want to talk about spandex/lycra… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 6

Sperm on spandex, I love it!

Straight or gay, I LOVE seeing cum on spandex! Please share anything like this with me ;)… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 5

Blocked by one of my fav users...

The title says it all, I've been blocked by one of my favorite users and I have no idea why. He makes a lot of swimsuit content similar to mine and always seemed to like my comments. I'm not going to give out his name or anything but has anything like this happened to anyone else?… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 3

My new favorite toy

The Njoy pure plug 2.0, wow is this thing fun! It has everything I want from a butt plug. Comfortable long term wear, compatible with all types of lube, large but not too big, stimulates my prostate, ring handle I can tie stuff to, HEAVY weight since it is made of surgical grade 316 stainless steel (It's 1.3 pounds and yes weight makes a difference) and it comes in it's own little silk lined box. The long term wear and the lube compatibility go hand in hand. Water based lubes are the go to lube for condoms and silicone toys. The trouble is water based lube is either absorbed by your bod… Read more

Posted by sneaky_31 7 years ago 2